Sunday, January 15, 2023

Nescimus | Not know

"We do not know" — Mat 21:27.

Phoro by Robin Higgins on Pixabay

The center of communication is dialogue. So Jesus chooses this simple form to communicate with his listeners. He asks many questions to make them think more. Jesus wants them to respond in truth. He does not need only the answers but also the deeds which follow them. And here the problem arises. Because even if we know the right answers, we prefer to keep silent. Since we are not ready to change our minds and believe Jesus completely (v. 32).

The same happens in any dialogue between humans. We exactly know the truth about ourselves. But we are not able to change our attitude. We are too weak to admit that we are fragile. Jesus does not need heroes who never make mistakes. He only wants us to be humble and honest. 

The same is necessary for any relationship. The parable of the two sons shows us a person who has two children in his house. Actually, these two sons symbolize two different attitudes. It happens that the human being wants and does not want to do something at the same time. Or in other words, they can and cannot do something. It is the true nature of human beings. There is a divine part and a human part in each of us. 

We can fear the fact about our human nature. Like bad tenants we can do awful things and hurt one another. We even can kill people with painful words and actions. But God the Father never gives up on us. He sends his Son again and again because he believes in our goodness and conversion. The merciful Lord can change the stone of our hearts into a wonderful miracle in our eyes (v. 42). We are capable of producing good fruit in the kingdom of God. But we cannot be afraid of the authority of God over us. May Jesus Christ be the Lord of our weaknesses and problems. 

Reflection on Matthew 21:23-46 by Józef Trzebuniak 
(Listen to the Podcast here)

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