Sunday, November 29, 2020

Vigilate (Mk. 13:33)


Blessings on each of you “Seekers” as we begin a new Liturgical year!  

This is such a refreshing season as we begin anew and slowdown, wait in wonder as the Promise Messiah rests in the womb of Mary!

Can we imagine the longing and waiting of the people as expressed by the Prophet Isaiah: “Oh, that you would rend the heaven and come down...  while you wrought awesome deeds, we could not hope for...  No ear has ever heard, no eye has ever seen, any God but you are doing such deeds for those who wait for him.”

Jesus calls out to us in Mark’s Gospel to “Be watchful!  Be alert!”  How often, as in His own time, we miss the comings of the Lord!  “Watch!”  Advent puts us on alert to see the many comings each day of the Lord of Glory.

My Advent prayer for each of us:  “Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ…  God is faithful, and by Him you were called to fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.”  Come Lord Jesus, Maranatha!

By Sr. Mary Vivette, SND

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