Saturday, April 28, 2012

Spiritus sunt et vita sunt (I 6:63)

The Words I have spoken to you are Spirit and life.

Every time we listen to the gospel and readings we receive the Spirit and life. But very often we do not feel it, therefore we do not believe. Nevertheless, every day during the Holy Eucharist, Jesus gives us his Spirit and strength to live. Obviously we can attend the mass in the morning and after that leave and no longer walk with him. It is our free choice and we are able to decide to do so. However, our Lord, Jesus Christ, invites us to trust him. And we should say with saint Peter: Master, to whom shall we go? Only you have words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.

Subito circumfulsit eum lux de caelo (Act 9:3)

A light from the sky suddenly flashed around him...

In my life I need the light from high to enlighten me. Because there is still a lot of darkness around and inside me. For that reason very often I am not able to use my senses correctly. I have problem with seeing, hearing, feeling and so I am limited. I would like to be free and look at the world with open mind. But even if God speaks to me, I have difficulty to recognize his voice. Nevertheles he all the time wants me to stand up and be a wise and responsible person. However, very often I do not have enough strength to rise up and live in fullness. Still I depend on others who are stronger than me and need their help. And God sends good people to my life who give me support in due course. The only challenge is to listen to them and to follow their advice. Also, I should be more humble and ready to change my behavior. Thus I will be a chosen instrument of God to carry his name and suffer for him.   

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Angelus Domini locutus est (Act 8:26)

The angel of the Lord spoke...

Very often I do not know what I am supposed to do. I am not able to distinguish between the Lord's plans for me and my own. And for that reason I am confused. But God always sends an angel to show me exactly what my future will be like. This angel usually speaks through my superiors, sometimes by friends and many other people. Moreover, during silent meditation in the chapel good thoughts come to my mind too. When I listen to this angel's message, very often there is anxiety in my heart. Nevertheless I believe that I should follow his holy voice inside me, on the other hand I am afraid because my reason tells me that maybe another solution and plan would be also possible. And therefore, I doubt and it is a big problem. Furthermore, I am usually not certain whether this voice comes directly from God, since the evil spirits are also able to send their messages. In that confusion, the word of God comes with help for me. And if I can find confirmation in the Bible, then I am sure that I should follow these spiritual voices. Also if at the holy table of the Eucharist I find consolation and the divine peace flows into my heart, it is the next proof that God is calling me to do his will. And finally, when in my silent prayer before the tabernacle I am peaceful, it means the Spirit of Lord is working within me, gently teaching and showing me what God wants me to accomplish. 

Humiliamini sub potenti manu Dei (1 P 5:6)

Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God. 

The first pope, saint Peter, says that the humbleness is crucial in our life. Not only in relations with people, but first of all in relationship with our God. Nonetheless, it is easier to be proud and to know better than others what is right, still it is a wrong way. Moreover, God opposes the proud but bestows favor on the humble. Accordingly Jesus Christ humbled himself to show us how to live and cooperate with people. Then the humbleness is the key to success and leads us to inner peace and happiness. Furthermore, it is always better to be a humble child who listens to their parents. And when we behave like that a mighty hand of God is ready to exalt us and grant us all we need. In addition, he raises us up to his eternal glory, restores us, confirms, strengthens and establishes

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Suscipe spiritum meum (Act 7:59)

Our strength is not located in body, but in spirit.
Our beauty cannot be seen with eyes, but with heart.
Our wisdom is not in sophisticated words, but in testimony.

Therefore, we are very often misunderstood by people who live in the world of senses. But though we live on the same world, our attention turns towards heaven. Moreover, because we follow Jesus and his teaching, we know that everything is from God. Even our daily bread and all ordinary things come from his great grace. Further, in these simple things we can discover a deep spiritual meaning. If only we open the eyes of our heart, we are able to see the hidden beauty. And we start to understand and discern the signs of God's presence in our world. Finally, if we have tasted it once, we desire this spiritual food all the time. Thus we come to know that only Jesus is the source of all our longings and needs. When we have met him in our life, we do not want anything else but him who satisfies all our desires and who is the answer to all our questions.  

