Wednesday, January 22, 2025


‘Hurry and go out quickly from Jerusalem, for they will not receive your witness about Me.’ – Acts 22:18

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The setting of Acts 22 is in the city of Jerusalem. This chapter starts with the Apostle Paul standing on the steps of the Roman barracks in Jerusalem about to address the mob of Jews that tried to kill him (from Acts 21). Paul had their attention because he spoke to them in their native language. Paul shared his testimony: his life and background before conversion; his conversion; and his life afterwards.

In this chapter of Acts 22 there is an important lesson we can learn from Paul. It is to bring the message about our Lord Jesus Christ, no matter what the circumstances. In this chapter, Paul is talking to a mob of Jews that wants to kill him. We might think: why even talk to them, or bring them a message? They don’t deserve a message. But Paul thinks differently. He brings the message no matter what the circumstances. He uses every opportunity to speak out and to be a witness for Jesus Christ and witness how the Lord has changed his life.

Another lesson we can learn from the Apostle Paul, is to trust in the Lord's plan. When Paul returned to Jerusalem after his three years in Arabia, he was in the temple praying. Maybe Paul was planning to stay there and do missionary work among the Jews in Jerusalem. But God had other plans for Paul. God wanted Paul to leave Jerusalem immediately because the Jews would not accept his testimony about Christ (Acts 22: 18). At first, Paul was not ready for this, he might even protested. He talked to God and said that the Jews knew about him and what he did. Maybe he thought the Jews will listen to him and that his ministry will be among the Jews. But God instructed him to leave and go far away to be a witness to the Gentiles (Acts 22: 21). Here we see that God’s will for us is not always what we plan for our lives. Paul’s life and ministry after his conversion was probably very different from what he planned.  As we read in Proverbs 19:21: "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand".

Even if we don’t have such a dramatic story like Paul, we should use every opportunity to tell other people what God has done for us and be a witness. If you trust in Christ as your Lord and Saviour, then you should be His witness.

Reflection on Acts 22:17-30 by Hanne

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Deus fecisset | God had done

"When we had come to Jerusalem, the brothers received us gladly. On the following day Paul went in with us to James, and all the elders were present. After greeting them, he related one by one the things that God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry. And when they heard it, they glorified God."Acts 21:17-20

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In this passage Saint Paul is being greeted warmly by the community members in Jerusalem who listen to his story and rejoice with him at God's graces. The attitude of both Paul and the elders can teach us how to respond to God's works.

Paul, when recounting of his ministry among the Gentiles, does not boast about his own achievements or seek personal recognition. Instead, he emphasizes what God has accomplished through him. It is not his—human effort but God's grace that bore the fruits. This reminds us that successes in our lives too are the result of God’s grace and guidance. Our cooperation and effort are necessary but ultimately it is God working through us. We should allow him to do that and remain humble in face of the results it brought.

The response of the elders—glorifying God—also emphasizes the importance of recognizing and celebrating God’s work in the world. The elders do not react with jealousy, envy, or competition against Paul. Instead, they join Paul in praising God for all the fruits that Paul's work brought. Their reaction again shows us the importance of humility in the face of God's work. It also is not important whether it is me or another person that actually did the work; ultimately what matters is the fruit and the glory of God.

Thus this passage challenges us to reflect on our attitudes toward own and others' successes. Do we just boast at our achievements, forgetting about God's blessings in our life? And further, do we respond with jealousy or competition, or do we join in glorifying God for what He has done in and through others? 

Let's not forget the stories of God’s work in our lives and share them with others—not for self-promotion, but to thank God and to inspire others to recognize God’s presence in their lives too.

Reflection on Acts 21: 17-40 by Agata
(Listen to podcast here)

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Kuatkan orang lain

"Setelah keributan itu berakhir, Paulus memanggil murid-murid dan setelah memberi semangat kepada mereka, ia berpamitan dan berangkat ke Makedonia." (Kisah Para Rasul 20: 1, NIV).

Dalam bagian ini kita membaca beberapa kali bagaimana Rasul Paulus menyemangati murid-muridnya dan orang lain bahkan selama pelayanannya yang sulit dan penuh tantangan. Kita juga dapat membaca dalam Kisah Para Rasul 16, di mana Paulus dan Silas berdoa dan menyanyikan pujian kepada Tuhan di penjara di mana semua tahanan dapat mendengar mereka.

Saya belajar bagaimana Paulus hidup di atas segala keadaan dan memuliakan Tuhan dengan tindakan dan perkataannya. Setiap orang mengalami masalah, kesulitan, dan pencobaan mereka sendiri. Terkadang kita tidak punya waktu untuk mempertimbangkan sisi baik dari masalah tersebut, apalagi meluangkan waktu untuk menyemangati orang lain.

Rasul Petrus berkata, "Serahkanlah segala kekhawatiranmu kepada Tuhan, sebab Ia yang memelihara kamu." (1 Petrus 5:7). Namun kita, manusia, cenderung lebih mengandalkan diri sendiri daripada Tuhan. Kita mengesampingkan Firman Tuhan karena kita pikir itu akan terlalu lama untuk terwujud, jadi lebih baik kita melakukannya dengan cara kita sendiri. Sampai keadaan menjadi lebih buruk dan kemudian kita berteriak, "Tuhan tolong aku!"

Tuhan berkata, "Terkutuklah orang yang mengandalkan manusia, yang mengandalkan kekuatannya sendiri, dan yang hatinya menjauh dari Tuhan." Karena akhir dari upaya ini adalah kegagalan dan penderitaan. Bandingkan dengan orang-orang yang mengandalkan Tuhan dan yang keyakinannya adalah kepada-Nya. Mereka tidak akan pernah berhenti menghasilkan buah bahkan di tahun kekeringan (Yeremia 17:5-8).

Saya yakin kepercayaan yang dimiliki Rasul Paulus kepada Tuhan begitu besar. Itu memungkinkannya untuk menyemangati orang lain bahkan ketika dia sendiri menghadapi tantangan dan ancaman. 

Mari kita belajar dari Paulus dan yakin akan kasih Tuhan. Itu akan menenangkan kita dan mengalihkan fokus kita dari diri kita sendiri kepada orang lain sehingga kita dapat menguatkan mereka dan memuliakan Tuhan seperti yang dilakukan Paulus.

Renungan Kisah Para Rasul 20: 1-6 oleh Desire Litaay