Friday, August 14, 2020

Sapientia carnis (Rom. 8:7)


A few days ago, Fr. Josef shared a reflection about how an introvert can easily become an egoistic person. When we have so much desire or need for something in our heart, we will focus on it and put others aside. So do I. I have a lot of things to do and I think we all experience the same thing. I mostly grumble in my heart if there are situations or people who disturb my plan or my work. I start blaming them. I know, I shouldn't do that because it is wrong. I've tried quite hard, but again I still do it.

In the last few months, I have met and interacted with some people regularly. It is supposed to be a good interaction because they are friendly and good people. Sometimes, there is a moment that I think they are annoying, but I know it is not true, it's only in my mind. If I try to find a reason why I think like that, it is because I have my own way to do something which is totally different from these people.

Rome 8:7 reminds me of this mind of flesh. Being egoistic is a flesh desire. We should oppose and deny it. Having this desire makes us far away from the presence of God. It is a hard thing to deal with, but it is possible with God. Let us pray so that the Holy Spirit give us a generous heart. So we can overcome our desires and let the Holy Spirit live and reign in our hearts.

By Yulius Telaumbanua, Indonesia.

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