Friday, October 18, 2024

Doubts | EN |

Go with them without any doubts - Acts 11:12

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Our life in this world is a mission.  Yes, God sent each one us into the world with a mission that He has carried out since we were still in our mother's womb.  God’s works are difficult for us to understand.  He entrusts each of us with tasks that do not exceed our capabilities. If sometimes our life is so difficult, God certainly has a purpose, which is our total surrender and trust to Him. We must rely on Him in all our situations.  None of us can choose to be born in a good family, to be born in a country or place that we liked.  There are many other things that only God himself knows for sure why we were born and sent to the place where we are now.  

Yes, of course we are sent with a mission that God has entrusted us with.  One day, if our life's pilgrimage ends in this world, He will demand accountability.  There is no life situation that is too difficult if we always remain firm and put God in all God's plans and will.  We are asked to fully trust God without the slightest hesitation.

John baptized us with water, but you will be baptized with the holy Spirit (Acts 11:16). How God poured out such great love for mankind that the Holy Spirit covered our sinfulness by sending the Holy Spirit at baptism and we are considered His own children.  

Why do we still hesitate and doubt all the love that God has given us?  This reflection reminds us to take a moment and reflect on the mission that God has entrusted to us. We are grateful to have been given family, friends, relatives and everyone who always loves us.  Keep going my dear brothers and sisters with feelings of abundant gratitude. Don't worry and doubt anymore, God is always waiting around.  Amen

Reflection on Acts 11:1-18 by Sr Yanti Purnawati SFSC

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

In omni gente | Every nation | EN |

Then Peter began to speak: “I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right"- (Acts 10:34-35)

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God does not show favoritism. He directs His Word and sends His Spirit to people regardless of their origin, culture, wealth or life situation. Often also at people whom others would classify as unworthy of this grace. "For the Lord sees not as man sees" (1 Sam 16:7). He is the Lord of all and does not want the death and destruction of anyone but wants to bring everyone to Himself.

His Word and Spirit are also intended for us. Sometimes we may feel that we do not deserve it because of our sins, behaviours, thoughts, or life situation. Even if it seems to us that we are far from Him, He is our Lord and He addresses His Word of salvation to us too and wants to send us His Spirit. 

The question is whether we are open to Him, just as the Gentiles that Peter came to were open. If we allow the Spirit to come to us, He will work in us. And when God works in us, it will also be visible to others. We ourselves can also become His witnesses.

Reflection on Acts 10:34-48 by Agata Wierzbowska
(Listen to podcast here)

Monday, October 14, 2024

Religiosus | Devout man | EN |

"He was a devout man who feared God with all his household; he gave alms generously to the people and prayed constantly to God." – Acts 10:2

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Dear friends in Christ Jesus, as we live in a multi-religious context. Today's Bible passage is an eye-opener for each one of us. We come across a man whose name is Cornelius who was a centurion of the Italian Cohort. It is mentioned in that passage that he was a God- fearing man who gave alms to the people and also constantly prayed to God. I am sure that you all must have come across such a person in your life who is not a Christian. People who are sincere and genuine in their relationship with God. Genuine prayers from the heart are always answered by God which we read in Acts 10:4 –"Your prayers and alms have ascended as a memorial before God."

In this passage we can see how the Holy Spirit is leading Cornelius in the right direction in following God. The Holy Spirit is asking Peter to visit the family of Cornelius without any hesitation. Peter being a Jew and Cornelius being a Gentile it was not possible for both of them to meet each other. But the Holy Spirit is opening up the heart of Peter to take us to this challenge. The outcome of this visit is that the whole family of Cornelius became strong followers of Jesus.

Let us be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our lives. God wants us to lead many more Corneliuses to him. Once we co-operate with God, he can make use of us as his instruments to bring many people closer to him. Just like Cornelius, let us also raise up our genuine prayers constantly to God. Amen.


Reflection on Acts 10: 1-33 by Fr. George Joseph SVD

(Listen to podcast here)

Friday, September 27, 2024

Tabitha | EN |

"Tabitha, arise.” And she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter she sat up - Acts 9:40

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Now there was in Joppa a disciple named Tabitha, which, translated, means Dorcas. She was full of good works and acts of charity. In those days she became ill and died, and when they had washed her, they laid her in an upper room. Since Lydda was near Joppa, the disciples, hearing that Peter was there, sent two men to him, urging him, “Please come to us without delay.” So Peter rose and went with them. And when he arrived, they took him to the upper room. All the widows stood beside him weeping and showing tunics and other garments that Dorcas made while she was with them. But Peter put them all outside, and knelt down and prayed; and turning to the body he said, “Tabitha, arise.” And she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter she sat up. And he gave her his hand and raised her up. Then, calling the saints and widows, he presented her alive. And it became known throughout all Joppa, and many believed in the Lord. And he stayed in Joppa for many days with one Simon, a tanner. (Acts 9:36-43)

This fragment mentions Tabitha, her death and revival by St. Peter. We know about her that "she was full of good works and acts of charity". After her death, the disciples asked St. Peter to come to them as soon as possible. They remembered the deceased, cried and they also told the apostle about her good deeds. It is clear they loved the woman and that her death was sorrowful for them.

