Monday, October 19, 2020

Sumus factura (Eph. 2:10)


Yes, we are sinners. We have already commited many sins. Consequently, we have to regret and ask for forgiveness. Nevertheless, from time to time we fall down again and again. It happens all the time. We would like to be holy and blameless but we are not. Are we going to give up or rather come to Jesus?

Obviously, we have a lot of experience with human sinfulness. But we strongly believe in Christ. We decide not to live sensual lives. We do not want to be ruled by our own physical desires and ideas. On the contrary, we choose to trust in God who loved us with so much love. Because he is the merciful Father who always forgives his beloved children. He is ready to accept us and cleanse us from our sins.  We are not able to overcome our weaknesses on our own. Only Jesus Christ, the Son of God, can bring us back to life in holiness. 

We really need divine grace to encourage us and strengthen us. Otherwise, we are too weak to fight against sin and the evil spirit. Jesus is our Strength and Salvation. Through him, we are invited to enter the heavenly kingdom and get a place with holy angels.

Every day we experience God's mercy and goodness. Every morning we wake up to start a new life in the Holy Spirit. We are enriched by peace, love, and joy which come from the hands of our heavenly Father. So we are to answer with trust and love. Moreover, we are to recognize the image of God in ourselves. For all of us are God's work of art, created in Christ Jesus to live the good life. Let us not forget about our dignity and vocation as sons and daughters of God. Amen.   

By Fr. Jozef Trzebuniak, SVD.   

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