Plenus gratia et virtute (Act 6:8)

Filled with grace and power,
was working great wonders and signs
among the people.

Grace from God is a very strong power which can be used on the world. Moreover, all Christians recieve this grace when they are baptized in the Church. But the question is how many of us use such a wonderful gift hidden in our hearts? For me it is still difficult to open myself and act with this divine grace. I prefer to do my best by my own because I think it is reasonable. However, I also know that sometimes doing so is not right. There are some matters I cannot comprehend and resolve just by my own. Therefore, I ask God to help me to use this spiritual strengh. I pray to God for his divine wisdom being given by the Holy Spirit. 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Pax vobis! (Lc 24:36)

Peace be with you!

We do not understand the gift of peace being given us by Jesus Christ. On the contrary we are rather restless and terrified by circumstances. Usually things which happen are too difficult for us to comprehend them all. For that reason we are afraid to accept his holy gift and to change our attitude. Nevertheless, Jesus comes to us every day in the Bible and the sacrament of Eucharist. And every time he asks the same questions: Why are you so troubled? Why are you thinking so much? Why do you try to resolve all your problems by yourself? And adds: I am here with you to help you. Because you are not able to overcome anything without me. Please, come to me closer, touch me and recieve my advise into your noisy heart. 
Jesus is one of us. Moreover, he is our best friend and likes spending time with each of us. His purpose is always to speak directly to our minds the words of truth, joy and love. By his Holy Spirit he helps us to discern the hidden meaning of the Scriptures. Further, he makes us his disciples and witnesses to all people and nations. 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Plenus fide et Spiritu (Acts 6:5)

To be wise means to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to use his divine gifts. Although each of us lives by the power of God's spirit, many do not realize it. They think that living is only something given them by nature. But it is not whole truth, because we are not only a body, but also a spirit. Further, all of us have an immortal soul and our destination is an everlasting life. Obviously it is difficult to prove, so we need faith which is also a gift of the Holy Spirit. When we grow up, we recieve this gift from our ancestors who are witnesses and teachers of the faith. Their example coming from early ages is called - Tradition. Through them the word of God continues to spread and the number of disciples increases who are obedient to the faith.  

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Unam petii a Domino (Ps 27)

One thing I seek: to dwell in the house of the Lord.

O Lord, I still need your light which can be found in your holy temple. Always when I am depressed or joyful, I come to you to share my story with you. I look for your approval and acceptance of my behavior. So often I really do not know what is right and what is wrong in my life. Therefore I seek for your explanation and instructions. Sometimes I am afraid of my past, presence or future and then I come to you to hear again that I should not be worried too much. Because you are all the time with me, ready to support and to be my refuge. In your presence I find rest and peace which I need the most. There can be a struggle or storm outside, but with you there is always an inner peace. In this divine peace of my heart I gaze on the loveliness of the Lord and contemplate his temple. Furthermore, my soul becomes more patient and courageous, and unaffected by hardship and disaster.  

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Oboedire oportet Deo magis quam hominibus (Acts 5:28)

We must obey God rather than men.

It is necessary to listen to the voice of conscience where God speaks to us. Nothing is more important than this message we receive in our hearts. But the problem is how to hear it and how to recognize his voice. First of all, we are to listen to Jesus speaking to us through his example. If we not follow him in our life, it is also impossible to hear God. Jesus showed us how to find time for silence and prayer in daily life. When we decide to practice this kind of life, we will be granted support. This support is the Holy Spirit whom God gives to those who obey him. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

In fide nominis eius (Act 3:16)

And by faith in his name, this man whom you see and know,
his name has made strong, and the faith that comes through it
has given him this perfect health, in the presence of all of you.

