We learn everything from our heavenly Father. He is our God and Lord. As human beings we are not able to judge properly and with justice. Only if we depends on God's teaching and his jugdment, we can accept and understand other people. God the Father wants us to be his sons and daughters. Thus, we are brothers and sisters with all the people. God wishes all his children live in peace and happiness.
As beloved children of God we should worship and praise him. Our main task is to recognize God as Father and to love him with the whole heart. He is the One who blesses and helps us every day. We can be sure about it in the same way as we know the sun shines and gives life to the creatures.
Moreover, we are to gather and pray together as one family. For there is no other God but the Lord who created heaven and earth. The whole universe and all beings flourish only in the living God. In his wisdom the Most High orders all things with strength and gentleness.
We need to come closer to our Lord and listen carefully to his holy words. In such a way we can be taught directly from God's wisdom. We are to obey his commandments and to live according to his precepts.
Obviously in the world we experience difficulties and have many worries. Since it is not our permanent home. It is just a temporary stay. Our goal is the heavenly Kingdom where God abides with his holy angels and saints. Let us pray and ask our Father to support us in our endeavours. May he bless our families, friends, neighbours, and all brothers and sisters.