Jesus himself drew near and walked with them,
but their eyes were prevented from recongnizing him.
It is interesting that Jesus is so close to us but we do not know about it. We could not see him around us. We are not able to recognize him in the world. The reason is that we usually think about everything else but him being present. Then we have hundreds of topics but often not related to the gospel and spiritual life. We move our tongues very quickly without any reflection. Therefore we need to stop. Not to be in a hurry all the time and not only to think about earthly matters. We are to look upward sometimes to see the activity of the Holy Spirit in the nature and among people. There are indeed very significant signs of God's presence also in our lives. And not only facts are important, but much more their meaning. We do not have to know everything but that Jesus is very close at hand, walking with us in every moment of our life.
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