Friday, November 20, 2020

In templum (Lk. 19:45)


Many people come to the temple, but not to worship God. They take advantage of the celebration of Easter as an opportunity to do business and seek a maximum profit. Jesus was angry because he knew that these people were in the temple but their hearts were directed to their own interests, not to God. So in my opinion, it was worth it for Jesus to get angry and drive them all out.

Until now, I believe that God is still doing the same thing: Jesus purifies the temple of God. Where is the temple of God? The temple of God is in all who believe in Him. We are the holy temple of God (cf. 1 Corinthians 3: 16). Up to this day God has always purified and sanctified our lives. We are cleansed from all evil thoughts, words, or deeds within us. Sometimes God also uses harsh methods to clean it, in order that we are all worthy before God. This may not be easy to do and will require true humility and surrender from ourselves, but in the end, as a result, our ownself will be cleansed and purified by our Lord.

Jesus desires to purify us in many ways. Let Jesus accomplish His mission in us all.

By Fr. Fransiskus Diaz, SVD.

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