Friday, December 4, 2020

Miserere nostri (Mt. 9:27).


As human beings, we are strong and weak at the same time. Sometimes we are happy, sometimes sad, and depressed. Therefore, the crucial thing is to understand ourselves and take care of our thoughts and emotions. What is my strength and what is my weakness? When I need to give thanks to the Lord and when I should ask for help.

It was the thing about two blind men who followed Jesus (see Mt. 9:27-31). They knew exactly what is their disease. On their own, they were unable to recover. Consequently, they were following Jesus and even shouting: "Take pity on us!" 

Their voice can become ours while we pray privately and as a community of believers. We also can ask him for healing. Because all of us are in need of the healing power of Jesus. There are issues and problems which we cover intentionally and unintentionally. 

We are to invite Jesus to our inner house and let him touch us with his grace. Even if we do not have a deep personal relationship with Jesus, we can improve it during the Advent season. Since the very important part in the process of healing is to trust in Jesus. 

We want to ask Jesus to return our sight and also our inner strength, peace, and happiness. Friendship with Jesus is an intimate matter. So we are not obliged to share it with all our brothers and sisters. However, Jesus gives us freedom and never forces us to follow his ordinances. It is our own choice to fulfill his suggestions.

By Fr. Jozef Trzebuniak, SVD.

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