Friday, October 23, 2020

Dare separatiionem (Lk. 12:51)


In living each day's life, we must firmly make choices. Firmness is necessary for the sake of truth. Jesus is the truth itself. The opposition is an inner war to choose between truth and evil. This would certainly apply to anyone who lives in a family, as well as a community. Ultimate truth must be sought and obtained only in Jesus' name because the truth in Jesus is divine truth. Then why did Jesus come with the opposition?

In today’s Gospel, Jesus said, “Do you think that I have come to establish peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division” (Lk. 12:51). Jesus made it clear that this seeming contradiction in His statement did not mean that He was divisive or a provocateur. Jesus' coming is the bringing of truth and life. The reason is clear that the world is steeped in falsehood, hypocrisy, hatred, and death. Jesus came to fight against all of it.

Let us never fear, then, that because of truth and faith in Jesus, when we contradict those we love the most because Jesus also experienced such. Surely we are challenged by the devil who has invaded the hearts and the minds and the masks of people. May our faith not crumble because of the world's hatred for the value of truth. Let us open our hearts, that we are always be purified by the fire of the Holy Ghost when remaining in whatever presence is contrary to our faith.

By Sr. Maria Venidora, SND.

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