Tuesday, March 31, 2015

In lucem gentium (Is 49:6).

The Holy Week is the time for listening to God and praying. It is a high time to remind yourself that the Lord is calling you all the time. He wants to make you know that you are his beloved one. Moreover, he ensures you that you are strong enough to fulfil his mission. For the Holy Spirit works in you and strengthens you. Consequently, you are well prepared to cooperate for the salvation of humanity. Your inspiration should come from the Son of God who was always obedient to his heavenly Father. As a reward, you will also receive the everlasting life in the kingdom of God. You will be made glorious in the sight of the Lord. There you will rest in God and enjoy in the presence of the universal church from all around the world. For the time being, you are supposed to share with others this encouraging news. Your life is not to finish here on earth but has its fulfilment in heaven. May this truth give you more light in the dark moments of your existence.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Suscipiam eum (Is 42:1).

God upholds all his servants who trust in him. Accordingly, he sends his Holy Spirit to support them in their endeavours. He chooses them to be his witnesses to the world and to follow the example of the Son of God in his humbleness. Moreover, they are supposed to serve others and help them find the Lord. There is a lot of injustice and cruelty in the world and people are in need of their ministry. Although God created a peaceful world, the people make it unrestful and dangerous. But God never stops loving his creation. On the contrary, he still cares for all his creatures and gives spirit to his people. He calls his children for the victory of justice. Also he grasps them by their hand in order to deliver them from the evil. If only they let him act, he forms them to be holy men and women. As a result, they become the light for the nations and the hope for those who live in darkness.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Benignitas et misericordia (Ps 23:6).

If you are close to God, you are not afraid. No danger, no distress can take the inner peace from you. Since you know that the Lord is at hand. You let him lead you and you are sure that everything happens for your good. Despite the difficulties you find rest for the Lord refreshes your soul. You are also happy because you are guided in the right paths. Although you suffer, you do not fear. Since the Lord accompanies you all the time. He encourages you and supports you with the gifts of his Spirit. Accordingly, you are provided in the holy sacraments and you receive the body and blood of Christ. For that reason, your heart is content and overflows with joy and peace. Moreover, you experience goodness and kindness even in the times of troubles. All in all you are supposed to dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Adiutorium meum apud Deum (Ps 7:11).

God informs his saints about everything. Therefore, they know what will happen to the world. They receive this information because they do trust in the Lord. In addition, they prefer to listen to the Spirit than to people. They also ask God to take care of the world. They offer him their deep thoughts and plans. Sometimes their only refuge is in the Lord. For that reason, they pray asking God to save and rescue the world. They know very well that because of their justice and innocence they are heard by him. Consequently, they are sure that the malice of the wicked cannot destroy them. For their hearts and souls which are created by God are everlasting. This truth gives them strength and supports them. Overall, they are blessed because they keep the promise of the Lord in their hearts which helps them persevere in the dangerous time.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Post triduum in templo (Lk 2:46).

As Christians we are to look for the Lord. It is our obligation and source of grace. Although it is difficult and challenging task, it is worth trying. In our journey we often feel lonely as if Jesus were far away. There is no chance to find him among our relatives and friends. If we want to meet him, we should go to the temple. But even there, it usually takes time to get used to being in his presence. The Son of God is sitting in our midst and listening to us. Sometimes does he say few words which make us astonished and change our point of view. The most important thing is to be ready and patient. It is better not to speak too much, but rather listen carefully to his message. Deep in our heart we can recognize his voice and his Spirit.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

A morte in vitam (J 5:24).

