Friday, December 4, 2020

Clamantes (Mt. 9:27)


The gospel today tells us about Jesus who heals two blind men. The two blind men know with whom they meet although they were blind. They were able to see Jesus through the eyes of faith. They asked Jesus to restore their sight. The prayer of these two blind men was very short and simple, “have mercy on us, O Son of David.” The prayer expresses the depth of their faith. They know who they are dealing with.

In front of Jesus, the blind men do not ask for anything, they do not speak many words. They humbly placed themselves as people to be pitied. In our prayers, we often make supplications to God because we feel we deserve it because of our goodness or merits. Sometimes we are proud of our abilities somehow we are nothing before God. We only need to surrender. Let us surrender ourselves to God in our prayer.

By Fr. Fransiskus Diaz, SVD.

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