Tuesday, January 10, 2023

In oratione | In prayer

"Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive." — Mat 21:22 

Dear friends in Christ Jesus, this is a promise that Jesus is making to his disciples when they wonder at the actions or miracles performed by their master and Lord. God is always generous in giving to his children from his abundance. There is nothing that is impossible with God and there is nothing that he can't give. But along with this promise of giving he puts a condition that we should ask him in prayer with faith. It sounds like a very small and simple condition to follow but it is not so. We have asked many things to God in our lives and we have received certain things or graces and a few may not be.

In my life the experience I have is that God is so merciful and he grants me the graces even without asking. I try to live a life pleasing to God by loving him. When you love someone you will surely do the things that person asks you. So I also try to do the same by trying to live a holy life by following the Word of God. Of course it is not easy. By myself it is not possible but by  God on my side it is possible. I am sure that God will give me the graces to fulfill his will. 

When I live this life in this way I gain confidence that Jesus loves me. I always experience it. This confidence that I gain through my life experiences always comes along with a price, which means the kind of sacrifices I make in my life to please Jesus. I forgo many of my desires and wishes which are earthly to gain the heavenly kingdom.

In my prayer with Jesus I try not to ask for material gifts. Rather I ask him to increase my faith, give the grace to understand the depth of scriptures, reveal to me the mysteries of his life, give the grace to fulfill his will in my life, give wisdom and strengthen me with the Holy Spirit. Jesus does grant me many of my requests. It is also a fact that along with these spiritual gifts he also grants me material gifts even though I don't ask for it. Just like Solomon, who asked for wisdom but God gave him from his abundance not just wisdom but everything. Jesus, we ask you only one thing and that is, please increase our faith.


Reflection on Matthew 21: 1-22 by Fr. George Joseph SVD

(Listen to the Podcast here)

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