Sunday, January 26, 2014

Veni post me (Mt 4:19).

Staram się uporać z sieciami,
pełen nadziei na promień słońca,
słyszę głos Mistrza:

Pójdz za mną!

Ruszam za Nim do Galilei, 
opuszczam rodzinny Nazaret
i szukam miejsca odpoczynku.
Nad rozległym jeziorem,
na pograniczu znanego lądu
i bezkresnych wód,

Zaprasza mnie na rejs
poprzez ciemność do światła
delikatny szum fal.

Płynę z Tym, który JEST blisko,
który przechodzi 
i patrzy z miłością.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Orto iam sole (Mk 16:2).

The sun had risen.

Love is the best way to God. It wakes you up, makes you act and search for the Lord. With love in your heart you are able to perceive his holy presence around you in the beauty of nature, and in the goodness of people and in the mystery of sacraments. Love rolls away the heavy stone of sin which separates your heart from the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Love helps you get out of the dark tomb of pessimism and see the new prospects of life. Although your weaknesses seem terrifying, you can be astonished how large the power of love is. If only you enter into the real relationship with the Lord, you will experience how much he loves you. For he is constantly capable of dying for you and giving you everything. Having been given such great love, you cannot stay and keep it just for yourself. You must go and announce the healing and awe-inspiring love of the Savior. You are not to flee from the task of the new evangelization so as not to become a dumb witness to his resurrection. Overall, the Spirit of love accompanies you all the time.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Deus meus, Deus meus (Mk 15:34).

My God, my God!

When darkness appears in my life, I am to pray to God intensively. However, I often do not practise such a prayer. Usually in times of distress, I am sad and do not feel like praying at all. I would rather relax and spend some time with friends in order to forget about my troubles. Of course, people try to help me but sometimes some matters they cannot resolve. For there are issues which can be enlighted only by the divine grace. There are wounds that can be healed just by the Lord. For that reason, I should come closer to God and speak out all my problems. In this way every trouble and distress can be overcome. Since the Spirit of God is the master of consolation and always eager to answer my pleading. The point is that I have to believe in his divine power. I mustn't doubt that God is really able to change everything according to his will. I cannot keep the distance between the God's Spirit and mine. And this distance can be annihilated thanks to the ardent love of heart. From my side I only need to open the door of my soul and invite my God. Actually, he has already been there waiting in front of my entrance to welcome him warmly. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Praecedam vos (Mk 14:28).

I will go before you.

As human being I fall down again and again. Though I would like to be strong, I am not able to achieve it. I try my best and engage all my strength, but I still make mistakes. Moreover, I know for sure that I cannot trust myself but place my hope in the Lord. However I often forget to ask him for help. I used to commit sins and later kneel before God begging for mercy. I am a pity man who betrays the true values and turns towards misery. I do not follow the Son of God in his faithful prayer. I rather choose rest and pleasure. Thus I neither feel greatly distressed nor troubled while the danger of temptation comes. I do not run to my beloved Father in order to find security in his arms. I also cannot understand the way how things happen in my life because I do not consult them with my Lord. I am not the watchful person who keeps the deep relation to God, to others and to the world around. On the contrary, I like sleeping and taking my rest when I am to pray and watch. So I must arise from my spiritual laziness and put my whole trust in the Lord.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Palam verbum loquebatur (Mk 8:32).

He said this plainly.

Jesus speaks to me openly and directly. But from my side I do not want to hear the truth about myself. I prefer to choose what is convenient and easy but not everything. For that reason, I need to forget the old way of thinking in order to comprehend his plans. I ought not to be a teacher for Jesus but he must be the only one for me. For he knows the right meaning of the Scriptures but I do not. Nonetheless, I would like only to pick up the pleasant news from the Bible while there are also the unpleasant ones. The difficult truths are to impact on me most and to change my attitude towards life. However, I would rather escape from such places which cause me suffer. I do not like to read the painful chapters of my history. Despite that fact Jesus approaches as the healer of my heart and consoles me with his grace. Sometimes it seems to hurt at the beginning but afterwards I feel much better and am cured of my diseases. Jesus Christ always shows me the best solution and the simplest way to the kingdom of God. Although it leads through the cross of pain, it ends in the everlasting joy.  For it is all about the salvation of my soul and the deliverance from the power of evil.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Audite (Mk 4:3).


