Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Gratia Et Pax | Thank God for You

“We always thank God for all of you...” – 1Thessalonians 1: 2

It is a challenge to preach the Word of God to unbelievers, let alone to start a church. Apostle Paul faced many difficulties in spreading the Gospel. He and Silas were imprisoned in Philippi then miraculously were freed from the jail (Act 16: 26). They came to Thessalonica and some people joined them believing the Good News of Christ, but then had to flee from an angry mob (Act 17: 5). They moved to Berea and met good believers but soon were driven out by the same Thessalonian mob again (Act 17: 11-13). Paul had challenges in Athens (Act 17: 32-33) and he finally reached Corinth, in weakness, fear and much trembling (1 Cor 2: 3).

When Paul was in need for an emotional support, came the news from Thessalonica. The church there was strong, they imitated him without any force. This encouraging news brought by Silas & Timothy was a relief and much appreciated by Paul. He and his fellow missionaries gratefully prayed for the believers in Thessalonica, for their faithful work, loving deeds, and the enduring hope they have in the Lord Jesus Christ.

They accepted the message of God, Paul brought, with joy in spite of the suffering they endured because of that. They even became an example to all the believers in Greece—throughout both Macedonia and Achaia. Their faith had become known everywhere. They left their idols to come to God and they were waiting for the coming of Jesus, the Son of God.

The Word of the Lord changes people’s life. They become a new creation in Jesus Christ. The true believers leave a significant impact in others’ life. People are grateful, encouraged, loved and most importantly inspired by their unwavering faith.

Paul thanked God when speaking of the believers in Thessalonica. How about us? What would people think when they remember each of us? What kind of memories do we leave on other people’s mind? Do other people thank God for us?



Reflection on 1Thessalonians 1: 1-10 by Desire Litaay

(Listen to the Podcast here)

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Bonum Certamen | The Good Fight

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.” – 2Timothy 4: 7


Greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. What would you do if you knew that today is your last day to live on this earth? What would you ask for? Who do you want to talk to before you leave this world? What is your last wish?

Our passage today is the last known letter that Paul wrote to Timothy, in fact to anyone. According to the historians, not long after he wrote this, he was executed by the Romans.

In this letter to Pastor Timothy, Paul’s heart was not for his own safety but with the church and the thing he wanted the most - the companionship of Pastor Timothy (verse 9 and 21). He didn’t ask for a good lawyer to bail him out of jail or other comforts of life. This was because Paul knew that he has completed his tasks that God set for him to do. He said in the previous section, “I have finished the course … and for me, there laid out a crown” (verse 7 and 8). Nothing in this world have a hold of him now. One thing that he asked twice was that Timothy would come and visit him one last time.

In the reflection of this passage, Paul knew what really matters in this life and it was neither riches, nor fame, nor life accomplishments, but the joy of knowing that you have done everything God set you out to do. As we live in this world, we notice that hungry of accomplishments and feats. Through this passage, God wants us to know that pleasing Him is the most important thing in this life. Nothing else should matter, but pleasing the Lord.

But how? First, by knowing the things that please God. How do we know those things? By spending time in His Word of course. Second, by doing what we do know that pleases God. It is living the life that makes God smiles upon us.

Can you imagine what was going through Paul’s mind on that crisp morning when they woke him up and told him to get ready for his execution? I truly believe that Paul only had one thing in his mind - “I’m going HOME”.

Are you living the life that pleases Him now? Are you sure that you have tried your best to do what God has set you to do? If not, then why? As we are entering into the Passion Week, let us introspect our hearts and lives today.

God be with you, Amen.



Reflection on 2Timothy 4:9-22 by Pst. Devy Nanlohy

(Listen to the Podcast here)

Monday, March 29, 2021

Praedica Verbum | Preach the Word

“Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching.” – 2Timothy 4: 2 (NLT)


Photo by Abel Tan Jun Yang from Pexels

“The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed". – Hudson Taylor.

