Saturday, August 10, 2024

Holy Spirit | Spiritus Sanctus | EN | ES | IN

They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other languages, as the Spirit gave them the ability to speak - Acts 2:4

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The passage today describes the Pentecost event, where the Holy Spirit came like the rush of a violent wind and filled all those present, giving them the gift of tongues. This enabled them to speak in various languages, symbolizing the Church's mission to spread the Good News of the Lord to all people, transcending ethnic and linguistic barriers. The Church is therefore for all people, in all places, and for all times.

In a sense, this event can be seen as a reversal of the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9), where humanity's pride led to division through the confusion of languages. But here, the Holy Spirit unites people by enabling them to understand the message of the Gospel, leading to the unity of all humanity in Christ. This shows the universal nature of the Church, which reaches out to all corners of the Earth, bringing the Good News of our Lord.

Later in the passage, Peter addresses the crowd, explaining that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit fulfills the prophecy of Joel. This indicates that the gifts of the Spirit are now available to all believers, marking the beginning of the Church's mission to the world.

This passage also references Matthew 28:19: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." As Christians, we should be joyful in sharing the Good News, knowing that our Lord is in Heaven, guiding and empowering us through the Holy Spirit.

Reflection on Acts 2:1-21 by Cristóbal

(Listen to podcast here)

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