Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Negavit | Denied | EN | IN | ES

Peter therefore denied it again, and immediately the rooster crowed. – John 18:27


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Peter’s threefold denial of Christ is found in all four Gospel accounts. A question many people ask, is why would the chief of the disciples deny even knowing Jesus Christ? Of course, we don’t know exactly, but fear was most probably one of the main reasons.

Although all the other disciples had fled, Peter still followed Jesus after His arrest, but he kept his distance. Peter watched as Jesus was being falsely accused, beaten, and insulted. Peter must have been gripped with fear. Earlier, Jesus had warned His disciples, as well as us today, “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first” (John 15:18). Peter wasn’t nearly as courageous as he had said previously. In fear he denied Jesus Christ.

Maybe Peter felt unworthy, not “good enough” after the denials. Even though Peter denied Jesus Christ, he was given a second chance. Jesus still wanted a relationship with him and Peter still had a very important role to fulfil. We read about this new chance in John 21. It took place after the resurrection of Jesus, when Jesus cooked His disciples’ breakfast on the shores of Galilee on a fire of coals (John 21:9). Jesus did not tell Peter that he was not good enough, and that he needed time to prove himself again. Jesus just asked him: “Do you love me?” (John 21:15). This is a vital question for every believer, every day: Do you love Jesus? No matter what happened previously, do you love Jesus Christ, as your all-sufficient Saviour today? Do you accept His perfect, complete and finished work of salvation?

Maybe you have heard from others that ‘’you are not good enough’’. Maybe even a parent, teacher or even a friend told you that ‘’you are not good enough’’. That remark can be very painful and you might even start to believe it. But with Jesus Christ in your life, you are always good enough. You are His beloved child. As long as you accept His precious free gift of forgiveness of all sin, and accept Him as your sufficient Saviour and Lord, you are His beloved child.

As Peter himself writes in 2 Peter 3: 9: “He is patient with you, not wanting any to perish”. Let’s build a personal relationship with our Lord and Saviour.  He is standing at the door and knocking. Let's make sure to open the door and let Him into our lives (Rev 3:20).

Reflection on John 18: 19 – 32 by Hanne

(Listen to podcast here)

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