Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Paenitentia | Repent

"…I tell you again that unless you repent, you will perish, too." - Luke 13:5  (NLT)

Have you ever been grateful for your arms and legs? Recently, I saw a video in my YouTube profile. It's about a community of handicapped people who help one another. One has no arms but capable of using his legs as a substitute, one has one leg and one arm, and the other has no arms but is able to use his mouth to help him survive. I was stunned seeing how they manage to deal with everyday life including cooking delicious food but also their struggle to do what we consider as simple things. These people have sort of bad destiny while others seem not. But the way they smile and conquer life makes me praise the Lord, and ashamed of how I often fail to be grateful over so many blessings in my life.

The passage today warns us about our perspective on seeing sufferings other people go through. We tend to think that sufferings come to the sinners, not us. Because we are good people. Some people came with bad news of those who were murdered by Pilate when they were offering sacrifices in the temple. Jesus reminded everyone not to think that those who died were worse sinners compared to others. "Is that why they suffered? Not at all! And you will perish, too, unless you repent of your sins and turn to God," said Jesus (v.2-3). He insisted that the same attitude should also be applied for the case where some people died because the tower of Siloam fell on them. It was not because they sinned more than other people.

Let's think of our lives, start counting our blessings and have a deep self-assessment. We need to repent from any rebellions we might have towards God and other people such as our close family etc. Why? Because maybe God has given us chances after chances. Lord Jesus told a story of a fig tree owner who could not find any fruit from the tree despite many years it had taken some space in his garden. He wanted to cut it down. But the gardener pleaded with the owner to give the tree one more chance. He said he would take care of it more and give it more fertilizer. If that also didn't work, then the owner was allowed to cut it as his wish.

Dear brothers and sisters, the Gardener is our Lord Jesus Christ. He does everything for us even died to redeem our souls from the wrath of God, and right now He is the Mediator on behalf of us to God the Father (Hebrew 7:25). He keeps working on us. Are we growing more and more in Christ? Or are we just comfortable being served at church without any significant changes of our bad behaviours, and yet no intention to know God in more personal way? 

We have read the very strong warning about repentance. It is actually an invitation to protect us. Let's use the chance we have carefully to be more fruitful for the glory of God. Amen.

Reflection on Luke 13:1-9 by Desire Litaay

(Listen to podcast here)

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