Thursday, September 22, 2022

Per Iustitiam Fidei | Righteousness from Faith

“It was not through the law that the promise was made to Abraham and his descendants that he would inherit the world, but through the righteousness that comes from faith.” — Rom 4:13  

A pearl of truth and love lies in everyone's heart. This all comes out when we pray. In prayers, everybody asks the good things for themselves or for other people. In the depth of their hearts, everybody wants things to be good and true. And no one wants bad things to happen. 

One thing in this world that is constant and must be fought for, is the truth. It is not easy, for the truth or righteousness goes against humans' tendencies. Humans tend to be more inclined to deceive and manipulate themselves but they have to realize that living in truth and maintaining it are essential. That desire should be there in every human's heart. Some people dare to actualize it; others choose to be safe and silent and let the truth defeats narrow-mindedness and wrong habitude by itself.  

In the letter of Saint Paul to the Romans (Rome 4:13), he reminds us that it is not by Torah that Abraham receives all the grace but because of the righteousness that comes from faith. The truth is that Abraham loves God more than anything and can offer all he has to convince God. Have faith that what God has promised will be fulfilled. And Abraham has them all. We, as Christians have to live and fight for the truth because it is the sign that we believe in God. 

It’s true that when a person fights for the truth, especially with Christian embellishments, they will be rejected and hated by the ''world' because the world does not know Christ. Even so, never stop doing the right thing. We have to believe that the Spirit of God always helps us at the right time. Let’s learn from Jesus who lives in truth and righteousness. He preaches the truth but the world refuses, hates, and even kills Him. However, the Holy Spirit continues to show the truth and will always be victorious.

Reflection on Romans 4:13-25 by Sr. Maria Venidora SND
(Listen to the Podcast here)

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