Thursday, August 22, 2024

Rogare | Help | EN | IN | ES

Then Peter said, "Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk." -  Acts 3:6

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Today's reading tells the story of a man paralyzed since birth, who was carried and placed at the gate of the temple. His purpose for being placed there was to meet those who were entering the temple and ask them for alms. This lame man only sat outside the temple, he did not enter the Temple to listen to the good news. It was a very short distance to hear the good news, but he preferred to be outside, focusing on worldly matters such as silver and gold. 


Likewise with the people who came to the temple. They only saw this lame man as a disabled person and only need money to live. They allowed this man to sit outside the temple and did not invite him to join them to hear the good news.


When the paralyzed man saw that Peter and John were about to enter the temple, he also asked them for alms. But the help given by Peter and John surpassed silver and gold; they did not merely pray for his physical healing, but they also saved his soul by introducing him to the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ. Verse 8 shows the joy of the healing that this man received. Usually, he only stayed at the gate, but this time he entered the temple of God and he even knew and testified that it was God who gave the miracle of healing so that he was healed. 


Brothers and sisters, when we have problems, let us enter into the presence of the Lord, the Savior of the world, and not just stay outside. The people around us, whom we often meet, they are also struggling with life's challenges. They do not always need us to help them in the form of silver or gold. Praying for them and introducing or reminding them that Jesus is the Savior and the Great Shepherd is the most important thing that they need.


Let us continue to encourage ourselves to witness and provide the best help to everyone.


Reflection on Acts 3:1-12 by Meis

(Listen the podcast here).

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