Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Fugite Fornicationem | Sexual Immorality

“Flee from sexual immorality…” - 1 Cor 6:18.

Each of us has our own favorite activities. It could be watching movies, or shopping, or exercising, or even eating – being a food lover. Apostle Paul said that even though we are allowed to do something, it doesn’t mean it is good for us; that we must not become a slave to anything, even though we are allowed to do it (Verse 12).  It is true that food was made for the stomach, and the stomach for food – but someday God will destroy both (Verse 13). They are not eternal and will vanish. 

This passage then talks more and deeper concerning sexual immorality i.e. prostitution. We know that humans’ bodies are created with sexual parts for certain purposes as needed. But Apostle Paul said, that our bodies were made for the Lord, He cares about our bodies (Verse 13) and these bodies are actually parts of Christ (Verse 15). 

It is important to notice how Paul explains the oneness we will become with the person we commit a prostitution. It is not merely to fulfil a sexual need. A Christian is a temple of the Holy Spirit – God is in us. To whom we are united sexually will result in joining the Lord’s Spirit and Christ parts to that person (Verse 16-17, 19). Whereas joining someone’s body intimately to a prostitute definitely is a sin not only to God but to our own body (Verse 18). I think it applies also in any intimate unions, not only with a prostitute, which do not honor God inside us.
It’s different with a marriage which is made to glorify God in a godly union. It has a noble purpose. However, Apostle Paul says in different occasion, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” We need to look at any unions in a profound way. Especially for an intimate union, it involves light and darkness. Darkness will take us away from God. 

Just because we have sexual organs as parts of our own body, it doesn’t mean we have the right to use it in our own selfish way. Our bodies are not for sexual immorality (Verse 13). We must honor God with our bodies because these bodies do not belong to us anymore – as God bought us with a high price (Verse 20). Let’s not become a slave of our own will, moreover let’s run and stay away from sexual sin (Verse 18). May God help us all. Amen.

Reflection on 1 Cor 6:12-20 by Desire Litaay 

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