Do I believ in the name of Jesus Christ? Do I have strong faith in its power? This power which is acting now and here and all the time. Does my faith make me strong? 
I still hesitate, feel weak and sick. My weaknesses seem to have power over me. So what is wrong with me? Why can I not trust in him and become perfect as he is? The reason is my ingnorance. I indeed do not realize the deep meaning of my faith. I have received it from my family, community and teachers, but I do ot live this faith. Moreover, I have a problem to let it work in my life and to experience it in all circumstances. Therefore, I need to change my attitude and to come closer to the source of my faith - Jesus the Christ. Only he can grant refreshment to my weary soul and restore all my being. 
Am I ready to open my heart for this divine grace? Do I really want to change my behavior? Shall I listen to him  carefully in all that he may say to me? Am I able to accept with all consequences that I am a child of prophets and of the covenant with God? 
If YES, I can no longer walk my evel ways, but always only the way of my Master, Jesus Christ.

Ipse Iesus appropinquans (Lk 24:15)

Jesus himself drew near and walked with them,
but their eyes were prevented from recongnizing him.

It is interesting that Jesus is so close to us but we do not know about it. We could not see him around us. We are not able to recognize him in the world. The reason is that we usually think about everything else but him being present. Then we have hundreds of topics but often not related to the gospel and spiritual life. We move our tongues very quickly without any reflection. Therefore we need to stop. Not to be in a hurry all the time and not only to think about earthly matters. We are to look upward sometimes to see the activity of the Holy Spirit in the nature and among people. There are indeed very significant signs of God's presence also in our lives. And not only facts are important, but much more their meaning. We do not have to know everything but that Jesus is very close at hand, walking with us in every moment of our life.  

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I have seen the Lord

The rays of sunshine were appearing
But the woman’s heart was still in darkness.
Her beloved disappeared three days ago
And now she was weeping lonely.
Her eyes were full of bitter tears
While she saw two angels in white.

A little spark of hope shone in her heart
When they asked with gentle voice:
Why are you weeping so bitterly?
She didn’t want to talk but answered:
My soul is suffering because of him.
So the angels were not able to help her.

She turned around and saw a man
Who looked like a gardener.
Hardly she opened her mouth and said:
Please, help me to find the One I love!
Mary! – the familiar sound of his voice
Suddenly woke her up from the dream.

 Rabbouni! – she exclaimed
And wanted to embrace him warmly.
But he looked up toward heavens
And told her: My Father is waiting!
She understood and with joy in heart
Went back to her friends announcing:
I have seen the Lord!   

Monday, April 9, 2012

Prima autem sabbatorum (Jn 20:1)

On the first day of the week,
Mary Magdala came to the tomb
early in the morning, while it was still dark,
and saw the stone removed from the tomb.

To wake up early in the morning in order to pay homage to Christ is the first think to do. Then, miracles happen. Nonetheless there is still darkness in my soul, the light is to come. Because during prayer my soul receives the inner light which enlighten her darkness and sinfulness. Thus, I can see that Jesus with his divine power removes everything what is unnecessary in my soul. I even do not know how it is happening. Therefore, I am very astonished and asking how it is possible. Moreover, it is not only my experience, but also those who look for Jesus in their lives and try to follow him. Furthermore, in my inner darkness I am able to discern the rays of light coming down from his cross. It helps me to discover a beautiful garden where the spring governs all the time. Small spots covered with darkness in my soul are destroyed by the power of Jesus Christ who is risen. And now I believe that his divine grace is able to enlighten even the darkest places of my life.   

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Dereliquisti fontem sapientiae! (Ba 3:12)

You have forsaken the fountain of wisdom!
Had you walked in the way of God,
you would have dwelt in enduring peace!
Learn where prudence is, where strength,
where understanding, where light, and peace.

Your wisdom, my God, is very close at hand. But my hands are not open to receive it. I prefer to walk in my own ways, not in yours. And therefore I do not have inner peace. I am looking for peace, but do not know where to find it because I have forsaken where is the source. I do know that in you there is prudence, strength, understanding, and peace, but I am neither prudent, nor strong, nor wise, nor peaceful. The reason is that I am not used to drink from your fountain. However, I do believe that you have the power to grant the light and everything trembling obeys you. Please, bestow on me your graces! I open my heart waiting for your Holy Spirit of wisdom. Here I am! Standing with open hands to get your divine light and to shine with joy for you. Thank you for enlightening my path of life and sending me farther to carry your light to others. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Adoration of the Cross by Benedict XVI

Pope presides over Adoration of the Cross ceremony at the Vatican

Cum fiducia ad thronum gratiae (Heb 4:16)

Let us confidently approach the throne of grace
to receive mercy and to find grace for timely help.

