Sunday, January 24, 2016

In virtute Spiritus (Lk 4:14).

The child of God is full of the power of the Spirit and each one is called to be such a child. If you live as the God's child, you are praised by others. They recognize holiness in your conduct and want to be your friends. They need the example of the person who reminds the world about God the Father and acknowledges his providence over all his children.
The child of God reads the Holy Scripture where finds the divine wisdom. Every passage of the Bible has a meaning for this child and teaches how to fulfill the will of God. If you listen to it carefully, you hear the God's voice which is calling you.
The word of God reminds the child that the Spirit of the Lord is upon his chosen ones. Moreover, it says that you are also anointed and obliged to bring glad tidings to your sisters and brothers. Reading the Bible you become free and understand better the events which happen.
Finally, you are invited to sit in the silence and to reflect the grandeur of the universe. Thus, you are able to see the miracles in everything around you and in your soul too. 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Apertum est caelum (Lk 3:21).

The New Year begins with many questions and we are filled with expectation. Whether 2016 will be better than the previous one? Whether there will be peace around us and in our hearts? Whether our friends and families will be save and healthy? We just don't know the answers. For that reason we need to ask. But whom? Who knows the future and our destiny?

Perhaps we ought to look for a wise person who has experience in life. Yes, it can be a sulution. However, it is not easy to find such a person and make her or him give a reply. Usually, this kind of people hide themselves from the society and live outside the big cities. Moreover, they are humble and do not want to answer quickly. So we need to search for the better solution.

In the holy Scriptures (like Bible or Quran) we discover the One who governs the world and knows everything. Christians call Him their Lord and Muslims - Allah. He is full of wisdom and prudence and can share his gifts with all of us. He is eager to open heaven and bless us - his beloved children. We just need to pray for the many blessings, peace and safety in our countries, health in our soul. Thus we are granted the inner peace and joy and freedom.

May this New Year 2016 be full of these divine graces!!!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Benedicat (Num 6:24).

God the merciful Father blesses his beloved children in the beginning of the New Year. He wants to keep them in his hands and to take care of them all the time. He wishes to have a deep relationship with his creatures and especially with the human beings. The beloving Father watches the universe diligently and is gracious to the whole world. He looks from the heavens kindly and gives peace. Therefore our vocation is to invoke his holy name and to ask for his blessing. He is waiting for our prayers and prepared to answer quickly with his divine love. Our salvation is also his great gift which we are to proclaim among nonbelievers. Since the fullness of happiness each of us can find only in God. Moreover, in him we discover the greatest mercy and care for us. For that reason, we are to praise our Father and pay homage to the Beloved who is the source of all goodness. He is close to us and always reminds that we are called to live as his sons and daughters. Without his Spirit in our hearts we are not able to do anything. But if we cooperate with God, we experience joy and peace. Then we can share it with all the people and create one human family. Thus, the miracles happen in the world - love overcomes the hatred and divine light scatters the darkness of sin.