Preaching. What does preaching in 2Timothy 4:2 mean to me? Is it only for pastors? Since according to the context, Timothy was a bishop of Ephesus. Paul reminds us to preach the Holy Scripture in whatever situation we face. Either in a favorable situation –when there is no obstacle to preach, or in an unfavorable one – when the situation or people around are against preaching the Word. Paul also reminds us that there are times when proclaiming the truth would be awkward, difficult, or resisted.

This verse - “Preach the word of God. Be prepared, whether the time is favorable or not. Patiently correct, rebuke, and encourage your people with good teaching.” – is not only for pastor, is it? It is for all of us according to the Great Commission. In Matthew 28: 18-20 Jesus says, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”.

Jesus commands us to make disciples of all nations. In Mark 16:15 (NLT) He says, “go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone”. You and I are sent to a mission: Making disciples in our world or our systems. What is our world or systems? It is our nuclear family, our extended family, our colleagues, our community of the same hobbies and interests, at school, around our neighborhood or any systems God calls us.

Back to our Bible reading, 2Timothy 4:2 is about making disciples. It applies to all of us. Sometimes, we are worried about what we have to say or preach. There is no need to worry, because He who calls us has all authority in heaven and on earth and will equip us to his own glory and excellence. He who equipped Moses and Timothy, will equip us as well. Besides, it’s not about us, it is all about He who sends us.

As the Father sent His Son to the world, and now the Son sends us, his disciples, to multiply. To God be the glory.



Reflection on 2Timothy 4:1-8 by Veralin Uneputty

(Listen to the Podcast here)


Sunday, March 28, 2021

Passiones | Sufferings

“In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,…” – 2 Timothy 3: 12

My dear brothers and sisters, it is undeniable that all of us have suffered any time in our life and perhaps we are still suffering right now. We do not like to suffer for anything, nor can we resist it to come into our lives. We cannot run away from it.  Moreover, as God's people, suffering is our cross of life.

The suffering can be illustrated by two sides of a coin. On one side, the suffering could weaken our body and soul but on the other side, it could help us realize our infirmities and weaknesses then improve it. At this point, we are asked to endure the suffering and try to find a way of bringing peace into our suffering.

Saint Paul said, "Indeed, all who want to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted". Becoming a faithful Christian, we have to suffer and be persecuted as a part of our faith experience. Saint Paul also wrote about our attitudes when we face various kinds of suffering in our faith life. He emphasized that we must be consistent in the righteousness. How difficult it is to stride in faith, when we are suffering because of the faith itself. 

For surviving on our faith, Saint Paul invites us to be more and more faithful in reading the Holy Scripture and doing a reflection afterwards. In the Holy Scripture, we will find the wisdom of God which will lead us to God's salvation. God's wisdom helps us to correct ourselves and lead us to a repentance. Therefore, we try keener to read and to live God's Word accordingly in our daily lives. Those are the Christian's power in facing up sufferings.

My dear brothers and sisters, sufferings have great values in our lives as God's people. It can purify us and help us grow up in faith to God. By sticking to the faith and God's blessing, we can endure the sufferings in our lives. One certain thing which we have to remind is that God never gives us any unbearable sufferings. Also, His Love always accompanies us in our journey for His steadfast love endures forever. Accept your problems and sufferings and turn them into smiles. Amen.

Reflection on 2 Timothy 3:10-17 by Fr. Victory D. Lianain, SVD

 (Listen to the Podcast here)

Friday, March 26, 2021

De Corde Puro | A Pure Heart

“Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” – 2 Timothy 2: 22

My dear brothers and sisters, Timothy faced difficult problems in his ministry.  He was confronted by heretical teachers who liked to dispute, confuse, talk nonsense, and live a life of wickedness.  Paul admonished Timothy to try to be a worthy worker of Christ so that the false teachers would not find a way to overthrow Timothy and defame the name of God.