Today I come closer to the cross where I can find God's grace. This grace is his mercy and assurance that he loves me so much. In addition, he is always ready to offer his life, because he loves me as his child. Thus, I discern this boundless love in his prayers and supplications with loud cries and tears. Further, I am certain that Jesus Christ suffering for me today is ready to lay his life down all the time. 
In contrary, I am still escaping from pain and difficulties and do not want to suffer. The reason is that there is  too little love in my heart and I am afraid to trust him completely. Although I would like to offer my life, but in the moment of a trial I hesitate and go away like Apostle Peter. Therefore, again I need to come closer to the cross of grace and embrace it from my whole strength. 
Please, my Lord, receive my doubts, my fears and my lack of courage. I do want to learn obedience from what I suffer and to attain salvation through your mercy. Amen.   

Friday, April 6, 2012

Meditation of Benidict XVI on Jesus' prayer

Pope's homily for Holy Thursday Mass at St. John Lateran

Spiritus Domini Dei super me (Is 61:1)

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me,
because the Lord has anointed me.

O my God! You are always with me. Your Holy Spirit gives me life and sends me to people around me with joy, peace and love. Very often they are brokenhearted, captives and prisoners of their sins, troubles and many other problems. Therefore, first you tear my own fetters and have me teach others that they should let you do the same. Every prisoner is supposed to ask for liberty and recieve the strength from you to become free. As far as we are sinners, we are also unhappy and cannot find gladness. But you do not want us to be captives any more. You remind us that we are your beloved sons and daughters. Furthermore, the main purpose of our lives is to be faithful to your will and finally to become holy as you are holy. Amen. 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Quaerite Deum, et vivet cor vestrum (Ps 69:33)

See you lowly ones, and be glad;
you who seek God, may your hearts revive!
For the Lord hears the poor.

My heart is looking for God, for happiness and life. In my quest I am wandering from one place to another. And God seems to be everywhere, but at the same time nowhere. It makes me confused. I hear his steps, but do not see his face. I listen to him carefully, but do not hear his words. I feel him around and inside me, but I cannot touch him. I would like to embrace him, but he is like a puff of warm wind. I live in him and he lives in me, but I do not know where exactly is his home. I love him from my whole heart, but still my love in not sufficient. Nevertheless, he calls me to follow him and to find his hiding place. O my God, where did you hide yourself?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Parum est ut sis mihi servus (Is 49:6)

Hear me, O islands, listen, O distant people!

God in his humbleness asks me to listen to his voice. He knows that I am an individual similar to a lonely island in the sea. But at the same time he is conscious that I need him to live. Since without God everything would disappear and there would be no life in the universe. Therefore, now when I hear his voice is the best time for me to come back to God who is like a merciful father always waiting for my coming and love. Because he created me and thought about me from the very beginning. Moreover, he gave me my name which nobody knows except him. This name is my special dignity and value which nobody is able to take from me. Further, I am strong only with him, in his arms which are open for ever. He embraces me and says: It is too little for you to be my servant; I will make you a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth (Is 49:6). 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Dominus Deus aperuit mihi aurem (Is 50:5)

Morning after morning he opens my ear that I may hear.
The Lord God is my help, therefore I am not disgraced;
I have set my face like flind, knowing that I shall not be put to shame.

Every day when I open the Bible I can hear your gentle voice. But still I am not prepared enough for meeting with your word. Always my mind and thoughts are far away from your message. Nevertheless you speak directly to me, again and again I prefer to hear myself. Even if I hear your words, very quickly I forget about them. And I come back to my own uderstanding of the world and of my plans. Therefore, I cry: My God, my God, why have you abandoned me? O Lord, be not far from me; O my help, hasten to aid me (Ps 22).