We know little about Tabitha, but we can learn a lot from her. Many of us have a tendency to empty words. We often say a lot and do little, sometimes we don't even do the few things we promise. Our words or even the desire to do good are often not followed by deeds.

We should imitate those who, like Tabitha, are "full of good works". We don't know if she spoke a lot or little, but her deeds confirmed her faith, her goodness won others over to her. Because people often remember better what we did than what we said. They remember the actions, the feelings it evoked, and words are often forgotten.

If we passed away now, how would those who knew us remember us? As a person who did a lot of good? Or maybe just as someone who only talked a lot? Or as someone who was not even interested in the people around them and their needs?

However, we should also be careful not to try to be remembered at all costs. It is not a rule that people always appreciate our efforts and deeds. Many of them will go unnoticed or forgotten. However, they are always visible before God. And ultimately, it is He who we must please. Even if people do not remember us, do not appreciate us, as the Gospel of Matthew says, "your Father who sees in secret will reward you" (Mt 6:4).

Reflection on Acts 9:36-43 by Agata Wierzbowska
(Listen to podcast here)

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Intellegere | Understand | EN |

Philip ran to him, and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet, and said, “Do you understand what you are reading?” - Acts 8:30

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The encounter of Philip and the Ethiopian is one of several conversions we encounter in the Acts: Simon (Acts 8:3-25) and Cornelius (Acts 10: 1-48). The Ethiopian is also a eunuch, which makes the story significant as eunuchs were excluded from Temples and spiritual life, therefore he is by all effects an outcast. Yet the eunuch is seeking God and his seeking is answered.

God sends to him Philip and the angel so that his conversion is possible. Whoever seeks God sincerely will have an answer, no matter who he or she is. The eunuch at the same time is also unsure of his own understanding, in fact Philip asks him: "Do you understand what you are reading?" And the Ethiopian answers: "How can I unless someone guides me". This is fundamental: the word of God. His truth contained in the Bible can be easily misunderstood, misinterpreted and distorted. So we all need the correct interpretation, the correct guide, apt to instruct and explain to all of us the Word of God in the only correct way. In this case Philip has this role for the Ethiopian. 

For all of us it is the Church who has the role to guide us in the correct interpretation, to teach us. The Church has also the inclusiveness to welcome anyone through her doors, no one is excluded. Like the Ethiopian eunuch, an outcast is accepted and guided in the correct understanding, and can rejoice in the Word.

Similarly, we all are guided and can rejoice in the Resurrection, as we are enabled to see beyond the text and into the risen Jesus. 

Reflection on Acts 8:26-40 by Giulia
(Listen to podcast here)

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Regnum Dei | God's Kingdom | EN |

But when they believed Philip preaching good news concerning God’s Kingdom and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women - Acts 8:12

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Todays reflection on the Holy Scripture is really interesting. Faith in GOD is the most powerful feeling that people have to grow inside themselves, also when fear can get us petrified. Faith get us braver if we face different situations knowing that GOD is with us; we will be less scared of problems.

It is also important in order to grow LOVE and PEACE worldwide. Spread the Lord's Word every single day, everywhere.

All people need to be careful and avoid paying attention to fake people. They seem to be  messengers of GOD, but instead are fakes. We have to see using our eyes, but feel with our hearts for distinguishing the true love of GOD from the fake emotions of devil.

We must focus carefully. Amen

Reflection on Acts 8 1-13 by Ivan
(Listen to podcast here)

Friday, September 20, 2024

Terra Tua | Land | EN |

‘Get out of your land and away from your relatives, and come into a land which I will show you.’ - Acts 7:3

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Our reflection is taken from the Acts of the apostles 7:3 which tells of Abraham's total obedience and submission to the our Lord God. Abraham fully trusted in God's providence.  When God commanded him to leave everything behind and go to the unknown land, without any hesitations, he left everything and went to a foreign land.  God promised that he would be given descendants and land for their future.

Abraham followed the will of God and so after years that promise was fulfilled.  For us believers, obedience is sometimes just like something which is difficult to do, especially if the obedience given quiet difficult to do.  Various reasons were given to avoid the assigned tasks as much as possible.

Abraham's has given a good example for us Christians.  If we have faith and surrender our entire lives to God, then there is no reason to disobey.  In the midst of chaos of todays’ world, God gently calls His people to take time to hear His voice.  When we ignore God’s calling, the more we’ll be so restless.  How long should we survive and always avoid God?  He does not force us to do His will.  We are given the free will to choose. 

Through Conscience, we are guided to walk the right path.  Conscience can only be heard by a heart that is clear and fears God.  If we continue to struggle in our works and never pay attention to God’s will, when will we be able to sharpen our conscience so that we can clearly hear God's voice?

Come, let’s give at least five minutes to listen to God in our daily activities.  God bless us all.

Reflection on Acts 7:1-16 by Sr Yanti Purnawati SFSC

(Listen to podcast here)


Thursday, September 19, 2024

Plenus Spirito Sancto | Full of the Holy Spirit | EN |

But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, looked up steadfastly into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God – Acts 7:55


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In today’s passage we continue to read about Stephen’s final sermon which was given before the religious leaders (Sanhedrin). Maybe Paul was listening to this sermon too.  This sermon makes up one of the longest chapters in the book of Acts and it ends with Stephen's death. In Acts we read about the spread of Christianity from Jerusalem and Stephen’s words emphasize how Christianity changed from being a strictly Jewish religion to being a Gentile, international faith.

