Monday, April 1, 2013

Dominus in conspectu meo semper (Ps 16:8).

The Lord ever before me.

My Lord, Jesus Christ, is truly risen. Therefore, I want to keep him in my heart all the time. I place my trust in him and he is my refuge. He holds me fast and does not let me go far away. Also he counsels me in the depth of my soul. In such a way, my Lord is ever before me and with him at my right hand I am not disturbed. Moreover, my heart is glad and my soul rejoices. Even my body abides in confidence despite my weaknesses. Since I know for sure that Jesus abandons me neither in this life nor after my death. On the contrary, he always shows me the right path to life and holiness. Hence, I do approach him in the holy sacraments, embrace his body and pay him homage. Again and again he makes me strong in order to go and preach the Gospel to the world. For that reason, I raise my voice and proclaim that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life.

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