Monday, June 4, 2012

Deus in caelo sursum et in terra deorsum (Dt 4:39)

God in the heavens above and on earth below.

God is always inside and around us. His presence can be experienced when we pray and admire the created world. For the beautiful nature speaks to us all the time and there are milions of signs and wonders in our daily life. However, very often our eyes are closed and ears do not hear. Moreover, we forget quickly even the greatest miracles which happened to us and that our life is one of them too. Therefore, so important is to remind yourself continually that the earth is full of the kindness of the Creator. Further, that by his word the heavens were made and everything is being created continuously. Thus the eyes of the Lord are always upon the world and he keeps all creation alive. Accordingly, our soul needs his grace to live and to act. Since we are led by the Spirit of God as his children. And if we believe it, the divine power is given to us. In such a way we are able to testify and to make disciples of all people teaching them that God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is always with us until the end of the world. 


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