When he was giving this sermon, did Stephen know that he was about to be stoned to death? Maybe most people will not think clearly and speak with focus and boldness when they have a death sentence lurking around the corner. Stephen had so much courage and he knew the Scriptures very well. He spoke powerfully because he was filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:55). Hence, Stephen is an example for us to know God’s Word well, to not let fear rule our lives, to have the courage to speak the truth, bear witness of the truth, and let the Holy Spirit lead us in our words and speech.

Stephen was challenging the way of thinking that the Jewish religious leaders had on various topics. He also challenges them regarding the topic of their temple: “the Most High doesn’t dwell in temples made with hands” (Acts 7:48). Stephen is pointing out that the key issue is not the place where they worshiped, but instead having their hearts pure before God. As the apostle Paul writes: "our bodies are the temple of the living God" (1 Cor 6:19). As Christians’ bodies are God’s temple, we should use our bodies to glorify God and to witness about what He has done for us.

Various topics in the New Testament would be difficult to understand without the book of Acts because it provides a vital link between the Gospels and the 21 Epistles. In the book of Acts we see the acts of God through Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit in the Apostles. 

The book of Acts is also a missionary manual for Christians. Let’s keep our focus on our Lord Jesus like Stephen did, and allow the Holy Spirit to give us courage and strength to bear witness of our faith and the truth.

Reflection on Acts 7:35-60 by Hanne

(Listen to podcast here)

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Indonesian translation: Tuhan melihat

"Aku telah melihat penindasan terhadap umat-Ku di Mesir. Aku telah mendengar keluhan mereka, dan Aku telah turun untuk membebaskan mereka. Sekarang, datanglah, Aku akan mengirim kamu kembali ke Mesir." (Kisah Para Rasul 7:34 NIV).

Perikop Alkitab hari ini adalah bagian dari pidato Stefanus kepada Sanhedrin. Beberapa orang Yahudi yang tidak menyukai Stefanus menuduhnya mengucapkan kata-kata hujat terhadap Musa dan Tuhan - yang sebetulnya adalah bohong (Kisah Para Rasul 6). Jadi, ia memberi tahu mereka tentang sejarah sejak Abraham termasuk zaman Musa di mana para leluhur Yahudi menolaknya, beralih ke penyembahan berhala, dan bahkan ketika Stefanus berbicara, mereka selalu menolak Roh Kudus (Kisah Para Rasul 7:39-52).

Kembali ke kisah Musa seperti yang diceritakan oleh Stefanus. Musa melarikan diri ke Midian setelah membunuh seorang Mesir yang menganiaya seorang Israel. Ia berusia 40 tahun, dan di sana ia menetap sebagai orang asing dan menjadi gembala ternak ayah mertuanya. 

Setelah 40 tahun berikutnya, Tuhan menampakkan diri kepadanya dan menyampaikan rencana-Nya untuk mengirim Musa ke Mesir guna membebaskan orang Israel dari perbudakan berat. Tuhan berkata bahwa Ia telah melihat penindasan yang dialami orang Israel dan mendengar rintihan mereka. Ini sebenarnya adalah penggenapan janji Tuhan kepada Abraham, jauh sebelum orang Israel ada. 

Musa adalah seorang pangeran selama 40 tahun sebelumnya, tetapi ia menjadi "bukan siapa siapa" selama 40 tahun berikutnya di Midian. Namun, itu bukanlah akhir dari rencana Tuhan baginya. Tuhan menemukan dan memanggilnya untuk sebuah misi yang sangat besar, memimpin sebuah bangsa keluar dari penindasan suatu negara yang sangat kuat. Orang Israel ditindas oleh orang Mesir, tetapi Tuhan melihat segalanya dan Ia tidak melupakan janji-Nya kepada Abraham.

Janji Tuhan itu benar dan nyata, meskipun tampaknya lambat. Ia telah melihat semua penderitaan dalam hidup Anda. Namun, dibutuhkan iman untuk berpegang pada janji-janji-Nya dan mempercayai waktu-Nya. Firman Tuhan menyediakan banyak janji Tuhan bagi kita. Ketika kita membaca Alkitab dengan tekun, Firman itu masuk ke dalam hati kita dan tinggal di sana untuk membimbing kita.

Mari kita temukan janji-janji Tuhan bagi kita masing-masing dalam Firman-Nya. "Sebab Aku ini mengetahui rancangan-rancangan apa yang ada pada-Ku mengenai kamu, demikianlah firman TUHAN, yaitu rancangan damai sejahtera dan bukan rancangan kecelakaan, untuk memberikan kepadamu hari depan yang penuh harapan" (Yeremia 29:11).

Biarkan Firman Tuhan menuntun hidup anda. Tuhan memberkatimu. Amin.

Renungan tentang Kisah Para Rasul 7:17-34 oleh Desire Litaay

(Dengarkan podcastnya disini)

Videns vidi | I have seen | EN | IN

"I have indeed seen the oppression of my people in Egypt. I have heard their groaning and have come down to set them free. Now come, I will send you back to Egypt." (Acts 7:34 NIV).