The Holy Spirit is still at work among the children of God. The point is to cooperate with the divine grace and to listen to the Spirit's gentle voice carefully. If you do that, you fulfil the will of God. In this way you respect God and show him your obedience. As a result, you can do such great works as the Son of God did. It is surprising how many good deeds you can perform. Moreover, you also experience the enormous love of the Father who cares for you all the time. He gives you life so that you could serve him in the world. As a response, you should honor him and give him thanks. You are supposed to hear his words, do everything in accordance with them so as to enter the heavenly kingdom. The message from God always gives strength and supports in difficulties. For it reminds that you are not alone but under the wings of God's Providence. Overall, your goal is to return to the house of the Father where you have a place prepared.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Laetare (J 3:14-21)

W czasie Wielkiego Postu stajemy w obliczu krzyża.
Jaki jest twój stosunek do krzyża? Przede wszystkim do tego krzyża, który przychodzi ci nieść w życiu?
Co robisz, gdy w życiu musisz zmierzyć siÄ™ z krzyżem? Czy potrafisz pójść pod krzyż Jezusa – spojrzeć na cierpiÄ…cego Syna Bożego i prosić Go tak, jak dobry Å‚otr, aby siÄ™ za tobÄ… wstawiÅ‚ u swego Ojca w niebie? Czy raczej sam próbujesz, po swojemu, zmagać siÄ™ z krzyżem nie proszÄ…c nikogo, aby ci pomógÅ‚? Wówczas twój krzyż staje siÄ™ udrÄ™kÄ…!

Bóg Ojciec zaÅ› – jak poucza Å›w. Jan - „tak umiÅ‚owaÅ‚ Å›wiat, że Syna swego Jednorodzonego daÅ‚, aby każdy, kto w Niego wierzy, nie zginÄ…Å‚, ale miaÅ‚ życie wieczne”.

Pomimo tego, że w życiu spotyka nas krzyż – czasem zbyt ciężki do uniesienia, tak ciężki, że pod nim upadamy wiele razy – pamiÄ™tajmy, że Bóg Ojciec kocha każdego z nas – bo On kocha nawet najbardziej upadÅ‚e ze swoich dzieci. Nie zapominajmy, że On jest najlepszym i kochajÄ…cym Ojcem, który ani na moment nie opuÅ›ciÅ‚ swojego Syna, wiÄ™c i nas nigdy nie opuÅ›ci. Nawet jeÅ›li my opuÅ›ciliÅ›my Go już niejednokrotnie popeÅ‚niajÄ…c grzechy.

Pisze o tym również Å›w. PaweÅ‚: „Bóg, bÄ™dÄ…c bogaty w miÅ‚osierdzie, przez wielkÄ… swÄ… miÅ‚ość, jakÄ… nas umiÅ‚owaÅ‚, i to nas, umarÅ‚ych na skutek wystÄ™pków, razem z Chrystusem przywróciÅ‚ do życia”.

Dlatego wÅ‚aÅ›nie wtedy, gdy masz ciężki krzyż: bÄ…dź chrzeÅ›cijaninem, to znaczy naÅ›ladowcÄ… Chrystusa, który niesie swój krzyż z godnoÅ›ciÄ…. Nie pozwól sobie na wybór Å‚atwiejszej drogi, na skróty, omijajÄ…c Boże przykazania i naukÄ™ KoÅ›cioÅ‚a. Bo ta droga poprowadzi CiÄ™ w ciemność, a ty jesteÅ› umiÅ‚owanym dzieckiem Boga – dzieckiem Å›wiatÅ‚oÅ›ci. I jesteÅ› powoÅ‚any do tego, aby z podniesionÄ… gÅ‚owÄ… iść w stronÄ™ ÅšwiatÅ‚a.

Jednym z najpoważniejszych problemów ludzkości jest ten, który opisuje Ewangelia:

„ÅšwiatÅ‚o przyszÅ‚o na Å›wiat, lecz ludzie bardziej umiÅ‚owali ciemność aniżeli Å›wiatÅ‚o: bo zÅ‚e byÅ‚y ich uczynki”.

