Thursday, February 28, 2013

Ad humorem mittit radices suas (Jer 17:8).

That stretches out its root to the stream.

I stretch out my hands to many material things which cannot bring me happiness. Nevertheless, I keep doing it and for that reason I am similar to the barren bush in the desert of commodities. I try to enjoy these items but they are empty and worthless. Therefore, I change my mind and start placing my hope in the Lord of the universe. Consequently, I become like a tree planted beside the waters of peace and streams of gladness. Furthermore, I fear not the multitude of urgent tasks and obligations. My mind is fresh despite the hundreds of insignificant topics and gossips. I show no distress and my soul is calm as I invite my God to probe my conscience. If there is a spot of anger or desire, I let him cleanse it with his divine mercy. In such a way, I want to keep the words of the gospel with a generous heart and to yield a harvest throught perseverance.  

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Calicem meum bibetis (Mt 20:23).

My chalice you will indeed drink.

Although we are disciples of Jesus, we wouldn't like to suffer. On the contrary, we have our own plans for the pleasant life. Accordingly, we ask God to make our dreams come true. However, Jesus Christ reminds us that our vocation is something more and the difficulties are to be overcome. Moreover, we are to accept the reality with its struggles, challenges and hardships. Obviously, we want to be free from such unpleasant circumstances. Nevertheless, our humanity needs to be proved also in the troublesome events. In such a way, we gather merits for the heavenly kingdom. So, yet on the earth we are called to serve others and to trust in the Lord for in his hands is our destiny. And despite the clutches of our enemies and persecutors, we will be saved from their ambush. Since we have commended our spirit into God's hands.  

Monday, February 25, 2013

Nobis confusio faciei (Dn 9:7).

We are shamefaced.

As human beings we still commit sins and for that reason we are shamefaced. Obviously, we would like to live a holy life, but we find it too difficult. Therefore, in the Lenten season we come back to great and awesome God to ask for his mercy. We do know that he has pity on us despite many sins of ours. We are very sorry that we have rebelled and departed from his commandments. We do regret that we were not obedient to listen to his voice. Thus, we are looking forward to compassion and forgiveness. We ask our Savior to help us and deliver us and pardon our sins for his name's sake. Having received his mercy we are going to give thanks and to declare his praise. Furthermore, we will try not to judge and condemn one another. On the contrary, we will be more patient and lenient with others. For God is our merciful Father and we all are his children. 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Populus peculiaris (Dt 26:17).

Peculiarly his own.

Not only are you one among the billions of other people, but peculiarly chosen to be a beloved child of God. For that reason, your way of life is to observe the precepts given you by the Lord. Accordingly, you are to love him with all your heart and with all your soul. It means entirely. Not in the future, but now in this moment. In addition, you are supposed to hearken to his voice so that you could fulfill his will. Consequently, you will be truly the beloved son or daughter of God. Then, he will raise you hight in praise and glory. You will rejoice every day of your life and keep the inner peace independently of circumstances. Furthermore, your ways will be blameless and people will call you blessed. Since there will be the Holy Spirit in your heart. Your will be able to love both your neighbours and enemies. In such a way, you will receive the reward of the heavenly kingdom.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Immarcescibilis gloriae coronam (1 Pt 5:4).

The unfading crown of glory.

I am to tell who Jesus Christ is for me. It must be my personal answer which is not adopted from others. Obviously, many people have already given their testimony to Jesus. But now it is my turn to be challenged. The answer may be found during a prayer. Then, I rethink my attitude towards the Son of God. The first thought indicates that he is my leader who has invited me to follow him and to preach the Good News. Jesus makes me strong like a rock against the evil so that I could serve the Church. Furthermore, he has consecrated me to do the sacraments and to explain the Bible. Accordingly, I am supposed to help people to be saved. I do rest in verdant pastures of prayer when he refreshes my soul. Thus, I am not afraid for he is always at my side even though I walk in the dark valley. Only goodness and kindness follow me all the days of my life. Overall, I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for years to come.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Suffraga mihi (Est 4:17q).

Help me.