To become a worthy worker of Christ, Paul advised Timothy these two ways namely: First, to be wise in his words.  That is, not to be ashamed to preach the truth, not to argue about unworthy things, and to serve with gentleness.  Second, he should maintain purity by abstaining from lust, and pursuing justice, loyalty, love, and peace.  

We can note that amid the complex problems posed by the heretical teachers at Ephesus, Timothy was encouraged to deal with them wisely and not violently.  Although some had deviated from the truth, Paul advised Timothy to deal with it with tenderness.  Thus, maybe God allowed them to repent and know the truth.  Such people can easily get lost as a result of Satan's snare that enmeshes them.

Brothers and sisters, let Timothy's way of life and example be our role model.  Since often as followers of Christ or as spiritual leaders, we are impatient in guiding someone who has strayed from the truth and easily exclude him or her from the community of God's people.  

Before we confront people who have gone astray, let us first learn to be wise in speech and keep our lives pure so that other people or the devil cannot overthrow us and shame Christ.  With gentleness, we will be enabled by God with His grace to guide and direct the lost person to the right path. Amen, –

Reflection on 2 Timothy 2: 14 – 26 by Father Risco Batbual, SVD

(Listen to the Podcast here)

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Bonus Miles | Good Soldier

"Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus" - 2 Timothy 2: 3 (NLT)


Being true to a job, to a person and a calling in life, requires a high commitment, a deep trust, a sacrifice, and a life service with no hope of any rewards. This is the responsibility and risk we must face whatever form it may take. Sometimes, people love themselves too much and unable to see other people’s needs.

Saint Paul, in his second letter to Timothy, reminds us that when we are willing to become Christ’s followers, at that time our faith, love, and faithfulness begin to be put to the test. Every decision must be made consciously without blaming others.

Being a follower of Christ means willing to leave behind every comfort and self-selfishness. Though in reality, we strive to accomplish what Jesus commanded - being his follower "as a good soldier of Christ Jesus". It means we are ready to face challenges, trials, sufferings, judgments, and any enemies both from others and also our inner selves. We will be hated, slandered, isolated, and mocked, but we must believe that Christ is present in every measure of our suffering.

On the other hand, we may momentarily leave him because of our human frailty, but with the same love, he will await our arrival like a prodigal son. He's always waiting for us to come closer to him, for he's the Lord of mercy and compassion. One thing we must be grateful that “If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny himself" (V13). God bless us.

Reflection on 2 Timothy 2: 1-13  by Sr. Maria Venidora SND

(Listen to the Podcast here)

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Carissimo | My Dear

“Recalling your tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy.” – 1 Timothy 1: 4

For months now, most of us have been staying at home - voluntarily because we were required to work from home or involuntarily because sadly we became jobless, a casualty of the pandemic. Travel was restricted. Borders were closed. Doors were shut. Except for the frontliners, we have been confined in smaller spaces than what we have been used to.

Given our current scenario, the first part of the reading is so beautifully poignant, like the words are being spoken to us by a close friend whom we have not seen for a long time. Apostle Paul said and I quote, "I am grateful to God-whom I worship with a clear conscience, as my ancestors did - when I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day. Recalling your tears, I long to see you that I may be filled with joy".

And just like during his time when most of the followers of Jesus suffered because of their faith, Paul's words are as powerful now as then, reminding us that God gave us a spirit of power and love and self-discipline, and not a spirit of cowardice.

With this knowledge, we can be confident that we will overcome this trial because of God's grace. In the midst of terrible pain, of anxiety, of not knowing when this will finally end, we see God's light, each time illuminating more brightly, when we live in gratitude and when we encourage one another.

Reflection on 2 Timothy 1:1-18 by Kristine Gay Garcia

(Listen to the Podcast here)

Caritas Dei | The Love of God

"For if you do not believe that I am He, you will die in your sins" - John 8:24


Jesus’ mission is to free us from the bondage of sin. He never hesitated to speak the truth, He rebuked anyone who deviated from the path of truth.  Strived to the last point on the cross just to lead us home, on the right path.

