Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Dicite: Pater (Lk. 11:4)


Today we hear again, Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray. In this prayer, Jesus invites us to call God “our Father”. So, Jesus would like to tell us that the first step in every prayer is the awareness that God is our Father who always listens to us because we are all his beloved children.

A good example of Jesus is his relationship with the Father in prayer. He always prays to draw strength so that his work can be successful. And Jesus does not teach us only how to pray but invites us to join him in prayer.

When Jesus prays he brings to God our needs and our problems and waits for his guidance, light, and strength. It means that we have to open ourselves to God and let him work in our lives. We need to surrender ourselves to God and let his will be done in our lives. 

The Lord’s prayer teaches us to bring our needs to God, not as demands but requests. In this way, God can harmonize our prayers with his own purpose. Let's keep in mind that the repetition of the Lord’s prayer, helps us to understand that God is our Father who always listens and helps his beloved children.

By Fr. Risco Batbual, SVD.

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