Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Deus meus (Ps 71:4)

We learn everything from our heavenly Father. He is our God and Lord. As human beings we are not able to judge properly and with justice. Only if we depends on God's teaching and his jugdment, we can accept and understand other people. God the Father wants us to be his sons and daughters. Thus, we are brothers and sisters with all the people. God wishes all his children live in peace and happiness. 
As beloved children of God we should worship and praise him. Our main task is to recognize God as Father and to love him with the whole heart. He is the One who blesses and helps us every day. We can be sure about it in the same way as we know the sun shines and gives life to the creatures. 
Moreover, we are to gather and pray together as one family. For there is no other God but the Lord who created heaven and earth. The whole universe and all beings flourish only in the living God. In his wisdom the Most High orders all things with strength and gentleness. 
We need to come closer to our Lord and listen carefully to his holy words. In such a way we can be taught directly from God's wisdom. We are to obey his commandments and to live according to his precepts. 
Obviously in the world we experience difficulties and have many worries. Since it is not our permanent home. It is just a temporary stay. Our goal is the heavenly Kingdom where God abides with his holy angels and saints. Let us pray and ask our Father to support us in our endeavours. May he bless our families, friends, neighbours, and all brothers and sisters. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Filii lucis et filii diei (1 Thes 5:5)

Jesus Christ is the Lord of the day. He comes to enlighten you. Although you can be in darkness of sin, he brings light into your soul. You might feel depressed and lonely, then he stands by your side. You never know when he appears, so you should be ready all the time. You need to open your heart for him. As a child of God you are invited to live in his light. Since you do not belong to the night or to darkness.
Maybe your friends and relatives forget about Lord Jesus. But you are the one who can remind them how precious God is in your life. 
Wake up! Read the Scripture and find the message which you look for. You are being encouraged by the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. You become joyful and peaceful when you abide with the Lord. 
Today you are to experience his divine grace and win the eternal price. You don't have to live a long life but must be united to Jesus. Thus, having met him in your inner being, you are a witness and apostle of Christ. Through his holy word you are strengthened in order to support others. 
Do not lose your faith. Keep the spirit. The Lord is your light and your strength. Be brave and ready to share the Good News. Remember that your power comes from the Lord. Visit his holy temple and savour the sweetness of the Lord. 
There is nothing else you long for but communion with God. Hope in him, hold firm and take heart. You are the child of the divine fire which burns deep in your soul. Let this truth be a reality first of all in your life and also in your sisters' and brothers'.  

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Quid est homo (Ps 8:5)

When I see beautiful flowers, lakes, mounts, sunsets and sunrises, butterflies and all things about nature, I am in awe. I can't help thinking the Creator of all.  When I listen to the sounds of waves and chirping birdies, I feel calm and relaxed. I am reminded who creates all these beauties. I can't stop saying how great, how great HE is!!! In these marvelous creations, I can see HIS might, power, and glory. 
In Psalm 8, it is clearly seen that humans are above these stunningly beautiful creations. Humans are so special. Humans are His apple of eyes. Humans have power and authority over His amazing creation.  His wonderful creation is under humans' dominion and humans are given authority to manage these universe. Why are humans so special in God's sight and favour? There are several reasons. Firstly,  it is highlighted in Psalm 8 verse 5 that humans are imago dei as also mentioned in Genesis 1:26, which means that humans are image of God in terms of moral, spiritual, and intelectual characteristics. These qualities differ humans from other creatures and other God's creations.  Secondly, God himself possessed humans' reins; covered in mothers' wombs (Psalm 139:13-16) which is in line with Isaiah 64:8 meaning that everyone of us is unique and special. God personally created us so we are God's masterpiece. We are limited edition. No one is like us even  our twins. Thirdly, we are special and precious. Nothing can compare to one's worth as higlighted in 1 Corinthians 6:20 and 1 Peter 1: 18-19. God has saved us from our sins and given us not only an eternal life but a purposeful life to be led in this temporarily world. God has purpose to create each of us and He endows us with specific talents and gifts. 
Yet, life has its ups and downs. Sometimes we are over the moon. Other times we feel discouraged,  hopeless, remorse,  and aimless. We oftentimes feel like a piece of jerk when troubles, struggles and storms hit us so badly. Again, this passage brings us to an awareness that we are special and unique in God's sight no matter what. People and world might underestimate and belittle us but God is so gracious. We are His beloved who are created in HIS likeness with capacity to perform HIS kindness and holiness and to reflect HIM. Moreover, we are saved with HIS precious Blood on the Cross. No one loves us like He does. He died on the Cross for us; HE gave HIS life for us. For that reason, let us say: I am PRECIOUS. I am PRECIOUS  I am PRECIOUS!!! 
This awareness should remind us about our identity; who we are before GOD. It also serves our faith and strenghens us to face every storm that appears in our life. 