We do need help from God all the time. For we are just human beings who are fragile and weak. Difficult circumstances make us frightened and scared. So we cry to the Lord asking for strength and support. In addition, very often other people are not able to help us and we feel lonely. But, we are never alone if we put our trust in God who can free us from every dangerous situation. There is no problem which couldn't be resolved by the Lord. He may change human hearts completely, turn our mourning into gladness and our sorrows into wholeness. For these reasons, we  give thanks to God with all our heart and worship him at his holy temple. Since he hears the words of our mouth and prepares for us everything what is good.  Thus, his right hand saves us whenever we are in the troubles. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ego loquor ad te (Jon 3:2).

According to the Lord's bidding.

 To fulfill the will of God is a crutial thing. Although sometimes it is not easy, a Christian is supposed to act according to the Lord's bidding. The thing is to try your best believing that God is always with you. Obviously, not everyone is eager to live in accordance with the God's precepts. Nonetheless, somewhere deep in human heart there is a tender voice which suggests to be obedient to God.  If you listen to it, your life makes sense and you are on the road towards the Kingdom of God. But even if you commit a sin, you should remember that God is able to relent and forgive your mistake. Since God will not spurn a contrite and humbled heart. On the contrary, in his goodness he has mercy and wipes out your offence in his great compassion. Accordingly, your heart is clean and steadfast all the time.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sic ergo vos orabitis (Mt 6:8).

This is how you are to pray.

The high point of each prayer is contemplation. However, we achieve the aim step by step. First, our prayer is usually full of words and requests. Since there is a lot of thoughts, plans and ideas in our head. It seems like we wanted to tell God what he is supposed to do for us. Obviously, it is not the perfect prayer at all. On the contrary, it is the prayer of children who make their parents buy them a toy. The next step in prayer is when we agree to fulfill the will of God. It is not an easy step because we need to place our trust in God. At this point we are ready to accept everything he is going to give us. Finally, we start to be calm during our prayer and just listen to his holy voice. Now we are similar to the dry land which is longing for the rain of divine grace. Thus, we are being watered by the Holy Spirit so that we become fertile and fruitful. In this contemplation, we receive the God's seed which will bring the fruit of good life. Therefore, let us keep attention to every moment we spend with God on prayer.  

Sancti estote, quia sanctus sum (Lv 19:2).

Be holy for I am holy.

Holiness is the aim of our life, because God is holy and he wants us to be holy too. Moreover, it is always better to give than to take. Always is it better to speak the truth than to lie. Always is it better to bless others than to curse them. Accordingly, good brings you good and evil makes you even worse. Therefore, we should try to give the food of love to the hungry  and the drink of kindness to the thirsty. We ought to cloth the naked with the dress of hope and to care for the sick who suffer from the shortage of faith. Overall, we need to fear not to offend our God. Also we are to love our neighbours as ourselves in order to please him. For the precepts of the Lord rejoice our hearts and enlighten the eyes of the soul. In addition, fulfiling them makes us holy as holy is our Father who lives in heaven and sends us the Holy Spirit.      

Monday, February 18, 2013

Refugium meum et fortitudo mea (Ps 91:2).

My refuge and fortress.

As fragile human beings we need refuge and fortress. For that reason each of us is looking for such a place around himself. However, the best solution is to find the shelter in the presence of the Most High which means abiding in the shadow of the Almighty. Although it sounds mysterious, we are able to experience such a communion. The point is to believe in God strongly and trust him wholeheartedly. In this way we can enter the communion with God any time. Consequently, no evil can befall us nor affliction come near our home. Since we are certain that his holy angels guard us in all our ways. Their hands bear us up, lest we dash our foot against the stone of danger. As a result, we are able to tread upon the powers of darkness and trample down the devil. Such a strength comes from God only if we cling to him and acknowledge the name of his Son, Jesus Christ. Furthermore, when we call upon his name, he sends us the Holy Spirit who is with us in our distress to deliver and glorify us. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Et relictis omnibus (Lk 5:28).

Leaving everything behind.