We often ignore Him by ignoring our own conscience every time we sin.  But God is never tired of leading us patiently.  In our daily life, God often sends us His message through our conscience, through events of life.  Some of us really get His message but some of us are even deaf and blind to hear His voice and to see with our eyes of faith. That He is always waiting for us when we are despair of our sinful ways, or when we enjoy our own life too much.

God’s love for us is so great that He gave His only Son who redeemed us by His blood.  If we don’t repent, if we never feel guilty for the sins we have committed, then as He said, we will die in vain in our sins. As Christians, we believe that God is merciful, full of compassion.  Even the great sinners will be forgiven if they are willing to repent.

Why do we still hold on to our old way of life if it prevents us from entering His kingdom? Lent is a time of self-reflection. Let us turn to the right path, let’s accumulate treasures for eternal life by doing what is pleasing Him. God bless us all.


Reflection on John 8: 24 by Sr. Yanti Purnawati SFSC

Monday, March 22, 2021

Cupiditas | The Love of Money

"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs" - 1 Timothy 6:10.

There is a proverb said that "money is not everything" but in practice "everything needs money". We all need money. It would be a lie if someone says "I don't need money." If we read Paul's  letter to Timothy, we see that the key word in 1 Tim. 6:10 is not "money" but "the love of money." Money does not create crime. Money-related crime comes from the attitude of someone's heart toward money.

Having a lot of money is not a sin, but we shouldn't be enslaved by money. The love of money is the root of evil. The desire to get rich can cause people to fall into temptation. Many people are willing to do anything to get money quickly, even by a bad way.

We should never forget that we came into this world with nothing and when we die we will take nothing from it. So let us develop a "sufficient" attitude. When money distracts us from worshipping God, we dare to say "enough".



Reflection on 1 Timothy 6: 1-10 by Fr. Fransiskus Diaz

(Listen to the Podcast here)

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Duplici Honore | Double Honor

"Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially those who labour in word and doctrine" -  1 Timothy 5:17

Should every religious leader be respected twice? Isn't it by wishing for this turns a religious leader into superiority and becoming someone who is hungry for power? Do we as pastors, nuns and brothers need double respect for preaching the gospel? Or do we as faithful Christians need double respect from non-Christians? These are my basic questions after meditating on today's passage (1Tim 5: 17-25).

It was after reading this text over and over and reading some exegesis that I realized I was wrong. This letter was written by the apostle Paul to Timothy about how to take care of the congregations in the early church of that time. It is clear that the double respect is meant to give responsibility for a leader. How a leader conducts himself in service and association with the people.

The purpose of paying homage to elders or religious leaders is not merely aimed at an assembly of elders or religious leaders. Respect does not show the superiority of rulers or religious leaders. This advice, if read more carefully, is aimed more at the congregation, for us to appreciate every person who is specially called and devotes himself to religious life or those who are ordained to be God's servants.

People like us respect the clergy not because they have a respected answer in the church but as an awareness of our faith, a gratitude for the service and a form of responsibility as believers towards them. For they have sincerely sacrificed their hearts and energy, family and all personal affairs for the interests of ministry and also for the spread of the gospel.

However, is it true that those who are summoned truly do not have a thirst for power, honor or position? For example the measure used in choosing people for the gospel ministry or the celebration of the Eucharist – Does their rich or poor background matter? On the other hand, do we as people always demand every clergy to be perfect regardless of their human weaknesses?

Let us respect each other!


Reflection on 1 Timothy 5: 17-25 by Sandre Loreng, SVD

(Listen to the Podcast here)

Friday, March 19, 2021

Pietas | Godliness

“For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”- 1 Timothy 4: 8.


