Saturday, March 30, 2019

Cognoscamus Dominum (Hos 6:3)

Your soul always wants to be closer and closer to God. Your soul cries and desires to meet with the Lord. If it were possible, your soul would fly towards God.
We are human beings. Consequently, each of us has soul and body. Our body keeps us connected with the earth. Thus, you need to sleep, eat and drink in order to function. Because you have a human body, you are going to die one day. Since you have a spiritual soul, you will live for ever and ever. After your death, you will stand in the presence of the Lord.
As a child of God, you strive to know your heavenly Father. You are not an angel and you cannot see God right now. But his holy presence surrounds you everywhere and in every moment of your life. Accordingly, you are never alone. By the power of the Holy Spirit, God comes to you as the dawn and shines on you with the lifght of the sun. He touches you like the drop of the rain and makes you grow. He provides food for you from the garden and satisfies your needs.
Please, think about your desires and tell about them to the Lord. Reflect on your prayer and on feelings which you have in your soul. Lord Jesus Christ needs nothing else but your love and piety. Even if you work very hard, do not stop talking with Jesus. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, you are to experience God’s presence in your life. May the needs of your soul and body be united. In such a way, you will do everything well and hear the beating of the Heart of Jesus.

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