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The passage today is a part of Stephen's speech to the Sanhedrin. Some Jewish who did not like Stephen created an accusation towards him that he spoke blasphemous words against Moses and God - which was a lie (Acts 6). So he told them about the history since Abraham including Moses' days where the Jewish ancestors rejected him, turned to idolatry and even as Stephen was speaking they always rejected the Holy Spirit (Acts 7:39-52).

Back to the story of Moses as told by Stephen. Moses fled to Midian after killing an Egyptian who mistreated an Israelite. He was 40 years of age, and there he settled as a foreigner and became a shepherd for the cattle of his father in law. 

After the next 40 years, God appeared to him and told His plan to send Moses to Egypt to free the Israelites from the heavy slavery. God said He had seen the oppression the Israelites endured and heard their groaning. This is actually the fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham, long before the Israelites even existed. 

Moses was a prince for 40 years before but he became "a nobody" for the next 40 years in Midian. However that was not the end of God's plan for him. God found and called him for a very big mission, leading a nation out from the oppression of a very powerful country. The Israelites were oppressed by the Egyptians but God saw everything and he did not forget His promise to Abraham.

The promise of God is true and real even though it seems slow. He has seen all the suffering in your life. However it takes faith to hold on to His promises and trust His timing. The Word of God provides us with plenty of God's promises. When we read the scripture diligently, it enters our hearts and stays there to guide us.

Let's find the promises God has for each of us in His Word. "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future'" (Jeremiah 29:11).

Let the Word of God lead your life. God bless you. Amen.

Reflection on Acts 7:17-34 by Desire Litaay

(Listen to podcast here)

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Indonesian translation : Para Malaikat

Tetapi waktu malam seorang malaikat Tuhan membuka pintu-pintu penjara itu dan membawa mereka ke luar. – Kisah Para Rasul 5: 17 – 33


Saudara dan Saudari yang terkasih,


Mungkin saat ini Anda berada dalam malam kehidupan Anda. Anda mengalami pengalaman-pengalaman sulit. tidak dapat melihat cahaya. Segalanya terasa terlalu rumit untuk dipecahkan. Anda tidak cukup kuat untuk mengendalikan kenyataan.


Dalam keadaan pikiran seperti ini, Anda memerlukan malaikat Tuhan. Hidup Anda akan mendapatkan manfaat dari bantuan misterius dan kuat dari malaikat ini. Dari awal hingga kematian, Anda dikelilingi oleh perhatian dan syafaat mereka yang penuh perhatian. Di samping Anda berdiri seorang malaikat sebagai pelindung dan gembala. Jadi di bumi ini, hidup Anda berbagi dalam kebersamaan malaikat-malaikat yang bersatu dalam Tuhan.


Tuhan tidak membiarkan Anda sendirian. Namun melalui bantuan malaikat pelindung, Ia membuka pintu-pintu penjara Anda dan ingin membimbing Anda keluar. Pertanyaannya adalah apakah Anda mengizinkan dia untuk mendukung Anda. Karena seringkali Anda lebih suka mengurus segala sesuatu sendiri. Anda masih berpikir bahwa bisa mengatasi semuanya dengan kekuatan sendiri. Padahal, itu tidak mungkin.


Banyak orang bijak dan cendekiawan akan mengatakan bahwa Anda harus lebih mendengarkan mereka daripada Tuhan. Mereka mengendalikan hidup Anda dan mengurung Anda di dalam penjara mereka terus menerus. Mereka tidak membiarkan Anda bebas.


Kisah Para Rasul mengingatkan kita bahwa kita harus berdiri berhadapan dengan orang-orang tersebut. Kita tidak dapat mengikuti perintah-perintah ketat mereka tetapi harus mengikuti perintah-perintah Tuhan. Kita harus mengajar dan memberitakan dalam nama Yesus Kristus. Kita ingin menaati Tuhan lebih dari pada manusia. Hanya dengan cara ini kita akan bersukacita di Kerajaan Surga. Kita adalah saksi dari semua ini sebagaimana Roh Kudus yang telah diberikan Tuhan kepada kita.


Refleksi dari Kisah Para Rasul 5: 17 – 33 oleh Fr. Jozef Trzebuniak SVD


(Dengarkan Podcastnya disini). 

Indonesian translation : Penyelamatan

Dan keselamatan tidak ada di dalam siapa pun juga selain di dalam Dia, sebab di bawah kolong langit ini tidak ada nama lain yang diberikan kepada manusia yang olehnya kita dapat diselamatkan. – Kisah Para Rasul 4: 12

Dalam bagian ini, rasul Petrus dengan berani menyatakan bahwa satu-satunya cara untuk diselamatkan adalah melalui Yesus Kristus. Dalam ayat-ayat sebelumnya (Kisah Para Rasul 4:10-11), rasul Petrus menyatakan kuasa nama Yesus Kristus. Dia juga menyatakan bahwa Yesus Kristus adalah Batu Penjuru, dan bahwa keselamatan hanya ditemukan di dalam Yesus Kristus saja.


