Thursday, February 25, 2021

Fundamenta Fidei | Elementary Doctrines

"The elementary doctrines of Christ" – Hebrews 6: 11 (RSV-CE)

Sometimes it is good to ask yourself what your faith is about? Sure, you are Christian. So there are some fundamental truths you should accept. But let us ask ourselves about our personal experience of faith? 

As Catholics, we have the official teaching of the Catholic Church: teaching about sacraments, resurrection, and eternal life. We do not want to disobey this teaching. But we just reflect on our personal relationship with God. 

There are some simple questions: Why do I pray? Why do I open the Scriptures? Why do I attend Eucharist and confess my sins? Does it happen because I was taught to do that or there is anything else?

Each day I am looking for the Lord. I try to hear the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit in my heart. I search for God's light to make the right decisions. In addition, I receive heaven's gifts in the holy sacraments. Thus, I partake in the divine life of the Holy Trinity. 

Consequently, I can testify that God's word is good. Meditating and sharing the Good News make me glad and peaceful. From the Lord, I get the strength not to give up but carry my cross. I also look forward to the heavenly kingdom. 

Therefore, I am not going to abandon my faith. Surely, I feel sorry that my faith is so weak. But I ask for God's forgiveness. Especially for all my sins when I was crucifying the Son of God. I am ashamed of all mistakes which made the Lord suffer in my brothers and sisters. 

Almighty God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, bless me and strengthen my faith. Amen.

Reflection on Hebrews 6: 1 - 6 by Fr. Józef Trzebuniak SVD. 

(Listen to the Podcast here)

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