By Daisy Ann

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Christi apostoli (1 Tes 2:7)

We all are brothers and sisters in Christ. Our thoughts, words, actions are not without effect. Everything we do or think or speak has influence on us and other people. Therefore, we always have to pay attention and be careful. 
Sometimes we have bad experiences with people. Maybe in the past we were hurt by someone. Maybe now we have a hard time in the place where we live. Nonetheless, we are to draw courage through our God to speak the Gospel to everyone. Even if we struggle, we are invited to share the Good News. It is the same what Jesus did in his time and also many holy men and women. 
God chose us as his beloved children. That is why we are worthy to preach and to give a good testimony of Christian life. We neither live for ourselves nor for others. Overall, we live to praise our heavenly Father and his Son and the Holy Spirit. We are to please God who judges our hearts. 
Nowadays the world needs such witnesses who are trustworthy and brave enough. For every soul, every man, and all the universe longs for God. There is nothing else which can satisfy our longings but God. Accordingly, let us help each other to find the source of happiness and inner peace. Always with a gentle heart and love towards our brothers and sisters. 
With such affection we will be able to share with the needy not only the Gospel of God but our very selves as well. Let us love one another and make good effects on people. May our thoughts, words, actions be in accordance with the will of God. It is possible if we are united with Christ through the holy sacraments and word of God. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Multa habeo vobis dicere (Jn 16:12)

All the time Jesus wants to speak with us. But we are not well-prepared. We are very busy, engaged in many activities and always in a hurry. We rush from one task to the next. We are rushing through reading newspapers, listening to the music and watching TV. Consequently, we thing that there is not enough time for prayer and meditation. 
For that reason, we are to ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit with an open heart. We are to let the divine Spirit guide and lead us to the truth. Since it is the truth which is necessary to approach the living God. 
We do not have to talk much but rather listen carefully to the Lord. We should not behave as teachers but the disciples of the Word of God. As human beings we do not know the future while God keeps it in his hands. 
In this way, let us come closer to him and follow his ordinances. God will help and glorify us if only we invite him to our life. Since we cannot find happiness on our own, but only in God. 
Our life is a gift from the Lord and our fulfilment is in him. We live through his Spirit even if we do not realize it. 
Therefore, come closer to the true life in Christ. Do not focus only on the earthly things. You are much more than body and blood. You have also a spritual soul which longs for God. Only in him you can find refuge, peace and happiness. In the holy communion, you may exult and praise God in the heights. You are never alone because the Lord is always at your side. You are able to see his splendour which reaches beyong heaven and earth. You are called to abide with God for ever and ever. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Lux in mundum (Jn 3:19)

God is Love.
Our heavenly Father never stops loving us. On the contrary, he cares for us more and more. He wants to be with us through the Holy Spirit and abides among us in the holy sacraments, especially in the Eucharist. 
We are called to respond with love as God's beloved children and to trust him with all our heart. Moreover, we are created to live with him in the eternal Kingdom. 
The resurrected King, Son of God, Jesus Christ shows and teaches us how much God loves us. The divine love is stronger than death. 
We experience God's love contemplating the beautiful nature. Every morning we receive light from the sun which makes plants and trees grow. All the time we can choose the divine brightness and approach the source of truth which is in God. 
All of us are able to come toward the light and become holy. Our deeds, words and activities confirm the fact that we want to be children of God. Thus, we live the truth and accept the light. Consequently, we achieve happiness and inner peace. Deep in our soul we feel the presence of the Almighty and in him we take refuge in the hour of trial. 
We close our eyes in order to see our Lord and be radient with joy. By our Savior we are freed from distress and fears. We bless the Lord at all times and live in the communion with the Father and the Son in the Spirit of Love.      

