Saturday, January 14, 2023

Pauci electi | Few chosen

"For many are called, but few chosen." — Mat 22:14 

Photo by Pablo Lancaster Jones on Unsplash

Reflection on "The parable of the wedding feast" - Matthew 22:1-15. Matthew chapter 22 is a continuation of Christ's teachings in the temple. This is the third parable to the Jews in the temple. It is also the 43rd parable in the gospel of Matthew.

In this parable, we see that two invitations were sent out to those who were invited. One invite in advance, and then another when all preparations were ready for the feast. We read about similar situations where there were two invitations in the Holy Scriptures: Esther 5:8; Esther 6:14; and Luke 14: 16-17.

From this parable it is very clear, those who were invited did not want to attend the feast. In fact, they did not take it up seriously at all. Verse 5 says, "But they made light of it, and went their ways, one to his own farm, another to his merchandise."

In this parable we can see how the gospel is often disregarded and ignored. We are also reminded of the many excuses people have, not to accept the invitation. Farmers and merchants are busy people according to this parable. This is still the situation today in our modern society.  This sad situation is something I see all around me - people not taking the invitation to accept God's feast seriously. Worldly matters get priority in many people's lives. The main lesson to take here: worldly cares must not come between us and Christ.

In this parable, the King had to invite other guests now that the invites were rejected. Something unusual happens next. The servants had to gather good and bad people from the highways for this wonderful feast. People were invited regardless of their social position. The Kingdom of Heaven is open to everyone who accepts Jesus Christ as their Saviour.  This is the message we must carry out to the world around us.

"But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man who didn't have on wedding clothing." (v.11). The king scrutinized the hall and saw a man who came to the feast, and yet refused to follow the rules which related to that feast.  There are many opinions on what the wedding clothing represents. According to Charles Spurgeon, the wedding clothing/garment represents anything which the heart is not willing to accept what the King asks of us. Hence, self-will and not obedience.

It is of vital importance that we must make sure we are wearing the correct clothing for the wedding feast and be obedient to what the King asks of us.  Because ''many are called, but few chosen."


I cannot come:



Dake's Annotated Reference Bible

Pulpit Commentary

Reflection on Matthew 22:1-15 by Hanne Teach 
(Listen to the Podcast here)

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