Banyak orang mencari keselamatan tanpa Sang Juruselamat. Tidak ada cara lain bagi seseorang untuk diselamatkan dan memperoleh hidup yang kekal. Hanya melalui Yesus Kristus saja. Firman Allah sangat jelas tentang hal ini, terutama ketika kita membaca Kisah Para Rasul 4:12. Firman Allah tidak ada tandingannya dalam hal otoritas. Itu adalah otoritas tertinggi dan tidak pernah gagal yang harus kita dengarkan, pelajari, dan patuhi.


Yesus Kristus telah membayar hukuman mati yang dituntut Allah dari orang berdosa. Kita hanya bisa diperdamaikan dengan Allah melalui Yesus Kristus (Yohanes 14:6). Yesus Kristus adalah Juruselamat yang sepenuhnya mencukupi! Dia menghapus semua dosa, dan karya penebusan-Nya sudah selesai (Yohanes 19:30). Tuhan kita Yesus adalah korban yang sempurna dan terakhir yang dipersembahkan sekali untuk semua dosa, untuk sepanjang masa. Yesus memandang kematian-Nya sendiri sebagai penggenapan penebusan dosa dalam perjanjian lama. Pada Perjamuan Terakhir, Ia berbicara tentang kematian-Nya sebagai Perjanjian Baru dalam darah-Ku yang dicurahkan bagi kamu (Lukas 22:20).


Kita tidak boleh percaya pada hal-hal yang tidak bisa menyelamatkan kita (Ibrani 6:1). Keselamatan hanya datang kepada mereka yang percaya kepada Sang Juruselamat Yesus Kristus. Rasul Yohanes menulis: "Semuanya itu kutuliskan kepada kamu, supaya kamu yang percaya kepada nama Anak Allah tahu, bahwa kamu memiliki hidup yang kekal." (1 Yohanes 5:13). Keselamatan adalah anugerah cuma-cuma dari Allah yang harus kita terima dengan sukacita. (Efesus 2:8-9).


Yesus sendiri berkata: "Aku berkata kepadamu: Sesungguhnya barangsiapa mendengar perkataan-Ku dan percaya kepada Dia yang mengutus Aku, ia mempunyai hidup yang kekal dan tidak turut dihukum, sebab ia sudah pindah dari dalam maut ke dalam hidup" (Yohanes 5:24). Mempercayai Yesus untuk keselamatan berarti meninggalkan semua usaha dan cara untuk menyelamatkan diri sendiri. Mari kita menaruh semua kepercayaan kita kepada Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus. Semoga Roh Kudus memberi kita keberanian seperti rasul Petrus dan Yohanes (Kisah Para Rasul 4:13) untuk membangun di atas dasar yang kokoh dan satu-satunya, Yesus Kristus.


Mari kita juga membagikan iman kita, mempercayai Firman Allah, dan memberitahukan kepada semua orang tentang anugerah keselamatan yang cuma-cuma yang dapat kita terima dengan menerima Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus sebagai Juruselamat kita.


Refleksi dari Kisah Para Rasul 4: 1 – 18 oleh Hanne


(Dengarkan podcastnya disini)

Indonesian translation : Orang Percaya

"Dan makin lama makin bertambahlah jumlah orang yang percaya kepada Tuhan, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan, bahkan mereka membawa orang-orang sakit ke luar, ke jalan raya, dan membaringkannya di atas balai-balai dan tilam, supaya, apabila Petrus lewat, setidak-tidaknya bayangannya mengenai salah seorang dari mereka." – Kisah Para Rasul 5 : 14-15



Para rasul, setelah menerima kuasa dari Roh Kudus, melakukan banyak tanda dan mukjizat di antara orang-orang. Hal ini membuat banyak orang datang untuk percaya kepada Yesus. Perlahan-lahan, jumlah laki-laki dan perempuan yang ingin mengikuti ajaran Kristus semakin bertambah. Para rasul bersatu dengan sangat kuat dan dihormati oleh banyak orang. Petrus, sebagai pemimpin mereka, diberikan lebih banyak penghormatan.


Orang-orang yang mendengar tentang mukjizat-mukjizat yang dilakukan oleh Petrus membawa orang sakit dari jauh dan menaruh mereka di pinggir jalan, agar bayangan Petrus jatuh mengenai mereka. Orang-orang memiliki iman yang begitu kuat sehingga bahkan bayangan Petrus saja cukup untuk menyembuhkan mereka. Apakah kita memiliki iman yang sekuat itu?


Di dunia saat ini, kita juga melihat banyak orang datang untuk percaya kepada Kristus melalui kesaksian yang kuat dari para murid-Nya. Kita juga melihat beberapa orang menjauh dari Kristus, mungkin karena kesaksian yang salah dari beberapa orang. Mari kita bertanya pada diri kita sendiri: "Apakah saya memberikan kesaksian yang benar tentang Kristus melalui hidup saya?" Melalui hidup saya, apakah saya mampu membawa beberapa orang lebih dekat kepada Kristus? Jika jawabannya 'ya', maka saya yakin kita akan menerima upah kita di surga.


Allah menginginkan masing-masing dari kita menjadi alat kasih dan belas kasih-Nya. Dia ingin kita membantunya menyelamatkan lebih banyak jiwa. Dia mengharapkan kerja sama kita. Seperti para rasul, mari kita juga diberdayakan oleh kuasa Roh Kudus untuk menjadi saksi-Nya yang sejati.