Friday, April 5, 2019

Unde sim scitis (Jn 7:28)

It is very close to Easter. In these days we continue to accompany Jesus on his cross road. Especially on Friday we remember his suffering and commemorate his death. From the Sacred Heart of Jesus we receive aboundance of grace. 
The Son of God always walks with us not openly but in secret. He wants to be with us and speak to our soul. But usually we are very busy with our duties and activities. We talk a lot, listen to the news and music, watch TV, etc. So we are not well-prepared to meet with Jesus in our heart. 
The Lord comes to visit us every day and preaches the Good News. But we have many worries and things to do. We ask the questions and we do not have enough time to hear the answer. We think that we know everything  very well and we do not need any advice. We even think that we can find out what the Lord wants from us. However, the will of God sometimes is very different from our ideas. 
Jesus Christ still cries out in the temple and teaches through the holy Scripture. So we can know who the Son of God is and recognize him. In the holy sacraments we meet with Jesus Christ. Then we confess our sins and accept absolution from his hands. By the gift of the Holy Spirit we unite ourselves with God. Consequently, we get to know the truth which is hidden deep in our souls. We realize that as children of God we are from him. The Heart of Jesus lives in our hearts and we are brothers in Christ.  

Saturday, March 30, 2019

Cognoscamus Dominum (Hos 6:3)

Your soul always wants to be closer and closer to God. Your soul cries and desires to meet with the Lord. If it were possible, your soul would fly towards God.
We are human beings. Consequently, each of us has soul and body. Our body keeps us connected with the earth. Thus, you need to sleep, eat and drink in order to function. Because you have a human body, you are going to die one day. Since you have a spiritual soul, you will live for ever and ever. After your death, you will stand in the presence of the Lord.
As a child of God, you strive to know your heavenly Father. You are not an angel and you cannot see God right now. But his holy presence surrounds you everywhere and in every moment of your life. Accordingly, you are never alone. By the power of the Holy Spirit, God comes to you as the dawn and shines on you with the lifght of the sun. He touches you like the drop of the rain and makes you grow. He provides food for you from the garden and satisfies your needs.
Please, think about your desires and tell about them to the Lord. Reflect on your prayer and on feelings which you have in your soul. Lord Jesus Christ needs nothing else but your love and piety. Even if you work very hard, do not stop talking with Jesus. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, you are to experience God’s presence in your life. May the needs of your soul and body be united. In such a way, you will do everything well and hear the beating of the Heart of Jesus.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Audite vocem meam (Ier 7:23)

Christian is a person who listens to God’s voice carefully. Christian is a person who chooses God to lead him/her in life. Christian always walks in the ways of God.
However, it is not enough to hear God’s voice. You need to obey and pay heed to it. Similarly to a child who learns from his parents and teachers’ knowledge. You are created to be a child of God. Obviously, there are many activities and duties which you should do. But the most important task is to pay attention to the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit in your soul.
There are people who help you focus and tune your heart properly. At the same time there are people and things which disturb you. Therefore, in the Lenten season you are to say: STOP for everyone and everything which does not lead you towards the Lord. Also you are to look for and read Holy Scripture and writing of saints.
Do not be lazy in the spiritual work like reading, meditating, sitting in silence before God. In this way you can hear his voice – the voice of your Beloved One – Jesus Christ. It is your most important duty. Try to listen carefully because he wants to talk to you every day.
Do you have enouth time for the private prayer? Do you remember words of God who speaks to you during the Eucharist? What message from the Bible is inspiring for you? Do you keep it in mind? If not, please, take correction. Start to be more faithful again. Today try to open your heart and obey to the voice of the Lord. Consequently, you will be fulfilled with joy, peace and divine love.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Super omnes filios (Gen 37:3)