Dear brothers and sisters, Christianity is the way of life which is a life lived by faith according to God’s principles in the Bible. It also means keeping the relation with God in anything, anytime and anywhere. That is why Paul said that physical training such as fasting and abstaining from certain food and activities have a little advantage. 

Christianity is also how we exercise our heart, mind, soul and spirit to be like Christ. Some physical training may be useful to make us fitter for prayer, but godliness is true worshiping. It trains our mental and spirit to fear God, have faith in him, and live in holiness and obedience. God gives us the Bible and more than that, Jesus Christ, the word of God, as our role model to live a life in God’s will and please him.

One day, my boss urged me to find a role model. He asked me to choose a successful person as my role model. S/he would provide a vision and a visual proof, for whom I aspired to be. I was young back then. So, I was busy finding my role model. “Is it my Mom, or Mr/s. X, Y, Z?” I asked myself. As time goes by, I realize that Christ should be my role model to fulfil God’s purpose in me. He is a visual and living proof who lived a life according to God’s will and pleased God. It is important for Christians to become like Christ.

Brothers and sisters, please allow me to share one verse for the closing:

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will" – Romans 12:2. Amen.



Reflection on 1 Timothy 4:1-16 by Veralin Uneputty

(Listen to the Podcast here)

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Opus Bonum | A Noble Task

"Here is a trustworthy saying: Whoever aspires to be an overseer desires a noble task." — 1 Tim 3: 1 (NIV) 

We are all aware what is happening in our world nowadays. Often, our human’s tendency is not to be satisfied with what God has given us. To be famous or to be in high position is our human desire. Sometimes because of our needs, we neglect of what become of our first priority. We tend to forget the source of our lives, Jesus Christ.

In the first section of this letter to Timothy, Paul reminds the leaders of the church that the requirement for a leader is - not necessarily to be married or to have children - about being a faithful and capable leader of the church. To be a leader is to serve. We are called to live a life of service for others even though the results are not recognized or noticed. 

In this way, we learn from a holy man of God, St. Joseph. Tomorrow the Catholic Church will celebrate the Feast of St. Joseph the husband of Mary. Let me quote the message of Pope Francis in his Apostolic Letter, Patris Corde:Each of us can discover in Joseph – the man who goes unnoticed, a daily, discreet and hidden presence – an intercessor, a support and a guide in times of trouble. Saint Joseph reminds us that those who appear hidden or in the shadows can play an incomparable role in the history of salvation”.

In our simple way, we can contribute something for the church and the society. We have roles to play. Let us then imitate the life of St. Joseph, patron of the universal church.


Reflection on 1 Timothy 3:1-16 by Sr. Imelda, MSBS
(Listen to the Podcast here)

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Orationes | Prayers

“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.” – 1 Timothy 2: 1 (NLT).

It is easy for us to pray for the well-being of our family and our loved ones, but it is another thing to pray for the well-being of others that we don’t like.  In the context of the persecution of Christians by the Romans government, Apostle Paul asked Pastor Timothy to pray for the good of his government. And not just any prayer, Paul asked Timothy to bring requests, supplication and thanksgiving for the heathen leaders before God. It is not imprecatory prayer- prayer that God will punish those who are evil, but a prayer of thanksgiving on their behalf.

Why did Paul ask Pastor Timothy to do that? In verse 2b, it is stated that the twofold purposes of Paul’s advice are that the believers can live a peaceful life in righteousness and tranquility and also so it will become a testimony that will bring people to the Truth. These purposes in line with the gospel of Jesus that encourages the disciples to pray for those who persecute you.

Our natural tendency is to attack back those who intend to harm us. It is ingrained in our nature to do that, but Jesus asked us to do the opposite (to give another cheek, to walk another mile, to pray for them). What Jesus asked from us is not natural. This is true, because it is supernatural. It is supernatural because natural men cannot do it by themselves. It requires power from the Holy Spirit to enable us to not only forgive those who have wronged us but also for us to pray a sincere pray for the blessings for them.

