Monday, March 27, 2017

Ecce ego creo (Is 65:17)

During Lent God wants to create in you new heavens and a new earth. It means he tries to transform your soul and to touch your body with his grace. The holy time is meant for the inner healing with an important impact on the whole person. 
God the Father does not make you remember your pains and sufferings from the past. Instead, he prepares everything so you could feel happy. The beloved Father has created you to be a joy and a delight for others. For that reason, you are supposed to shine with gladness on your face. Because God loves you, he rejoices when he sees you joyful.  His divine Heart suffers if you weep or cry.
The God's Providence embraces you and leads you through life. Also God the Father sends his holy angels and good people who help you, especially in the times of trouble. Moreover, his Holy Spirit is always with you to support and encourage your spirit. 
As a beloved child, you testify that God is the heavenly Father who never leaves you. Thus, every good work you perform is the sign that his divine Spirit is upon you.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Ex toto corde (Mk 12:30)

The acid test for our love for God is always the love we have for our neighbour! In the scripture, we see Jesus answering with conviction that love of God and love of neighbour is needed to live a holy life. Therefore, when you foresee the joy of the other, when you joyfully offer to others what legitimately belongs to you, when you accept everything as a gift, you do love as Jesus. 
What motivated Jesus was the conviction that he has received a gift of love from his Abba Father. The Son of God maintained a deep relationship with the giver of His life. He longed to be in  solitude with his Father, for example on the mountain, at the sea shore, in the temple, etc.) and was publicly engaged with the Father.  
Jesus applied the same principle of the divine love to all everyday relationships.  He had a personal encounter with those who needed special attention. Accordingly, he socialized himself with men and women, tax collectors and sinners, etc. It was love in its pure and practical form. 
I wonder if I at times do not fall into undue religiosity and rituals. I am able to kneel down and pray a whole rosary but I find it difficult to bend my head before some people. I show the willingness to keep a night vigil before the blessed sacrament but I fail to volunteer to keep awake with a bed ridden brother or sister of mine. I am keen on making pilgrimage even at far places but at the same time I run short of  time to visit my neighbours in the vicinity. 
As Christians it is our responsibility to share love in our endeavors to all who are entrusted to us. For instance,  among parents and children, husband and wife, brother and sister, boss and assistant, teacher and student, formator and formandi, rich and poor, healthy and weak, friend and foe, etc. 
Yes, Jesus loved His life, held it as a priceless gift and finally offered it for us.  I am invited to love  God and my brothers and sisters, with all my soul, heart, mind and strength (by s. Jessy Paul SSpS).

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Benedicentes Domino (Dn 3:24)

In every moment of your life, you are able to pray to God. Especially, when you are in danger or feel lonely, you can ask him for help. Moreover, if you commit sin or are depressed, you may put hope in his divine mercy. But the most important is to remember that you are a beloved son or daughter of God. 
Your heavenly Father has created you to become a holy one. Only you are to listen to him carefully and to live according to his will. You do not have to be scared of being his servant because it is a great privilege and honor. If you follow his ordinances, you multiply your offspring like the stars of heaven. 
You should not worry when the unpleasant situation happens in your life. For God the Father is taking care of you and embracing you above all in the most difficult events. Although, you experience pain and loneliness, your contrite heart and humble spirit can be united with God. In prayers and offerings, you can stand in the presence of your heavenly Father and open your soul unreservedly. Thus, putting all your trust in God and following him with your whole heart, you experience his closeness, kindness and great mercy.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Ioseph vir (Mt 1:19)