Refleksi dari Kisah Para Rasul 5: 1 – 16 oleh Fr. George Joseph, SVD


(Dengarkan podcastnya disini).


Indonesian translation: Tujuh

Karena itu, saudara-saudara, pilihlah tujuh orang dari antaramu, yang terkenal baik, dan yang penuh Roh dan hikmat – Kisah Para Rasul 6:3

 "Saya mau ikut Yesus, saya mau ikut Yesus, sampai slama-lamanya, meskipun saya susah menderita dalam dunia, saya mau ikut Yesus sampai slama-lamanya." Lagu ini sering dinyanyikan ketika kami diutus untuk menjalankan tugas pelayanan di gereja. 


Jika kita menghubungkan lagu ini dengan bacaan kita hari ini yaitu dari Kisah Para Rasul 6:1-15, kita melihat bahwa ketujuh orang yang dipilih untuk melayani memiliki karakter yang baik, dipenuhi oleh Roh dan kebijaksanaan: Stefanus, Filipus, Prokorus, Nikanor, Timon, Parmenas, dan Nikolas. Dalam misi pelayanan, mereka pasti memahami konsekuensi yang akan mereka hadapi dalam pekerjaan Tuhan.


Ayat 12 menjelaskan bahwa mereka menimbulkan gerakan di antara rakyat, para tua-tua, dan ahli-ahli Taurat. Mereka menangkap Stefanus dan membawanya ke hadapan Sanhedrin. Namun, karena pekerjaan Tuhan, Roh Kudus bekerja dalam hidup Stefanus, dan dijelaskan dalam ayat 15 bahwa mereka melihat wajah Stefanus seperti wajah seorang malaikat.


Dalam kehidupan pelayanan kita, kita selalu fokus pada tujuan utama untuk kehormatan dan kemuliaan nama Tuhan. Kita percaya bahwa dalam keadaan apa pun, Tuhan tidak akan pernah meninggalkan kita. Aku mau ikut Yesus selamanya.


Refleksi dari Kisah Para Rasul 6:1-15 oleh Florence


(Dengarkan podcastnya disini). 

Indonesian translation: Roh Kudus

Mereka semua penuh dengan Roh Kudus, lalu mereka memberitakan firman Allah dengan berani – Kisah Para Rasul 4: 31

Dalam Katekismus Gereja Katolik, Ayat 8, kita membaca tentang Roh Kudus. Dalam komunitas Gereja, kita mengenal Roh Kudus melalui Kitab Suci yang diilhaminya. Dan Bapa telah mengutus Roh Putra-Nya ke dalam hati kita (Galatia 4:6). 


Dengan kuasa Roh Kudus, kita membagikan Firman Allah dengan penuh keyakinan. Kami telah melakukannya dalam kelompok Berbagi Alkitab selama bertahun-tahun. 


Salah satu karunia Roh Kudus adalah kasih yang telah dicurahkan Allah ke dalam hati kita. Karena kita terluka oleh dosa, Roh Kudus memulihkan rupa Ilahi dalam diri kita. Berkat Roh Kudus, kita menjadi anak-anak Allah dan menghasilkan banyak buah: "Kasih, sukacita, damai Sejahtera, kesabaran, kemurahan, kebaikan, kesetiaan, kelemahlembutan, dan penguasaan diri" (Galatia 5: 22-23). Karena itu, kami sangat bersyukur atas komunitas Rohani kami yang membagikan Kabar Baik di dunia. 


Sebulan sekali, biasanya kami berkumpul bersama secara online untuk saling berbagi dan berdoa. Kami mohon kepada Bapa, Putra, dan Roh Kudus untuk membawa penyembuhan dan memberikan tanda-tanda mujizat dalam nama Yesus. Kami telah mengalami betapa pentingnya doa dalam komunitas kami dan pada tiap orang. Oleh karena itu, kami melanjutkan misi kami dan saling mendukung satu dengan yang lain. 


Kami menyadari bahwa Roh Allah menolong kami dalam kelemahan kami. "sebab kita tidak tahu, bagaimana sebenarnya harus berdoa; tetapi Roh sendiri berdoa untuk kita kepada Allah dengan keluhan-keluhan yang tidak terucapkan" (Roma 8 : 26). Kami membuka pikiran, jiwa, dan tubuh kami untuk menerima Rahmat Ilahi melalui Kita Suci. 


Semoga Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus mengingatkan firman-Nya dan membantu kita memahami kehendak-Nya yang kudus. Kami mewartakan, memberi kesaksian, menghadirkan, dan menyebarkan misteri Roh Kudus di antara saudara-saudari kita pada dunia kontemporer ini. Semoga Roh Kudus membangun, menghidupkan, dan menguduskan Komunitas Berbagi Alkitab kami. 


Refleksi dari Kisah Para Rasul 4:19 – 37 oleh Jozef. 


(Dengarkan podcastnya disini)

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Septem | Seven | EN | IN

Therefore, select from among you, brothers, seven men of good report, full of the Holy Spirit and of wisdom – Acts 6:3

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"I want to follow Jesus, I want to follow Jesus forever, even if I face difficulties and suffering in this world. I want to follow Jesus forever". This song is usually sung when we are sent to carry out our service duties in the church.

