With his words "come to me!" Jesus actually invites us to come to him, so that we can rest in him and find peace. Jesus doesn't just invite us once, but he is always inviting us to come to him. Every time we need to come to him, he is always ready for us. Jesus also invites us with these words, "come to me, "to tell us that he always has time for us. He will be attentive to those who call him anytime, anywhere.
The love that Jesus gives us is the model of universal love. This is clearly seen in the words “all of you.”He loves all of us without exception, even his enemies. With great hospitality, Jesus receives us all and gives us rest after we work to spread the Good News, do good deeds, deliver the message of salvation in the midst of challenges and suffering. Do not worry and do not be afraid because the unconditional love of Jesus will call us, and in his readiness, he will support us to live as true children of God and his disciples. So, brothers and sisters, from Jesus, we learn the way of true discipleship, and in him, we will find peaceful rest.
By Father Risco Batbual, SVD
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