This advice from Paul to Timothy, is based on the character which is the sovereignty of the Heavenly Father. Paul knew that nothing in this world happened outside the knowledge of God. He permits things, allows things happen in our life to achieve His purpose.

In the middle of that situation or problem in our life, we should not ask God why bad things happen to good people.  We should ask God, what He wants us to do or to learn during our trial. In our passage, God’s plan is clear for the church, that the church testimony of Christ in the middle of persecution will become louder and clear for the unbelievers, including the government leaders.

In the world full of natural people, God through Apostle Paul has asked us to be a supernatural believer. No, not a superman nor an ironman, but an ordinary person who lives his life in a supernatural way through the power of the Holy Spirit for the purpose of bringing others to Him. 

Believers, let us live a supernatural life for Him so others will see and want to come to know Jesus. Amen.

Reflection on 1 Timothy 2: 1-15 by Pastor Devy Nanlohy 
(Listen to the Podcast here )

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Gratia Domini | The Grace of The Lord

“…and the grace of our Lord overflowed for me with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.” – 1 Tim 1: 14

Paul deliberately recorded his extraordinary experiences in order to become an example for many people. How he experienced a big change in his life. He said, “I thank Him who strengthens me, who is Christ Jesus our Lord, because He considers me faithful and has entrusted this service to me”.

Paul realized that he could serve only because of the strength of God and the strength of God that kept him faithful. Formerly Paul was a fierce blasphemer and persecutor, but because of grace he was worthy of God.

We cannot change ourselves without God's mercy. The changes that Paul went through were all because of God's grace. We can also experience change for the better.

From God's side, He has given a great love, because it is necessary for us to do something from our side, namely faithfulness to live in that grace. Everyone can experience God's grace but not necessarily everyone is loyal to God. Be faithful because HE is so faithful. Thus we are grateful for the grace He has given us. Amen

Reflection on 1 Timothy 1:12-20 by Sr. Merry CM 

(Listen to the Podcast here)

Monday, March 15, 2021

Gratia, Misericordia, Pax | Grace, Mercy, Peace

"May God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord give you grace, mercy and peace" - 1 Tim 1:2.

We are brothers and sisters in Christ. Consequently, we want to give each other the best gifts. Our intention is to support, accompany and help one another. We also ask God to make our beloved ones happy, peaceful and blessed. 

According to Apostle Paul, the most valuable gifts are grace, mercy, and peace. All of these gifts we receive from God. First of all - grace. Saint Theresa of Lisieux said: "Everything is grace". If we reflect on this statement, probably we can agree with her. For everything which happens in our life can be understood as the grace of God. Some of these graces are pleasant, some are painful. Nonetheless, if we accept everything as a gift from the beloved Father, it becomes much easier to live on the earth. Secondly, the divine mercy. All of us are sinners who sometimes make wrong decisions and hurt others. Moreover, we are often proud and even offend God when we follow our bodily desires. Therefore, we should acknowledge that we also need God's mercy. Even if we commit small sins, we still have to ask for God's forgiveness and mercy. Thirdly, the gift of peace. We long for peace so much. The whole world lacks peace. But we forget where is the true source of peace. It is not in earthly pleasure, health, money, family. True peace can be found only in God. 

Knowing about those most important gifts such as grace, mercy, and peace makes us stronger while facing all challenges of our life. Moreover, we can share these gifts with other people. If we open our hearts for God's grace, mercy, and peace, the Holy Spirit fulfills us with them. So we are to ask the Lord to grant us these special gifts and let us experience them. 

Thus, we will continue our journey towards heaven with joy and peace in our hearts. We will not be afraid of false doctrines or wicked people who tend to hurt us. On the contrary, with a peaceful soul we will answer them that they do not serve God's plan (1 Tim 1:4). We will answer with love that comes from the pure heart, a clear conscience, and genuine faith (5). Overall, we will follow the true teaching of the Good News which was entrusted to us by the glorious and blessed God (6).   