God the Father loves you so much. From the beginning of the world you are in his thoughts and plans. You do not come to the world by accident but because of the everlasting love of the heavenly Father. From your parents you inherited your body but your soul has its origin in God. For that reason, you are the beloved child who is loved, and accepted, and wanted.
Other people can make you forget about this great and divine love. But you should keep it deep in your heart whatever happens in your life. People can hate you and treat you badly but you are to know your dignity as God’s child. Moreover, you ought to love as your Father teaches you - not only your friends, but also enemies. Since all the people are children of God and he loves them all. Accordingly, you are sent to the world in order to love and embrace your sisters and brothers.
Do not give up. Do not stop loving people. Even if they are sinners, they still need the experience of love. Actually, the same is in your case. When you make mistake, you look for forgiveness rather than punishment. If you commit sin, you rather need a friend than a judge. So try to focus on God and his fatherly love towards you. Open your heart for the experience of the love which comes from the Holy Spirit. With the divine grace you are able to love and share love with all the people. Remember that you always are the beloved child of God. Everything can collapse but your heavenly Father will not disappoint you. As his child you can be a good witness of his love to the whole world.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Vox deprecationis meae (Ps 130:2)

Lord, I love you so much. And I also want to tell you that I need you. Deep in my heart I wait for you. Although there are many activities and duties, I really look for you. Noone else knows the cry of my soul and my dreams but you. Please, listen to me and be attentive to my voice.
Excuse me because I still make mistakes and commit sins. I am ready to stand in your presence and confess my iniquities. You know well that I very often return to my sins. Please, forgive me all what is wrong in my life. I don’t want to hurt anybody anymore. Sorry that I sometimes speak and behave badly. Do not remember my sins but cleanse me thanks to your grace.
I cannot trust myself because so many times I disappointed you. But I do hope in you, my Lord, and obey your holy words. Always I come back to you and ask for compassion. I am sure that you neither abandon me nor forget my prayer. There is nothing in this world which may satisfy my longings. Only you, my beloved One, whom I praise and worship.
O my Lord, I am waiting for you. Please, touch me gently and cure my soul. You are merciful and kind. So you will not let me suffer because of my weaknesses. Please, visit my heart and heal my inner wounds. I do not want to make more mistakes in my life. I ask for your Holy Spirit to strengthen me and fulfil me with your divine love. I pray for a new spirit with a humble heart. Amen.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Appropinquare Deum (Is 58:2)

Lent is the special time when you can come closer to the Lord. But it depends on your choice. You need to ask yourself if you want to regret your sins. You are to think whether everything is all right in your behaviour. You have to understand that you are a weak person who needs the divine grace to live. Deep in your heart there is desire to gain access to God. However, you sometimes waste your time and focus on other things.
The Lent gives you a chance to return to the source of life. So forget quarreling and fighting. Stop using your electronic devices which disturb you for a while. Try to spend at least one day of the week only with your beloved One – Jesus Christ. During your fast pray more for your sisters and brothers who are close to you. This is the fasting that the Lord wishes. In this way you will improve your relationship with God and also with other people. Moreover, you will become a free person. Since you will see that you are able to stop doing too many things.
During the Lent the most important task is to be with your Lord. But also you should try to help your friends who are oppressed and suffering. You are to provide the necessary goods for the needy. Use the occation to become more sympathetic and to share your inner light with those who abide in darkness. Thus, your own wounds will also be healed. The grace of the Lord will be your strength and guard. Your prayers will make miracles in the world – in your soul and the hearts of all the people who meet you. Overall, you will feel the presence of God around you.­­­

Friday, February 22, 2019

Filius Dei vivi (Mt 16:16)

