Every priest is to follow Jesus Christ in his ministry. That is to offer sacrifices for sins and to sanctify people who come to the church. These holy mysteries are celebrated in order to prepare believers for the everlasting happiness in the kingdom of God. Through the sacraments all faithful people are being consecrated. Since the priestly service makes the Holy Spirit come to the hearts of men. In such a way, God's commandments are written upon their minds.
Therefore, it is so important to pray for good priests and ministers in the Church. They are especially needed in the places where people are loosing their faith. It is necessary to have there such religious Christians who will ask God for forgiveness and many other graces. For without priests there is nobody else who could lead people to the spriritual life. And the vocation of all children of God is to become holy and to experience the joy of being loved by him. So let us pray for the sacred pastors who will help Christians go deeper in the relationship with God, the Father.