Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Mulier Chananaea (Mt. 15:22)

The encounter of Jesus and the Canaanite woman in the Gospel today shows us how Jesus tests the faith of a person who believes in him. The true faith is a guarantee of receiving grace and salvation from God.

The story today seems to be a bit offensive towards that woman, but in fact, it is not. Jesus actually likes the desperate and the humble cry of this gentile woman to be heard even by the disciples who look at her as an unworthy woman, because she comes from the gentile world. Jesus indirectly wants to show those who are present at that time that He comes to save all people. He comes to help those who believe in Him without looking at their background. God loves each and everyone without exception.

And this woman astonishes Jesus with her great faith proclamation. Jesus not only appreciates her amazing faith but also grants her plea. Faith moves mountains; and this woman shows us the truth. Her faith brings healing to her daughter.

True faith and real love do not make people give up easily. If we really believe in Jesus, we will know that there is a way in every difficulty of our lives. God is always present in every situation of our lives. He is there to help us, but we have to have great faith in Him.

The mission of Jesus is to bring salvation to all people. Faith and life in God are the criteria, not someone's origin and background. The Canaanite woman in the Gospel today has shown a good example for us. Let us have great faith in God because He always gives the best for us. Always remember that faith can move mountains.

By Father Risco Batbual, SVD.

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