My problem is how to distinguish my own thoughts from the voice of God. Although the words of God are being announced to me all the time, I often hear my own ideas rather than the wisdom of God. His message is hidden from the ears of my heart. For that reason, again and again I need to open it for the gentle voice of the Spirit. However, sometimes I do not pay attention while listening to the Scripture and the words of wisdom are being lost by me. Sometimes my soul is like a hard rock because of my sins which I even do not recognize. Other time I am so exhausted that I am not able to meditate at all. Very often my own business makes me unable to enter into the dialogue with my Lord. But there are also moments in my life when I am well prepared for the Good News. Then I am enlighted by the mysterious truths which gladden my tired mind and water my thirsty soul. These beautiful encounters with the Word of God let me grow up in faith, increase my knowledge and bid me yield much fruit. Consequently, I can share with my sisters and brothers the secrets of the kingdom of God. So I am very grateful that the Holy Spirit sends the grace of the divine wisdom into my heart and enkindles it with the spiritual flame.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Impletum est tempus (Mk 1:15).

The time is fulfilled.

Jesus Christ comes to me and says that now is the best time to progress in faith. He invites me into the deep relationship with the Holy Spirit so that I might read the meaning of the events happening in the world. Also he wants me to renew my vocation and to follow him wholeheartedly. I am to welcome him in my ordinary time and tasks to be accomplished. The reason is that Jesus accompanies me at every work I undertake.  He does not let me struggle with my difficulties and obligations on my own. On the contrary, he teaches me how to overcome my problems so as not to be focused on the dark side of life. Moreover, he makes me help others in their distress and anxiety. Since we are asked to abide with him and to take part in the holy communion. All of us are supposed to leave our burdens and to enjoy the presence of the Son of God in the sacrament of the altar. In such a way, we will be cleansed from the power of sin and healed by the grace of his Spirit. Thus, the new horizons will be open for us so that we could support the needy, preach the Gospel and have authority over evil.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Tu es Filius meus dilectus (Mk 1:11).

You are my beloved Son.

It is always nice to receive good news at the beginning of the New Year. This time I again heard that I was the beloved child of God. This joyful tidings came during my retreats as I was meditating on the beginning of the first chapter of the Gospel according to Mark. I was also told that I had to prepare my way for the Lord and to listen to his voice carefully. Obviously, I need much more time to become like the prophet John the Baptist. Nonetheless, it is still my vocation to be a good priest serving people with the sacrament of reconciliation. For the time being my whole soul is eagerly searching for the encounter with Jesus Christ so that I could share this experience with others. Nothing do I need more than to follow the Son of God and to learn from him. For that reason, I am to humble myself and to kneel before my Lord in order to receive his Holy Spirit. In this way, I will be cleansed from my iniquities and weaknesses. Thus, I will be able to hear the good news saying that I am being loved by my Heavenly Father as well. As a result, I will be the happy witness to God who loved the world so much that he gave his beloved Son for it.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Communio Sanctorum

In this is love:
   not that we have loved God, but that he loved us
   and sent his Son as expiation for our sins.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Spes vocationis (Eph 1:18).

I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, 
the Father of glory, 
may give you spiritual wisdom and revelation 
in your growing knowledge of him, 
since the eyes of your heart have been enlightened 
- so that you may know what is the hope of his calling, 
what is the wealth of his glorious inheritance in the saints.



Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Sancta Familia

O Lord, by your birth you strengthened family ties,
 help families to come to a greater love for one another.