Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Mulier, quid ploras? (Jn. 20:13)

Every July 22nd, Catholic Church universally celebrates the feast of St. Mary Magdalene, the disciple of the Lord. Jesus had cast out seven demons from her and she was among the last who accompanied Jesus until the end of crucifixion. God also gave the great blessing for her, she was chosen to be the first witness to our Lord’s resurrection and the first missionary of the Good News.
We can raise a question here, why did Mary get such a great blessing? I can say that Mary Magdalene got this great blessing because her love for Jesus was so great and deep. And because of her great love, she could recognize Jesus when Jesus called her at the tomb. Her love made her able to see the presence of the Lord.
We can ask ourselves, how intense is my love for Jesus? We should ask this question because as disciples of Jesus we are often not aware of the Lord’s presence in our lives. We only realize His presence and believe in Him after experiencing His mercy and His great love. We should be ashamed of this wrong deed and asking for the Lord’s forgiveness because he always loves us but we don’t show our identity as His real disciples.  Now, we have to follow a good example of St. Mary Magdalene to love God with all our hearts. With great love for God, we will always see His presence and recognize His great blessing for us. God is always with us and never leaves us alone.

By Fr. Risco Batbual, SVD.

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