Friday, May 12, 2017

Ubi sum ego (J 14:3)

Goodbyes are painful for us human beings because we have a tendency to get attached emotionally to family members, relatives, friends, communities, certain places, etc. Jesus knew the reality of his disciples and so he prepares them with utmost care and kindness for a separation from him! "Do not be troubled, trust in me". He prepares them not only for a physical separation but also for a new way of being and relation with him! Hence, the words, "where I am, you also may be" which the disciples could not comprehend at first.  Jesus wanted them to know that the stronger relationship is possible even when one is not physically present. Jesus never abandons his chosen ones but always opens the new avenues to explore even at every twists and turns!
How many of us have not shed tears when faced with physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual separation caused by death, distance or life events? Although they bring moments of crisis, one can find in them a new beginning. Further, a new way of relating and breaking through the ties of human limitations.
It is good to know that Jesus Christ is with us here and now in the Spirit! That invites us to be present to the very moment, in a heightened state of alertness and to find the new earth and heaven among us! The unity with God and with others happens in the true love, care and compassion. Let us strive to be where he is now and align ourselves with his great plan with the least resistance from our side. Let us never regret but welcome moments of crisis, turmoil, separation, etc of the past and present because that is where God takes initiative to prepare us for the new heaven (by s. Jessy Paul SSpS).

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