Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Sine honore | Prophet despised

“A prophet is despised only in his own country” (Mark 6:4).

In every journey of human life, one of the most painful things is when being rejected or belittled by others or by those closest to us. Humanly, we each want to be accepted and want to be recognized by others. However, it is not uncommon for us to experience situations that make our lives unhappy. We can become disappointed, hurt, and even have the intention of taking revenge when we are not appreciated by others. Rejection arises because of unbelief and it hurts a lot.

However, as Jesus' disciples, we need to learn from Jesus how to deal with situations or attitudes like these. As a human, Jesus experienced rejection from his fellow citizens, those closest to him. But Jesus calmly and patiently faced such a situation. This is the attitude we should emulate. We need to learn to be patient and calm in dealing with people who reject us, do not respect us, and even hate us. Patience to such situations spur our enthusiasm to always live and strive for goals. When there is rejection, try to be patient and calm while doing our best in life because behind it all there is a more beautiful plan of God. When there is one person who rejects you, there are still a thousand people who accept you. When there is one who hates you there are still a thousand people who love you.

Don't hold grudges. Stay patient and full of enthusiasm and do our best.


Reflection on Mark 6:1-6 by Frt. Sandre Loreng, SVD.

(Listen to the Podcast here)

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