Reflection on 1 Timothy 1: 1-11 by Fr. Józef Trzebuniak SVD.

(Listen to the Podcast here)

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Fidelis Sermo | Trustworthy Saying

"Here is a trustworthy saying... " - 1 Timothy 3: 1

Today’s verse for reflection is a gentle reminder how amazing the Holy Bible is. Yes – the verse speaks of gentle instructions how to conduct oneself if one wants to be an overseer. But beyond the detailed instructions, it just speaks so much of how God has thought about everything. It’s just amazing how God concerns himself with every detail of our lives – not only of whether or not we go to church every Sunday and hear mass.

It reminded me of a concept I learned before – the concept of “Unity of Life”. It reminded me how we cannot compartmentalize God in one area and conduct ourselves differently in other areas of our lives. As Christians, we need to reflect Jesus Christ in how we conduct ourselves and most especially how we deal with others. 

I read somewhere that for some people, we are the only Bible they will ever read. In some modification of that thought, it might be worth to give it a thought whether other people see Jesus when they encounter us. It’s a good thought to meditate and contemplate on. Unity of Life is such a beautiful concept as to how we let Jesus in other areas of our lives, most especially in areas where other people can easily relate to. We just never know when another soul may need to see Jesus through us.

The verse today also reminded as how practical the Bible is, how it helps not just in our spiritual lives, but into our daily, practical lives as well. God has brought it to a level we can all relate to. This is the God that we have, a God that sees the big things and the small things. 

I will always be humbled by a God who concerns Himself with all the details of my life, for I will never know how I deserved this much attention. And as always – it always comes back to love. A love that transcends the supernatural and spills over to the practical, and I will always be thankful and in awe.



Reflection on 1 Timothy 3: 1-15 by Blessie Sto Tomas

(Listen to the Podcast here)

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Saecularia desideria | Worldly passions

"It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age" -  Titus 2:12 (NIV)

Greedy people are never satisfied with what they have. So Paul reminds the people to rely on God's grace (11). Grace educates people to be able to convert, be sincere, and loyal to God. When we receive saving grace, there will be a strong impulse within us to leave the way of life that is against God and to distance ourselves from the way of life that is full of greed.

The more grace of God touches our hearts, the deeper realization of our sin is. The deeper realization of our sin, the great our thanksgiving is to God for saving us. The bigger debt that you've been relieved of, the more you're thankful. 

Let's examine ourselves. Have we received God's saving grace? If so, let us leave sin and make a commitment to live a new life in Christ.


Reflection on Titus 2: 1-15 by Fr. Fransiskus M. Diaz, SVD

(Listen to the Podcast here)

Friday, March 12, 2021

Ex Toto Corde | Wholeheartedly

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength." - Mark 12: 29 (RSV-CE).

Today's reflection is taken from the book of Mark 12: 28-34 and Hosea 14: 4. It describes how God, as a Father who loves us patiently, calls us to come back and turn to Him. Love God wholeheartedly and at the same time, love others. Because if with envious hearts we offer sacrifices, God will not heed.

The gospel of Mark 12:28-34 reminds us of Jesus' commandment to love one another. Our lives will be filled with peace if each of us tries to be an instrument of love, a bearer of peace so as to present the kingdom of God in this world. Sometimes we often feel that our love for God is an exclusive love. We forget that after receiving the acts of love from God, we should share it by loving others as ourselves.

Nowadays, we often find people harming each other, slandering each other, destroying other's life.  In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus teaches us that our love for God must be balanced with our love for our fellow human beings.

Our community will become a community of love, a community of God's kingdom, as long as we live in peace, not creating any kind of problems that could cause division.  Jesus is expecting us to love, to bring peace and love in our daily lives. Our life will be happier than before if we truly follow His commandments. God bless us all.


