Thursday, July 16, 2020

Venite ad me (Mt. 11:28)

When we are sick, we need to rest. After work, we want to relax. It's obvious and natural. We know this process very well. However, we sometimes forget that not only our body can be exhausted but also our soul. We pay attention and check the temperature of our body. But how to take care of our soul? How to know that our inner part is in need?
Jesus invites us to come to him and wants to help us. For sure we cannot live without him. Moreover, we are not able to understand ourselves without Christ properly. For that reason, we ought to be close to Jesus. We often labour and are overburdened. We look for the rest in the Holy Spirit. 
And Jesus does not teach us that we should give up. He does not tell us lies. On the contrary, he says: "Take your cross and follow me. Yes, you can. I will give you strength. On your own, you will probably fall down. But if you become humble and gentle in your heart, you will find rest for your soul".
When your soul is similar to Jesus' soul, you are the strongest. Your power does not come from you, but from your heavenly Father. From this moment, everything happens to be easy. 
You are a child of God. The beloved child who is always in God's hands. You are never alone. Jesus Christ lives in you and the Holy Spirit abides in you. So you are to praise the Lord, Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Only in him you will find resting place for your whole being - for your body and your soul. 

By Fr. Jozef Trzebuniak SVD. 

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