God is near us all the time. He invites and inspires us to do his will. He always repeats to follow him and to leave everything behind. Although it is very difficult to forget our own interests and to trust him completely, we do need to place our trust in him and fulfill his divine will. Since just in this way we are able to achieve happiness and inner peace. Otherwise, we will be anxious and desirous. Therefore, Jesus Christ wants us to share our belongings with others. It means our time, skills and everything we have in abundance. As a result, many people will be satisfied and the world will become better. Moreover, we will create a new community of believers who support one another. Obviously, there are always some people who do not take such an initiative. They are usually discontented and malevolent. But as Christians we cannot be like them. On the contrary, we are to be friendly to everyone despite the fact that not everyone is similar to us.    

Friday, February 15, 2013

Dominus exaudiet (Is 58:9).

The Lord will answer.

The problem is that we do not know how to hear God. Our tasks and duties interfere with the sound of his voice. Also haste, noise and plenty of information disrupt the connection between us and him. Moreover, our weaknesses and sins are barriers in the relationship. Nonetheless, we keep seeking and longing for good, beauty and truth. It is a sign that we are created in the likeness of God. We are supposed to understand that we can gain access to God and even see him. But our devotion is not correct if we are quarreling and fighting with each other. We should rather cooperate and help one another. In addition, we are to share our possession with the needy and to shelter the oppressed and the homeless. If we do not turn our back on our own, the Lord will show himself and answer. He will make our light break forth like the dawn among people.     

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Secus decursus aquarum (Ps 1:3).

Near running water.

To be close to God is to be near the source of life. From this source we are able to draw the divine graces. If we want to discover the source, we are to meditate on the Scripture. Since in the Bible we can find food for thought and drink for refreshment. Reading the Scripture makes us strong like trees planted near running water. As a result, we yield the fruit of good deeds. Furthermore, we never fade but flourish and prosper. On the other hand, ignoring the Bible drives us away from God and faith. Consequently, we are tormented by the horrific winds of uncertainties and anxiousness. Such a situation results in the lack of self-confidence and despair. Therefore, it is essential to come to the Word of God and to listen to him carefully. This is the best way to save our life and to overcome all the difficulties.  

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Pro Christo ergo legatione fungimur (2 Cor 5:20).

We are ambassadors for Christ.

People want to live by their own. They accept neither authorities nor God to lead them. It is a sign of pride which is the most dangerous sin. Therefore, our vocation as Christians is to live humble life in order to show others that it is necessary. First of all, we need to be reconciled to God. We ought to acknowledge that we are accustomed to sins. In such a way, we will slowly become righteous and good. Moreover, we will receive the grace from God in abundance. Since we are not able to be holy without divine grace and support. So, let us ask God to be merciful and kind towards us. In his divine compassion surely will he wipe out our offences and wash our soul from its guilt. For only in his power is to create a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within us. Consequently, we will abide in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Also  our heart will be fulfiled with joy and ready to proclaim the goodness of God to the whole world.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Quando video caelos tuos (Ps 8:4).

When I behold your heavens.

It is not true that we cannot see our God. Since he shows himself in his creation. Every creature is the work of his fingers and people are his beloved children. Furthermore, the moon and the stars are witnesses of his presence. In such a beautiful universe there is a man who is looking for God. This man is not alone but under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Accordingly, human beings are made little less than the angels who are adoring the countenance of God. Similarly we are also gifted with glory and honor so that we could praise the mighty Creator. We are free and enabled to rule the whole world, but first we are to give thanks and worship the majesty of our God. Independently of the kind of our vocation as the grateful children we are to focus on the beauty of nature in order to discover its Maker. In the flora and fauna we can perceive the reflection of God's goodness and perfection. Since he has arranged everything to make us astonished and delighted. So already on the earth we are able to see the trace of God and to track his steps.      

Monday, February 11, 2013

Cum transfretassent in terram (Mk 6:53).

The crossing to the other side.

We are supposed to cross the sea to the other side with Jesus. It means that we are to leave our own way of thinking in order to see the light of grace. We are not just to engage in the tasks which keep us down to earth, but also we should remember the vocation given us by God and fulfil his will. In addition, we ought to long for the word of God and his holy sacraments. Since we are sick and in the need of healing. All of us are lacking something and only God is able to satisfy us. Also we are full of doubts and worries which make us beg for the God's mercy and peace. For these reasons we are looking forward to touching the tassel of Jesus' cloak to be cleansed from sins and weaknesses. Thus, we will experience the majesty of God and perceive the light of his splendor in our own life.

