Monday, May 29, 2017

Nunc scimus (Jn 16:30)

We usually have many doubts and questions towards God. We would like to ask him about our past and future. We even are not sure about the here and now. For that reason we are to spend more time on the contemplative prayer. For while we sit in silence, we recognize that all these troubles disappear from our mind. We also start to believe that our God is omnipotent and we do not have to worry too much. 
The Son of God tells us that the most dangerous is leaving God and living on your own with your problems. Since Satan wants us to be scattered and shut in depression. But Jesus assures that we are never alone because our Father is always with us. Knowing this fact we have inner peace in spite of troubles and difficulties. Moreover, in the Spirit of Christ we take courage and overcome everything.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Gaudium vestrum (Jn 16:22)

The saints and sages often hear their hearts throbbing with joy, a joy that overwhelms and lasts! What about us, the ordinary imperfect human beings? I believe, there is fleeing moments of joy in every one’s life however messy it may seem to be. For instance, we witness gushing of such deep joy  while gazing at a new born and listens to its first cry or when we share the silent and profound presence of a loved one. We feel the stirrings of joy, when we bathe ourselves in the golden rays of a sun set or when we cast our eyes into the deep blue waters and the skies.  Joy beacons us when we feel soaked by the unconditional love of God during moments of prayer and solitude, when we wonder at the miracle of blooming smile on a dear one’s face or when we sustain a narrow escape from a life and death situation. We are to understand that these are passing moments and do not give lasting joy. Because here our joy depends on what happens outside of us. Obviously, these luring moments can impel one to abandon oneself into the great ocean of joy which God offers. That means we need to contemplate on these little joys that occur at the level of our senses with a liberated mind, leading to a joy that is beyond the senses. The real joy cannot come from outside sources but it emanates from our consciousness, our being, where we are united with the Holy Spirit.
This is the kind of joy that Jesus offers us today as He says, “Your heart will rejoice and no one will take your joy from you”. He invites us to the joy of having His Spirit within. The Holy Spirit graces us with all what we need in order to pass through our earthly pilgrimage. The Spirit unites all the scattered elements of our life to a whole factor in time and space. Such birthing moments may initially seem to be painful but eventually turns into moments of joy. Consequently, we claim our identity as the beloved of God. We just need to be receptive and say, “I don’t judge anything but I let things happen in the power of Jesus’ Spirit in my life, here and now” (by s. Jessy Paul SSpS).

Saturday, May 20, 2017

In dilectione mea (Jn 15:10)

The earnest desire of God for every human being is expressed in the most precious words: “Remain  in my Love”. This invitation impels one to establish a personal relationship with God at first on the solid foundation. So not only falling in love with Jesus is sufficient but also one needs to find ways to sustain that love at any cost. Different stages of the interpersonal relationship throw light on the benefits and pitfall while two individuals desire to live and love each other. Eventually what keeps them bonded even when life goes tough is not the initial attraction but the decision to love one another despite of the personal limitations. There love becomes a gratuitous gift and the partners need not to earn love but just to receive and share it. 
Truly God loves us unconditionally and his love is beyond any comparison. To help us remain in love we accept commandments, take vows, make promises or sign into marriage contracts according to the way of our life. However, we need to remind ourselves that these should not become ends but they are just means for us to reach God. According to Jesus, love of God and love of neighbour are equal and complement each other. One should come to the awareness that we cannot please God and earn his love by reciting prayers, doing charity or taking on many religious rituals. We are loved from eternity as children of God and for that reason we don’t have to earn this love. Prayers and observance of commandments do not please God extra but help us remain in his love. Once we know the breadth and depth of God’s love, we just abandon ourselves in that universal flow. Our joy is complete only when we become one with the divine love (by s. Jessy Paul SSpS).

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Fructum plus (Jn 15:2)

We are all in Christ. For that reason, we are called to bear good fruit. However, we sometimes forget about our vocation and behave in the wrong way. So Jesus again and again reminds us that we need to remain in him not to be lost. He speaks to our heart gently and wants us to be obedient to his voice. 
The Good News is all about the communion with Christ. As human beings we are to feel his love towards us in every moment of our life. Since there is no happiness in loneliness. Without his divine love we are not able to survive in the difficulties or daily troubles. Without this kind of love we wither spiritually and lose the sense of life. Without being in love with Jesus, we fall into fire of the earthly desires. 
Overall, we are supposed to remain in the God's love and to keep his words in our hearts. If we love Christ wholeheartedly, we can be sure that everything will be fine. For he will never let us be alone. On the contrary, he will lead us to the eternal happiness in the kingdom of heaven. 

