Stir into flame the gift of God.
God has chosen us because he loved us. In addition his will is to give us life, grace, mercy, and peace. And we cannot live without his divine grace; very hard is to survive without his mercy and impossible is to be in peace without his help. So if we know his graces, we are gratefull all the time. We worship him with a clear conscience and keep praying constantly. But it is not enough. Again and again we need to kindle our love more and more. The raeson is that our love should be growing always. Otherwise it is dying down. Furthermore, loving God our spirit is strengthened and we have power to do great things. With his love we are courageous and ready to partake in the hardships for the Gospel. Moreover, by is love we are able to become holy and to fulfill his will in our life. For the power of love can overcome even death and bring immortality to us. Since we know that we are followers of Jesus Christ who sacrificed his life for us.
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