Thursday, June 4, 2020

Vadam illuc et orem (Mt 26:36)

You are travelling with friends to the heavenly Kingdom. In your life you experience ups and downs, happiness and sadness. One day you are joyful, the other day sorrowful... Nevertheless, you keep walking. You can notice Jesus at your side. You meet him while reading and meditating on the Scriptures. There he gives you answers for the deepest questions and problems of your life. 
Your Lord, Jesus Christ, teaches you that you sometimes need to pray alone and abide only with your beloved Father. However, you also can talk with your friends and family members. All of them are signs of God's love towards you. 
You should not be afraid to share your life and to ask for support. For each of us is fragile and from time to time looks for other people to be conforted. 
Friendship and every good relation takes a lot of time, effort, patience and trust. In the relations with people you are invited to follow them and their stories. Your story is not the most important one. So you don't have to focus on your own problems. On the contrary, you are able to look at your heavenly Father and experience his great love towards you. Even friends and your brothers and sisters can disappoint you. But your beloved Father will never let you be abandoned.
You can pray in these words today: My beloved Father, help me and support me in my struggles. Do not let me be alone. Strengthen my faith and love towards you. Make me more grateful and sympathetic in the relations with other people. Send your Holy Spirit to enkindle us with your divine grace. I ask this through Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen. 

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