During my hour of meditation I asked Jesus what he learned from His foster father Joseph. He had a lot to share starting from learning to love others, up to giving up His life for others.  He opened to me a world of beautiful events that took place particularly during His childhood. Joseph was a man who walked miles in faith for the sake of others, without losing his smile. While Jesus was growing up Joseph must have taken him for walks, sharing with him the stories of his birth and the journey that he undertook from Nazareth to Bethlehem covering nearly 80 miles with the pregnant Mary. Probably another highlight of His story was his flee from Bethlehem to Egypt over night treading  another 400 miles, taking responsibility for Mother Mary and Baby Jesus, as was told to him in a vision by the angel of God. No wonder Jesus became an itinerant preacher who was never frightened of what happens 'around' but focused on what is ‘within and ahead’. Jesus learnt to trust in the God of journey, who provides on the way without fail. Jesus knew the pain of what it means to live as a refugee at the margins, away from the familiar zones. Above all He developed deeper convictions of life with regard to God's plans and its revelation in our daily lives while drawing inspiration from Joseph’s encounter with the angel. 
Being just and upholding the dignity of women was another lesson that he translated into his own very life from Joseph (restoring the dignity of woman caught in adultery, Mary Magdalene, Samaritan woman at the well, etc.). He must have known that his father never wanted to disgrace his mother even when he felt that his dreams of building a family with Mary was almost shattered. Who else can ever better demonstrate the fact that, in a genuine relationship, love and acceptance takes precedence over the seemingly unpleasant arenas of the other's life? 
I believe, compassion (ability to 'suffer with') of earthly Jesus has his roots in the person of St. Joseph. Consequently, people of all sorts and walks of life became his friends.  Joseph never felt belittled to take Mary as his wife but considered her as his prized possession. Like Joseph, Jesus too learned to overcome ridicule, scornful looks, prejudices, blind practices, labeling etc. It did not bother Jesus when he was unduly labeled as glutton, drunkard, friend of sinners, traitor, blasphemer etc. because he knew well his true identity and his role in the master plan of God. It was from St. Joseph that Jesus imbibed the virtue of sacrifice - joyful giving of one's own life for others. I wonder, how many of our petty issues of life with regard to family, relationships, etc. could be solved if we tried to live like St. Joseph at least in some aspects! May St. Joseph ever remain as an icon of faithfulness, justice, guardian of dignity and   unconditional love for the partner destined by God (by Jessy Paul SSpS).

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Pasce populum tuum (Mi 7:14)

As human beings we need a shepherd who leads us. We need someone who shows us the way and teaches how to follow the right path. Since we are like children who are lost without a guard.
Therefore, we ask God to show us his wonders and miracles. Thus, he removes our guilts and pardons sins. Since he is also a merciful Father who wants to console us. He never persists in his anger but delights in clemency towards us. 
Consequently, we feel that we are loved by God. Our eyes open and hearts rejoice. We do not focus on the weak side of our life any longer. On the contrary, we acknowledge that we are right and beloved. We experience that there are so many good people and angels who support us on the road. We meet the faithful friends who accompany us in every moment of our life. 
It happens because the grace of God is with us all the time. As Jesus Christ has promised, the Holy Spirit helps us and dwells in our souls. Happily we open ourselves for the divine love and love others.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Beatus vir (Ps 1:1)

As Christian you are called to become holy. But what does it mean? The blessed person is the one who delights in the Lord and meditates on his words all the time. It happens because the holy one loves the Lord and at the same time he knows that the Lord loves him. The saint prefers to abide with the Lord rather than with the wicked and tries his best not to commit sins. 
The power of the holy Christian comes directly from the Holy Spirit. The blessed is always in the spiritual contact with the Lord. He does good and lives the holy life because his inner strength comes from the divine source. Accordingly, he behaves rightly and is fulfilled with hope. 
The blessed prospers in his endeavours because is united with the Lord who watches over all his ways. Thus, every word and action of the blessed is fruitful and empowering. The good example of the saint begins in the generous heart where he treasures the word of God. 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Prius reconciliare (Mt 5:24)