Wybór Å‚atwych rozwiÄ…zaÅ„, wybór grzechu, który przeważnie przedstawia siÄ™ nam, jako coÅ› przyjemnego i Å‚atwego – jest zawsze pogrążaniem siÄ™ w coraz wiÄ™kszÄ… ciemność. Przekraczanie przykazaÅ„ za każdym razem powoduje, że oddalamy siÄ™ od Ojca Å›wiatÅ‚oÅ›ci i pogrążamy siÄ™ w coraz wiÄ™kszym smutku, nerwowoÅ›ci i zÅ‚oÅ›ci.

My zaś jako chrześcijanie, czyli umiłowane dzieci Boga, mamy:

„speÅ‚niać wymagania prawdy, zbliżać siÄ™ do Å›wiatÅ‚a, aby siÄ™ okazaÅ‚o, że [wszystkie nasze] uczynki sÄ… dokonywane w Bogu”.

Módlmy się w czasie tegorocznego Wielkiego Postu, aby chrześcijanie potrafili odważnie nieść swój krzyż podążając za Chrystusem. Amen.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Duo homines (Lk 18:10).

Are you convinced of your own righteousness? You would like to answer - yes for this question. But usually there is something you regret and you cannot say that you are absolutely innocent. Probably it is even better for you. If you did not have any guilt, it would be too easy to judge others. Although even now you are eager to judge people much more than yourself. It is always simple to think good about yourself and criticize others for something. If you do that, you quickly forget that very often you are also greedy and dishonest. So why do you put yourself higher than your sisters and brothers? Actually, there is no big difference between us. All of us are poor sinners and make wrong choices. What makes the difference is the attitude to sin. You can either ask for mercy or say that nothing happened. But just the truth and sincerity can bring you closer to God and humanity.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Convertere (Hos 14:2).

Every day I need to return to the Lord, my God. Since all the time I make mistakes and commit sins. Nevertheless, the Son of God invites me through his words to come back. Therefore, I ask for forgiveness and mercy. Then, I can offer the gift of prayer and my sincere heart. There is no other way for happiness and peace in my life. For I have already tried many things and been in many places. However, I have found nothing better than God. Now I know that he heals my defection and loves me freely. Moreover, he purifies me and strengthens me with the divine power. For that reason, I can grow and prosper in sanctity. Thanks to the Holy Spirit I am also able to become holy and be a good example for my sisters and brothers. Eventually, I can abide with the Lord in the holy temple and contemplate his countenance. Also my life changes, I am more humble, wiser and prudent. I am able to love God and people with all my heart and strength.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Audite vocem meam (Jer 7:23).

Listening is the most important part of prayer. If you are ready to obey the voice of God, you will quickly experience his divine presence in your soul. Thus, you will know for sure that you are his beloved child and he is your beloving Father. Consequently, you will walk according to God's will. For it will be clear that there is no better option. Your heart will be open for all the graces of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, your relations with people will be good and more sincere. Since you will be also eager to hear their advice and cooperate with them. You will become an honest person in all your deeds and talks. Overall, you will praise the Lord wheleheartedly. There will be a lot of joy and peace in you.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Daturus est vobis (Dt 4:1).

God gives you all what is necessary to live in happiness. But you need to follow his ordinances so as to enjoy his gifts. To make it easier God sends you his prophets and apostles to teach you everything. For your part you ought to be humble and eager to listen. It is the simplest way to attain wisdom and intelligence. Consequently, you will understand that your God is very close to you as you call upon him. You just need to take care and be earnestly on your guard. Thus, you will be well prepared for his graces and help. Afterwards you should not forget to be grateful for so many blessings. You are also to give testimony that the Lord supports you all the time. Finally, praise him and glorify your God. For he has strengthened and blessed you.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Vir magnus fortisque (2 Kgs 5:1).