Reflection on Mark 12:28-34 by Sr. Yanti Purnawati SFSC. 

(Listen to the Podcast here)

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Caritas Tua | Your Love

"And I am praying that you will put into action the generosity that comes from your faith as you understand and experience all the good things we have in Christ." - Philemon 1: 6 (NLT)

Photo by Tomer Dahari from Pexels

The Lord Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves and accept them.  We often hear this teaching of Jesus, whether it is in a sermon or personal meditation when we read the Scriptures.  We often even use it to advise our brothers and sisters.

However, are we putting this teaching into practice in our lives?  If we see an ex-prostitute walking into the church, would we accept her or would we just keep our distance, activate our suspicious radar, and even watch her? I want to say that honestly, we have a hard time accepting someone who already has a negative stamp.  Even though this person wants to change and has an intention to become a good person, strangely, sometimes we don't want to know about it.

Therefore, I can understand that Philemon could have rejected Onesimus because he was a former prisoner, a useless servant, even a servant who had harmed him.In such a situation, Paul begged Philemon to accept Onesimus back, not only accepting him as a servant, but more than that, accepting him as a beloved brother.

Of course, this is something difficult for Philemon. Just accepting Onesimus as a servant has made him think a thousand times, and now he is being asked to accept him as a beloved brother; this is really something difficult.  However, it is here that the true meaning of love is seen.

Let us ask ourselves.  Can we practice this love in our lives?  Can we accept someone who was labeled badly before  and give our trust back to him or her in a job or ministry?  Can we accept him or her without suspicion, and guide him or her with the love of Christ?

Even though it is not an easy matter, it is love which teaches us to accept our neighbors as they are.  Remember that we are all sinners but because of his love, God saves us and accepts us back as we are.  With his love, God gives us happiness and eternal life.  So let us practice the teaching of love in our lives since we are called the true children of God and the real disciples of the Lord Jesus. Amen.

Reflection on Philemon 1: 1 - 24 by Father Risco Batbual, SVD
(Listen to the Podcast here)

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Mementote | Remember

"Remember those in prison,... Remember also those being mistreated..." - Hebrews 13: 3 (NLT)

Admonition is often defined as a good reproof, instruction, teaching, learning, and exhortation. Admonition always contains constructive values but never leads people into negative actions. Such a thing could happen depending on the person who receives the advice. Admonition has always been taken as a form of prayer in the shape of love, concern, and attention of others to us.

At the end of the letter to the Hebrews, the writer soaks us with very real advice which must live within us. Be mindful of prisoners as if we are sharing their imprisonment, cherish one another in every relationship, not to be greedy but be content with what we have, obedient, responsible, exemplary, not misdirecting others into sin, but most importantly live in brotherly love. This is the law of compassion. That every man deserves the same love and opportunity without discriminating against others, whoever he or she is, our enemies or friends. Sometimes we have to listen to others and not just demand others to listen to us.

In family life or religious community life, there are many experiences and things where we exist and encounter. Depends on a person’s perspective on how to react on them. We often hear or read or practice the Johari Window theory about the four elements that make up a person's personality. Among those elements, one was said, “I did not know and understand myself, but others did.” It means that sometimes we don't know ourselves but we think as though we know ourselves very well, so that we refuse to accept reproof from others. God knows everything about us as God uses other people to remind us of every action that we did.

God invites us to reflect and look at the depth of our beings. Do I have such a personality - that needs to be improved? If it is in me then be grateful, for through those people - who remind us of what we did, the Lord wants to shape our lives as better, mature, and opinionated beings. Because it is through them that God shows his love, mercy, and compassion. It can be in  anything and might be boring and monotonous at times. Yet, here God has touched our hearts. God is willing to show us his true love. Thus we may say with confidence: “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid.”(Hebrews 13:6).


Reflection on Hebrews 13: 1 - 25 by Sr. Maria Venidora SND

(Listen to the Podcast here)