One of the central messages of Jesus to the humanity was reconciliation which he exemplified throughout his life and especially while hanging on the cross. Mathew describes Jesus as having a sense of right and wrong, handling anger, insult, facilitating reconciliation and peace. 
As I look around the universe, nature and people, I come in touch with the existence of the opposites. For examples: night and day, negative and positive, good and bad, hills and valleys, white and black, hot and cold, life and death, etc. I believe that reconciliation between the both leads to wholeness and life. In addition, it can be applicable on a personal and communal level. 
In order to reach the fullness of life which Jesus has promised, I need to enter into my own world in the light of the Holy Spirit. I am to bring acceptance, reconciliation between the elements which are constantly in fight. At times my mind and body, emotions and behavior, actual self and ideal self can be at two different poles bringing discord and disharmony. To establish harmony, I require patience to work with myself and humility to accept God's grace. 
In this process, I become aware of my ego which wants to punish, insult, take revenge on others or to protect myself.  In the second level, I consciously get to know the fact that I am a representative of Jesus Christ who brought reconciliation between God and the fallen humanity. This fact encourages me to take action towards reconciliation and peace among my own brothers and sisters in the community. I understand that they are equally vulnerable and often wounded. 
Jesus teaches me today: "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you". I am invited to go beyond my natural inclination and care for myself. When I do not know what to do next, I ask myself those questions: Is it in line with my conscience? Is it going to help me and others? Does God want it at this point of my life?  
May this season of Lent keep reminding us of the reconciliation that Jesus initiated and of our responsibility to follow his example (by s. Jessy Paul SSpS).

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Semen serenti (Is 55:10)

The divine word comes down from the heavens and works in the human heart like the rain which gives life to the earth. The word of God also functions like the snow which covers the nature with a white blanket. Similarly, thanks to the divine grace and word, everything becomes bright and clean immediately. 
Moreover, the word of God which is proclaimed in the Church does not return to the heavens till it encourages and makes the human soul fertile and fruitful. For that reason, the faithful who reads the Good News always is fulfilled with inspiration and spiritual power. While reading the Bible, a human being finds the right path in his life and the source from which can draw the lifegiving water. It happens because the Lord speaks to the soul through the daily readings. Thus, everyone who focuses on the divine message can easily recognize the will of God. The follower of the divine word achieves the reward in the eternal kingdom. He is set free of his distress and secured in the hands of the heavenly Father. 

Friday, March 3, 2017

Quasi aurora (Is 58:8)

The foundation of the relation with God is sincerity. Moreover, the sincerity is needed in all kinds of interpersonal relationships. Being honest means telling the truth in every case. For that reason, it is not enough to look for and to desire a good friendship. Building a good relation takes effort every day and in all circumstances. For each time we hide the truth and tell lies, we abandon the Lord and other people. We can do many good things but if we lie everything serves for nothing. When we tell lies, our life of prayer is not effective at all. If we cheat one another, we build a wall around us. Consequently, we lose access to God and also our inner unity.
Therefore, the Lent is a proper time to forget about our good name and to tell the whole truth. First of all, we are invited to confess our sins to God. Then with dignity and sincerity we ought to approach our sisters and brothers. It is possible but only in the spirit of humility and trust. Thus, being humble before God and friends, our voice can be heard. Our merciful Father will receive us as prodigal sons and daughters. In this way, we will be encouraged and capable of starting a new and holy life. Our wounds shall quickly be healed and our inner life shall break forth like a dawn. Finally, our relations with God and our friends will become the communion of spirits.   

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Tollat crucem suam (Lc 9:23)

Today's Gospel portrays  the delicacy and depth of God's love in the invitation to follow Jesus. It's true that every invitation leads us to make choices: whether to be a part of the event you are called for or not. Usually, we make our free choice depending on the type and degree of relationship. Obviously, many other criteria come alive under varied circumstances. Today we are in the receipt of such an irrevocable invitation from Jesus, with its highlights: deny, take up and follow.  
'Denying oneself' means to come before the Lord naked - emptying myself - that Ican be wrapped with God's unconditional love just the way I am, without any mask. Then I show the willingness to 'take up' the cares and worries of my neighbors, by consciously entering into their world which sometimes may even seem bleak coupled with uncertainties. Here I offer  myself as a soothing  balm to the those wounded ones who are in need of healing. This demands me to live in time and space, side by side along with my brothers and sisters.   
'Follow me' reminds me of  shore of Lake Galilee, where Jesus  enticed the first disciples with His dream for the humanity. I am simply 'caught up' in His mission to be a partner with Him. As a disciple, I grow daily. I try to listen to His voice deep within my heart and I unite my will with His will. Jesus Christ will never leave me alone. Especially in my weaknesses He will manifest His love (by Jessy Paul SSpS).