Monday, July 20, 2020

Signum videre (Mt. 12:38)

The Gospel portrays an encounter between the religious leaders and Jesus.  They want a sign as proof that Jesus truly is the Messiah.  Jesus tells them that the only sign they will be given will be His own rising three days after His death.  He implies that those who are open to the message of GOD will not need such a sign for they will have heard Jesus’ message and responded accordingly. 
I am reminded today that I am a sinner and also a holy person.  I have fallen short of being on target with the Lord Jesus. I have sinned. There is nothing I can do to make up for my sinfulness.  Forgiveness is a gift from GOD.  I cannot earn that gift.  I can ask for it, but I cannot do anything to make up for my sinfulness.  I can believe the words which Jesus spoke about GOD’s forgiveness, especially flowing from Jesus’ great sign of His death and resurrection.  Once I have been touched by the promises of salvation coming from the merciful and forgiving love of the Lord Jesus, I can only respond by living a more upright life.  I should want to live a righteous life, not because that will make up for my sinfulness, but because it shows that I have accepted the gift of GOD’s forgiveness and I want to be in relationship with the forgiving Lord Jesus.  I have been sinful, but I have been justified by a loving GOD through the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. 
We are invited to follow Jesus wherever He leads us. We should serve Him by being of service to His disciples. We have been given the sign of the saving power of GOD as we reflect on the death and the rising of Jesus.  Thus we should respond by doing right, loving Goodness, and walking humbly with our GOD. 
The personal question/action for today:  Am I like the religious leaders in the Gospel, asking for a sign from GOD?  Which aspect of triple request do I find most difficult to practice:  To do right (act justly); to love GOoDness (love tenderly), or walk humbly with GOD?  What can I do today to be more attentive to that particular aspect of my life with GOD?  How can I demonstrate to others the importance of acting justly, loving tenderly, and walking humbly with GOD?

By Sr. Mary, CM.

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