If we relate this song to our reading today from Acts 6:1-15, we see that the seven chosen to serve had good character, filled with the Spirit and wisdom: Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicholas. In a mission of service, they surely understood the consequences they would face in the work of God.

Verse 12 explains that they stirred up a movement among the people, the elders, and the scribes. They seized Stephen and brought him before the Sanhedrin. But because of the work of God, the Holy Spirit worked in Stephen’s life, and it is explained in verse 15 that they saw Stephen's face like the face of an angel.

In our service life, we always focus on the primary goal for the honor and glory of God’s name. We believe that in any condition, God will never leave us. I want to follow Jesus forever.

Reflection on Acts 6: 1-15 by Florence
(Listen to podcast here)

Friday, September 6, 2024

Angelus | The Angel | EN | IN

During the night, the angel of the Lord opened the doors of the prison, led them out – Acts 5: 17-33.

Dear Sister and Brother, 

Maybe you are in the night of your life now. You are going through difficult experiences. You cannot see the light. Everything seems too complicated to solve. You are not strong enough to control the reality. 
In this state of mind, you need the angle of the Lord. Your life will benefit from the mysterious and powerful help of this angel. From the beginning until death, you are surrounded by their watchful care and intercession. Besides you stands an angel as protector and shepherd. So here on earth, your life shares in the company of angels united in God. 
The Lord does not leave you alone. But through the help of your guard angel opens the doors of your prison and wants to lead you out. The question is if you allow him to support you. Because you often prefer to take care of everything on your own. You still think that you can manage by your own strength. Yet, it is impossible. 
Many wise men and scholars will tell you that you should listen to them more than God. They control your life and lock you in their prisons again and again. They do not allow you to be free. 
The Acts of Apostles remind us that we have to stand face to face those people. We cannot follow their strict orders but the commandments of God. We must teach and preach in the name of Jesus Christ. We want to obey God more than men. Only in this way, we will rejoice in the heavenly Kingdom. We are witnesses of these things as is the Holy Spirit God has given to us (v. 32).  

Reflection on Acts of the Apostles 5: 17-33 by Fr. Józef Trzebuniak  SVD

(Listen to podcast here)

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Credentes | Believers | EN | IN

"Yet more than ever believers were added to the Lord, great numbers of both men and women, so that they even carried out the sick into the streets, and laid them on cots and mats, in order that Peter's shadow might fall on some of them  as he came by." – Acts 5: 14-15

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The apostles,  after receiving power from the Holy Spirit, were doing many signs and wonders among the people. This led many people to come to believe in Jesus. Slowly there was an increase in the number of men and women who wanted to follow the teachings of Christ. The apostles were united so strongly and they were held in high esteem by others. Peter being the leader of them all was given even more respect.

People who heard about the miracles done by Peter were bringing sick people from far and wide and laid them on the roadside so that Peter's shadow might fall on them. People had such a strong faith that even the shadow of Peter was enough for the people to heal. Do we have such a strong faith?

In the present world also, we see many people come to believe in Christ through the powerful witnessing of his disciples. We also see few people getting away from Christ may be due to the wrong witness given by a few. Let us ask this question to ourselves : 'Am I giving a proper witnessing to Christ through my life'? Through my life, am I able to bring a few people closer to Christ? If the answer is 'yes', then I am sure that we would receive our reward in heaven. 

God wants each one of us to be his instruments of love and mercy. He wants us to help him to save more souls. He expects our cooperation. Just like the apostles, let us also be empowered by the power of the Holy Spirit to be his true witnesses.

Reflection on Acts of the Apostles 5: 1-16 by Fr. George Joseph  SVD

(Listen to podcast here)



Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Spanish version: Creer

Bienaventurados los que no ven pero creen – Juan 20:29

La confianza es una actitud que expresa la creencia de que algo es verdadero o real. En el mundo actual, creer o confiar son dos cosas muy difíciles de encontrar o incluso de hacer. En la actualidad, nos enfrentamos a una crisis de confianza por actitudes humanas arrogantes, egoístas y deshonestas. En principio, la creencia debe basarse en evidencia sólida y real, porque si no hay evidencia ciertamente será difícil que la gente crea.

Entonces, ¿qué pasa con los discípulos del Señor Jesús? ¿Aún creían después de la muerte del Señor Jesús? El impacto que experimentaron los discípulos después de la muerte de Jesús fue que comenzaron a tener dudas en sus corazones. El miedo también golpeó sus corazones porque este incidente obligó a los discípulos del Señor Jesús a esconderse y cerrar con llave el lugar donde se reunieron.


La duda no es un problema y eso es lo que les pasó a los discípulos del Señor Jesús. Dios respondió a sus dudas dando señales. Cuando esto suceda, recuerde que fue el Señor Jesús quien fortaleció la fe de los discípulos.


Dios nos ha prometido que nos dará otra ayudador, para que esté con usted para siempre, es decir, el espíritu de verdad. Porque Dios dice "Me iré pero volveré a vosotros, no os dejaré huérfanos, volveré a vosotros". Recuerde, que las promesas de Dios son Sí y Amén.


La paz es un símbolo o saludo ejemplar que Dios transmite a Sus discípulos como señal de que Dios es amor y quiere fortalecer a los discípulos y a todos nosotros.


