Monday, July 3, 2023

Omne verbum | Word of God

"The word of God will never fail" - Luke 1:37.



We have many reasons to fear. There are riots in many countries, like France, South Africa, Papua New Guinea. We know it because we live in the areas of public anxieties. So it's a normal and human experience to be afraid. Besides, in our daily life there are so many struggles and difficulties. If we are a bit empathetic, we also engage when our friends and relatives do suffer. 

Luke (1:26-38) describes the personality of the Blessed Mary who was a favored woman (v. 28). She lived in the presence of the Lord. She was never alone. Yet, she could experience fear in her life. She dreamed about beautiful future with her beloved partner Joseph. Everything was well-prepared and organized. But she got confused and disturbed by the messenger who was sent by God. She believed and trusted in the Lord whose word never fails. Even so, she could not understand the will of God. 

It also happens in our lives when we have our plans and dreams. We want them to become true. But God often has a different plan for us. So, we get confused and disturbed. Although the divine Word inspires us, we are still weak and it's not easy for us to accept God's decisions. For that reason, we do need the gift of the Holy Spirit. On our own we cannot welcome Jesus Christ as our personal Savior and Redeemer. On our own we can only live for a short time but not forever in the kingdom of God. On our own we have too many questions without answers. 

Like the Blessed Virgin we are to open our heart for the Son of God and his Holy Scripture. We can see so many Christians who followed the divine teaching. They did experience miracles in their lives. It is not true that we are like barren land. We are capable of giving life thanks to the power of the Holy Spirit. We only have to agree with the will of God. 

Although, we do not comprehend the whole plan of God, we can be faithful servants and disciples of the Good News. Let us not forget about the holy angels who support and guard us. We can be sure that everything we have read in the Bible about us will come true. We only need to be patient and keep our strong faith. 

Reflection on Luke 1: 28-36 by Fr. Józef Trzebuniak SVD

(Listen to the Podcast here)



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