Every day Jesus asks you the question concerning your thoughts about him. So each day you are supposed to answer for his question sincerely. While you pray, you need to know with whom you are talking. While you read the Holy Bible, you should remember who the Author is. While you sing before the altar, you are to be aware who listens to your songs.
It is not so important what others think about Jesus. The most important is your own answer from the depth of your heart. Have you already told Jesus about your thoughts and ideas? Do you recognize him as your Friend, Master, Lord, Bridegroom or someone else?
Maybe today is a good occasion to meditate and find the answer. The truth is that Jesus Christ is close to you, always alive and present in your soul. If you keep it in mind, you feel blesssed and very joyful. For where the Lord is, there is also happiness, peace and love. Do not forget that your answer should come from your heart. Not from books, lectures, opinions of other people, but from your inner being. It is more about feeling, not about finding out the answer.
If you get your own answer for the question of Jesus, you will also understand yourself much better. For knowing Christ is at the same time knowing yourself. You are strong because the Son of God lives in you and you are wise because you have his divine light. Overall, it is your mission to know who Jesus Christ is. You need to remember how precious you are with Jesus in your heart. As a rusult, you can share your experience with sisters and brothers.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Sine intermissione orate (1 Tes 5:17)

The power of prayer is tremendous! I wonder whether there are people who have not prayed at all, at least once in their life time. Prayer erupts positive feelings in the hearts of the one who prays and the same feelings are shared in a most inexplicable way. Every thought can connect us with other people. When one prays certainly the divine grace works and creates its effects in the human hearts. 
Praying together binds hearts in a most mysterious manner. It anchors all those involved in the holy ground. No wonder, family prayers play a great role in anchoring the family in love. Praying together is possible in many ways such as: in the physical presence, praying over the phone, vocal and in silence, releasing positive thoughts, writing prayer in the air, writing prayer in a paper, sending prayer messages, sending uplifting pictures, going for pilgrimage, making sacrifices joyfully, following certain rituals, etc. One may even keep fast or abstinence with the particular intention of the other. One can find one’s own pious practices that would help him/her to pray better.
The modern electronic gadgets in a way aid us to pray together and stay connected. Prayer can alleviate pain, ease tension, erase ill feeling and mediate healing and wholeness. Let's us be the channel of hope to those millions who have none. Make a call today to someone in need and pray together for a while in silence or oral. You will be blessed with a miracle sooner or later!

Sr Jessy Paul SSpS

Monday, February 18, 2019

Ingredere arcam (Gn 7:1)

As human beings we make mistakes and also commit sins. Sometimes we get disappointed because we do not want to do wrong but again and again we behave badly. We have many earthly desires and longings. The same happens with our plans and ideas. We become sad when our dreams do not come true. It is like that because we are fragile humans not holy angels. 
Nonetheless, we have to keep in mind that we are children of God who is perfect and holy. The heavenly Father wishes his daughters and sons be innocent and pure. He does not want us to suffer because of our mistakes and sins. On the contrary, he always wants our happiness. For he has created the beautiful earth to make us joyful in it. When he sees our sins and weaknesses, he is very sorry.
God the Father sent his beloved Son to organize the community of believers - the Church. The Son of God taught us the Good News and gave us holy sacraments. Consequently, we have the Ark where we always can find refuge and strength. In the church we stand in the presence of God. There our souls are being cleansed and sanctified. In the arms of our Lord, we experience true love and from his hands we receive gifts of the Holy Spirit. Accordingly, we start to rejoice and praise God with a new heart. Moreover, in the holy Eucharist we are being enriched by the divine grace. As Christians we are sure that God's love never ends. Therefore, we share the Good News with our sisters and brothers.  

Friday, February 15, 2019

Ephphatha (Mk 7:34)

Your life is a long journey. You move from one place to the other. Also you change your schools and jobs. You meet new people and make new friends. Some of them help you come closer to God. However the longest part of your journey you travel alone with yourself. So everyday you need to accept the strong and weak sides of your character. 
Important is to let the Lord heal you with his divine grace. Jesus Christ invites you to follow him and to spend some time during the day only with him. He wants to touch your wounds and cure them. The only thing you must do is to open your heart for him. You are to tell him about yourself and your struggles in life. Obviously, he knows all your problems but at the same time he is eager to hear your story again. 
Actually, when you open your mouth and share your sufferings, the process of healing begins. Immediately you start to understand that you are no longer alone but with a best Friend who takes care of you. If you haven't tried to meet with your emotions, reactions and thoughts, you are not able to share them. For that reason, Jesus makes you stop for a while each day. Thus, you can listen to your own heart with peaceful attitude. 
You don't need to do anything but listen carefully to your heart and feel the love of Lord the Healer of your whole being. And you do not have to tell anybody else about your intimate relationship with Jesus. Only let him touch and speak gently to your soul. In this way, he makes you hear the voice of the Holy Spirit in your heart.  