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Pater in me (Jn 14:11)

Knowing Jesus is crutial in the spiritual life. Although, it takes the whole life and does not finish on earth, the Christians are to understand Christ more and more. Friendship with the Son of God often starts from discovering the beauty in the created nature. It can also begins in the church when a believer attends the well-prepared liturgy and hears the Christian music. 
Interesting fact is that such an encounter with Jesus leads to the deeper undestanding. If you experienced the kindness of Christ, you want to know him better and better. If you listened to him, you love to spend time with him again. Normally, being with Jesus is such a pleasant experience that you do not care about the time. During it you feel Christ in your soul and find yourself in Christ. 
Consequently, you start to talk like Jesus, think like him and behave in his way. Furthermore, you do not do anything, but Jesus does everything in you. Also you are sure of his divine presence and your brothers and sisters become aware that Christ lives in you too.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Ubi sum ego (J 14:3)

Goodbyes are painful for us human beings because we have a tendency to get attached emotionally to family members, relatives, friends, communities, certain places, etc. Jesus knew the reality of his disciples and so he prepares them with utmost care and kindness for a separation from him! "Do not be troubled, trust in me". He prepares them not only for a physical separation but also for a new way of being and relation with him! Hence, the words, "where I am, you also may be" which the disciples could not comprehend at first.  Jesus wanted them to know that the stronger relationship is possible even when one is not physically present. Jesus never abandons his chosen ones but always opens the new avenues to explore even at every twists and turns!
How many of us have not shed tears when faced with physical, emotional, psychological or spiritual separation caused by death, distance or life events? Although they bring moments of crisis, one can find in them a new beginning. Further, a new way of relating and breaking through the ties of human limitations.
It is good to know that Jesus Christ is with us here and now in the Spirit! That invites us to be present to the very moment, in a heightened state of alertness and to find the new earth and heaven among us! The unity with God and with others happens in the true love, care and compassion. Let us strive to be where he is now and align ourselves with his great plan with the least resistance from our side. Let us never regret but welcome moments of crisis, turmoil, separation, etc of the past and present because that is where God takes initiative to prepare us for the new heaven (by s. Jessy Paul SSpS).

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Via et veritas et vita (Jn 14:6)

The uniqueness of the way means that it is always open and freely accommodates all those who pass by expecting nothing but leading to an intended destination. When Jesus says that He is the way, He lays himself for us to walk on through Him to God who is our final destination. One may find cross roads, winding roads, narrow roads, desert roads, steep roads, high ways, etc. if chosen to make a larger itinerary. So also in our life, it is inevitable that we prepare ourselves to stroll through all kinds of pathways the life has in store for us. Jesus too never had a smooth ride but often had to choose the rough and less travelled roads in order to reach his life goal. May the attitude, courage and daring spirit of Jesus be the provision on our way.
 Jesus is convinced of the fact that He is the truth and the God himself. The truth can never be hidden but to be revealed. The truth always sets us free, be it about oneself, others or events that take place mysteriously. Jesus was an open book before His Abba, disciples and people around. He never stopped himself from telling the truth about his own existence and purpose. Our human nature at times puts us in a cautious mode, to prevent intrusion into our personal space. We may be also worried what others would think about us if they saw us just the way we are! The journey to the self involves risk, patience and determination but it brings the hard laboured fruit of liberation.  Jesus invites us to trust Him and our earthly mentors in order to help us see our own selves truly in the light of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is our life here and now and He is our life after too. It is wonderful to know that He constitutes our life and all about us. He is risen overpowering death; hence, we have life with Him and through Him. The Kingdom - the new earth and heaven - is here and we have access to it. There lies a wakeup call to rise to the knowledge that He is the way, truth and life. Let us dive into those spiritual realms letting this knowledge to be personified in our lives (by Jessy Paul SSpS).