Ex hoc homines eris capiens (Lk 5:10).

You will be catching men.
We look forward to listening to the words of Jesus. He understands our longings and desires. Furthermore, he stands with us as human being in order to point to his Father. However, we are like the boats anchoring alongside the lake of divine wisdom. Because we are too afraid to sail by our own, we need someone to encourage us and to show how to go out to sea. Although our boats are sufficiently good to travel, we are lost in the waves of uncertainty and in the storms of passions. Nonetheless, we are to sail and to fish the true knowledge. Since we are created in the image and likenesss of the Son who is the Lord of deep water of divine mystery. No matter how the process of becoming holy is hard and long, we are to hear our Captain and to fulfill his commands. Obviously, the God's wisdom is overwhelming so that we are not able to comprehend it. Therefore, we need to follow Jesus and to be ready to carry out his orders.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Heri et hodie idem, et in saecula (Heb 13:8).

The same yesterday, today and forever.

We all are tired with daily routine. Therefore, we are looking forward to being with God. However, first our life on the earth must be completed. Thus, it is essential to love one another and to be hospitable. Since very often God's angels come to us in the form of ordinary people. Sometimes it also happens that we are like angels to others. It is a way of life we are being introduced by Jesus. He shows us how to service each other with the undefiled love. Moreover, looking at him we know what is the most valuable treasure. It is not gold but the awareness that God never forsakes us nor abandons us. On the contrary, he is always with us and helps us. For that reason, we cannot be afraid and uncertain. But we are to follow the holy ones and to imitate their faith keeping in mind that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Amen.   

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Accessistis (Heb 12:19).

You have approached.

In our opinion there is a great distance between God and people. This point of view takes its origin from the Old Testament. Since in ancient times it was true indeed. However, in the era of the New Testament this concept is not accurate. Nowadays, we are not terrified and trembling as we stand before God and pray him. On the contrary, we do enjoy worshipping him and singing praise. For we are sure to receive his mercy abundantly. Also we do believe that God is our beloved Father who takes care of us all the time. Therefore, we are really looking forward to being with him.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Exeunte eo de navi (Mk 5:2).

When he got out of the boat.

Jesus walks with us as a companion on the journey of our life. Usually he is unseen and hidden from our sight. But sometimes he enters our life with his divine power to make us pure and strong. However, we got used to focus on the material things and are not likely to notice his presence. We prefer to be bound with shackles and chains of daily matters. We even cannot imagine how to live as free people. Therefore, we need to ask Jesus to come and heal us. Otherwise, nights and days we will spend time like slaves of their weaknesses and impurities. For that reason, we have to catch sight of Jesus from the place where we live in. Also we have got to run up and prostrate ourselves before him crying out in the loud voice of our misery. He is certain to help hearing us call. Although we are really poor and sinful, he is able to cure our heart. Afterwards, he will depart letting us announce to others the miracles he has done for us.     

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Spiritus Sanctus erat super eum (Lk 2:25).

The Holy Spirit was upon him.

Believe that the Holy Spirit is upon you from the first moment of your life. You can even recognize it looking at people who cooperate with the Spirit of God. But it happens rather rarely. Nonetheless, there are holy men and women filled with the Holy Spirit. They are righteous and devout. People enjoy their presence and would like to be similar to them. Furthermore, to be a Christian is to be enlighten and led by the Spirit. Christians are to be moved by God and to fulfull his holy will. Also they ought to be aware that everything in their lives is the divine gift. Consequently, they are always grateful because their eyes can see the treasures of God's grace. Therefore, all of us are to ask for the divine light in order to be the participants of the holy nation. As a result, we will be able to understand the true meaning of our life. Moreover, we will be ready to accept even the most difficult circumstances with the power of the Holy One. For that reason, it is worth to pray and beseech the Holy Spirit to strengthen us.