As a human being you are strong and weak at the same time. There is always something you are proud of and something you are ashamed of. The wisdom is to recognize your strong sides and weaknesses. Sometimes an ordinary person or a casual event can help you to discover the truth about yourself. Therefore, so important is to be aware and vigilant all the time. Accordingly, you need to listen and watch carefully. In addition you are to be obedient to those who are wiser than you. Meanwhile, you are to guard against people who can hurt you. It is also true that some people do not like your happiness and wellness. Usually it takes time to find a God's servant who is able to cure your soul and body. If you find such a person, you must fallow his advice. Since you need someone who is more experienced to lead and support you. This is the only way to progress and prosper. Thus, from the spiritual childhood you can turn into a mature Christian.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Domus Patris (Jn 2:16).

Jesus is looking for the soul of man. He desires to abide there with his blessings and graces. However, this place is not usually prepared for him. Since a human being does a lot to fulfil  his soul with many things but Christ. Consequently, such a person is not happy because it is impossible to satisfy the longings of the soul with any things or ordinary people. Very deep in man there is a spriritual well which is created for the divine source. Accordingly, nothing from this world is able to satisfy it. Moreover, earthly treasures and desires can become its demons and destroy its inner beauty. For that reason, a wise man asks the Son of God to come and to make it clean again. Only Jesus has a power to renew the human soul and to change it for the temple of the Holy Spirit. Overall, the happiness of the soul depends on the fire of the divine love which flames inside it. Such an enkindled soul cannot be quenched but burns forever for the greater glory of God. 

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Pasce populum (Mi 7:14).

As human beings we all need God to be our Shepherd. Since apart of him we can be easily lost. From the moment of creation we depend on him as our beloved Father. He has prepared the beautiful world for us where we find the safe haven while travelling to the heavenly kingdom. Everyday we can experience the marvels of nature which shows us the goodness of our Creator. It invites us to do good things and to be similar to him. He is patient and clement towards us so as to teach us how we should behave. Again and again he forgives us our guilts and sins to make us free and joyful. Thus, he performs his faithfulness and mercy. He never stops to grant us grace and bless our endeavours. Overall, we can learn from him how to love with sincere heart.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Super omnes filios (Gn 37:3).

Surely God loves me very much. For I am his child and he takes care of me. He prepares everything good for me and wants me to be happy. However, not everyone is as good as my heavenly Father. Also I myself do not always try to love people as my sisters and brothers. It happens that I am jealous and greedy. I often think just about myself and my duties. Sometimes I'd rather kill others with my words and thoughts. If I have a bad day, I am not polite but ironical and unpleasant. I am not attentive enough to find the way how to help the needy, but focused on my own troubles. Nonetheless, my Father encourages me to forget myself and to go to the people so as to help them. Obviously, it is difficult and challenging but I am to follow Jesus Christ in this way. I can suffer from others but I need to be ready to share the Good News with them.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Audite verbum Domini (Is 1:10).

The Lenten season is the most suitable time for hearing the word of the Lord. Listening is also the essential thing in the spiritual life. If you listen to God carefully, you are taught everything. First of all, the heavenly Father wants to have you clean. Then, you are able to recognize the holy will of God and to imitate the Son of God. You can make justice and help their brothers and sisters. As a Christian you should not focus on your sins but rather try your best to become holy. Even the greatest sinners are able to return to God and start the decent life. If only you are willing and obey, you will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You will rejoice and be glad while following the Lord. Offering the praise you will glorify God and as a result you will find salvation in the heavenly kingdom.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Deus terribilis (Dn 9:4).

The awesome God wants to have the awesome children. Since as our Father he loves us very much. However, we are often stubborn and prefer to live our own way. Consequently, we commit sins, become wicked and do evil things. We do not like to be obedient but rather free and independent. Nonetheless, the Lord is compassionate and forgiving. He is still ready to help us change our life for better. Moreover, he forgets the iniquities of the past and always looks to the future optimistically. He is the one who can deliver us form our weaknesses and pardon our sins. We just need to come to him and confess our mistakes. Thus, having experienced God's mercy, we are able to live as merciful people. So we neither judge, nor condemn other. On the contrary we forgive and share the goodness. In such a way we follow the example of the heavenly Father.