Monday, October 5, 2020

Magna opera Domini (Ps 111:2)


Every year we celebrate our birthday. It is the best time to give thanks, especially to God the Father, and to our parents. Thanksgiving comes from our hearts and it is a sign of gratitude. Actually, we have experienced so many graces and blessings. There were so many people who have influenced us with their presence. That is a reason to pray for them all and praise the Lord. 

We usually are focused on bad news but the birthday is a special occasion to ponder all the good works of the Lord. If there were no love between our parents, we couldn't have appeared in the world. Moreover, each of us is a beloved child of the heavenly Father. We are so loved and wanted. We are expected and blessed. It is just and true that we didn't come to the world by a chance. It was an everlasting plan and the divine Providence that made us exist and love. In addition, we were created to live forever and ever in the presence of all saints and angels. 

Jesus Christ preached the Good News in order to ensure and encourage us in uprightness and truth. Obviously, there were many good and bad experiences in our life. However, in the power of the Holy Spirit, we could overcome everything. The real purpose of our existence is only love of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. So let us praise the Lord and rejoice with our brothers and sisters. We have received a beautiful gift to share with one another. May our life become a blessing for those in need. Overall, we are to get a reward in the heavenly kingdom where our loving Father is waiting for us to return home. 

By Fr. Jozef Trzebuniak SVD.