Friday, February 8, 2019

Caritas fraternitatis (Heb 13:1)

Love is the key to the human heart. Each of us needs love. Families and communities are rooted in love. Therefore, your heart should be open to love and to accept love from your brothers and sisters. Moreover, your faith is based on the experience of love. God the heavenly Father has loved you and created you to love. You are to respond with love and to love wholeheartedly.
However, there are some people who do not have good experiences with love. Maybe you also were hurt and now you are cautious when you start to trust or love. That can be a real obstacle for you. You can be even imprisoned by fear and feel very lonely. Perhaps you were ill-treated by your parents or family members. That is why you lack self-confidence and try to hide yourself. 
Even in the case of husband and wife love can be spoiled and broken. As a result, not only couple suffers but also their children do not learn how to love others with a sincere heart. Sometimes love is sold like things and people who are children of God engage themselves in the immoral business voluntary or by force. 
As Christian you should fight for the true and divine love. You are to remember that God wants your holiness and pure soul. The Lord never forsakes you or abandons you because he loves you very much. Overall, there are good people who know how to love and imitate Jesus. You also are called to be one of them. And the world needs love of the Holy Spirit which is the same yesterday, today and forever. Amen. 

Saturday, February 2, 2019

Priusquam te formarem (Ier 1:5)

What a priviliged ones are we to hear such loving and comforting words from the Author of our life. We are in the master plan of God, even  before this thought of the purpose of our existence ever dawned in us. We were made in the complete knowledge and perfect love of God. It reminds us that we are under the loving gaze of God all the time, for all eternity. God’s love always follows us, circles us and envelopes us. Often this love  can be compared to a performer showing his item in a dark stage, where he is followed by beams of light circling him alone wherever he moves. All the spot light of the stage seem to be converging into one spot – on the performer, never leaving him in darkness of the surrounding. We are blessed to have such haunting and loving presence of God in our daily lives. Therefore, let us enter into the depth of our soul in contemplation. Let us be enchanted by the natural beauty. Let us have deep sense of love and reverence for every created being. God knows every one of our inner yearning, dreams, aches, wounds, emotions and life struggles. He will never leave us alone but hold a beautiful dream for us, setting the background always for his dream to be actualized.

Sr. Jessy Paul SSpS

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

In principio erat Verbum (J 1:1)

Everything starts with God. Every breath, every fruit, every human being... Everything also has a special name given by God. Here on the earth we only discover these hidden names and look for the Creator. As children of God we learn how to give names and meaning for everything.
Each day we can come back to the beginning of our life and to the Source of Life. God the Father fulfills the universe with Life through his Son - Eternal Word and his Spirit - Everlasting Love. And nothing can exist without the divine Grace. 
My life is rooted in God. My thoughts, actions, emotions can be performed because the Lord loves me. Without God's grace I am lost in the darkness of my desires and sins. But I am saved and feel the divine Light which shines in me. Yes, I am able to overcome my weaknesses and do good things. Because God lives in me, I can bear witness of the divine Light. 
Every day I meditate on the divine Word and find truth in the Holy Scripture. I do believe in every word which comes from the Lord. Although I am a weak person, I know that my strength comes from God. I am in the world among my sisters and brothers as a follower of the Word. My own words and actions are limited by the human nature. Nonetheless I have the power to become son of God. Everything what is good in me has its origin in the Father who is full of grace and  truth. For that reason I do not give up but open my heart in order to be cleansed and purified by the divine Grace.