Sunday, January 10, 2016

Apertum est caelum (Lk 3:21).

The New Year begins with many questions and we are filled with expectation. Whether 2016 will be better than the previous one? Whether there will be peace around us and in our hearts? Whether our friends and families will be save and healthy? We just don't know the answers. For that reason we need to ask. But whom? Who knows the future and our destiny?

Perhaps we ought to look for a wise person who has experience in life. Yes, it can be a sulution. However, it is not easy to find such a person and make her or him give a reply. Usually, this kind of people hide themselves from the society and live outside the big cities. Moreover, they are humble and do not want to answer quickly. So we need to search for the better solution.

In the holy Scriptures (like Bible or Quran) we discover the One who governs the world and knows everything. Christians call Him their Lord and Muslims - Allah. He is full of wisdom and prudence and can share his gifts with all of us. He is eager to open heaven and bless us - his beloved children. We just need to pray for the many blessings, peace and safety in our countries, health in our soul. Thus we are granted the inner peace and joy and freedom.

May this New Year 2016 be full of these divine graces!!!

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