Dios dice: "Así como el Padre me envió, así ahora yo os envío". Dios nos envió como sus siervos no sin fundamento y sin evidencia, sino que todo se declaró para que fuera real y se diera cumplimiento, ya que el propósito de este evangelio fue escrito para hacer que todas las naciones crean en Dios.


Por tanto, manteneos fuertes y firmes en vuestro corazón. Bienaventurados los que no ven pero creen. Amén


Reflexión sobre Juan 20:19-31 por Aldo Tridarma Mona

Spanish version: Ellos Sabian

"Sabían que era el Señor" - Juan 21:12

La presencia de Dios


¿Cuántos de nosotros hemos experimentado alguna vez la inutilidad del trabajo? Hemos hecho lo mejor que hemos podido, o tal vez hemos puesto nuestro sudor, lágrimas y sangre en nuestro trabajo, pero al final del día no ganamos nada. Nos desesperamos, nos cansamos y nos frustramos mucho porque nada de nuestro trabajo da resultado.


Esto es lo que experimentaron Pedro y los demás discípulos cuando habían pescado toda la noche pero no sin obtener fruto alguno. Todos sabemos que Pedro era un experto en la profesión de la pesca. Por eso fue a pescar de noche porque la experiencia le había enseñado que ese era el momento más productivo para pescar.


Sin embargo, la Escritura dice que Pedro y sus compañeros no pescaron nada hasta que llegó la mañana. Sus redes estaban tan vacías como cuando comenzaron a pescar. (Juan 21:3)


Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, cuando reflexionamos sobre este pasaje, sabemos que Dios está muy cerca de nosotros y consciente de nuestros problemas. Lamentablemente, a menudo somos ajenos a la presencia de Dios, al igual que Pedro y los otros discípulos no sabían que Jesús estaba de hecho entre ellos. Estaban en un estado de desesperación tan grande que no pudieron reconocer al Señor resucitado.


El siguiente versículo señala como Pedro expuso su problema y cómo Jesús actuó milagrosamente. Preste atención a Juan 21:6 que dice: " Y Él les dijo: Echad la red al lado derecho de la barca y hallaréis pesca. Entonces la echaron, y no podían sacarla por la gran cantidad de peces". Aquí aprendemos que Jesús es el Dios de los milagros. Él puede hacer cosas imposibles porque Él es el Señor Dios Todopoderoso. Jesús pudo llenar la red de pesca vacía hasta el punto de reventarse; de la misma manera que puede llenar nuestro sentimiento de vacío y transformar nuestras vidas en condiciones totalmente restauradas.


En la vida, podemos enfrentar muchos problemas que parecen abrumadores. Sin embargo, no necesitamos estar tan atrapados en nuestros problemas que no nos demos cuenta de la presencia de Dios. Cuando la vida se ponga difícil, acuda a Jesús en busca de ayuda. Él siempre está ahí para nosotros, haciendo las cosas para nuestro bien.


Finalmente, aprendamos a reconocer al Resucitado, a ser cada vez más conscientes de su existencia para que podamos experimentar su presencia amorosa a través del abundante alimento que tenemos, la buena salud, la seguridad, el ser perdonados y amados. Amén.


Reflexión sobre Juan 21: 1-13 por Linda Sutrisno

Spanish version: Por fe

"Por la fe en el nombre de Jesús, el hombre que veis y conocéis, fue fortalecido..." - Hechos 3:16 (NVI)

En el lugar llamado Columnata de Salomón, la gente queda asombrada y corre hacia Pedro y Juan y hacia el hombre que conocían como un cojo que se sentaba y mendigaba durante años. Ese hombre ahora camina incluso saltando mientras alaba a Dios. Pedro les recuerda que no piensen que fue gracias al poder y la piedad de los apóstoles que el hombre se pudo caminar. En cambio, por la fe en el nombre de Jesús, fue que el hombre fue sanado.


En muchas partes del Nuevo Testamento podemos ver cómo Jesús sanó a personas basándose en su fe en Él. "...tu fe te ha sanado" (Mateo 9:22), "Conforme a tu fe te será hecho" (Mateo 9:29), "Vete, tu fe te ha sanado" (Marcos 10:52), y así sucesivamente.


Sin fe nunca podremos agradar a Dios (Hebreos 11:6). Muchas veces confiamos más en nuestra lógica y ponemos la fe en otra parte. Si esto es lo que sucede, debemos ser el padre que fue reprendido por Jesús por su fe inquebrantable (Marcos 9:14-29). Inmediatamente el padre del niño exclamó: "¡Creo; ayúdame a superar mi incredulidad!"


Lo crucial es que necesitamos saber quién es Jesús y luego creer en Él. Pedro reprendió a los israelitas que ignoraban quién era Jesús. Jesús, el Autor de la vida, el Santo y Justo, a quien rechazaron y negociaron con un asesino y lo entregaron para que lo mataran. A veces pensamos que hacemos o elegimos las cosas correctas. Aunque en realidad hemos hecho todo lo contrario. Perdemos de vistsa lo más importante sin darnos cuenta.


Pidamos al Espíritu Santo que ilumine nuestra mente y nuestro corazón, para poder ver la Verdad.


Reflexión sobre Hechos 3:11-26 por Desire Liana