Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Pax Nostra | Our Peace

“For He is our peace, he who made both one and broke down the dividing wall of enmity, through his flesh” - Ephesians 2:14.


First of all, St. Paul wanted to remind us that the Gentiles lacked Israel’s messianic expectation, lacked the covenants God made with Israel, lacked the hope of salvation and knowledge of the true God. But through Christ, all these religious barriers between Jews and Gentiles had been transcended by the abolition of the mosaic covenant-law, for the sake of uniting Jews and Gentiles into a single religious community – who was imbued with the same Holy Spirit and worshiping the same Father. The Gentiles are now included in God's household. It arises upon the foundation of the Apostles, assisted by those endowed with the prophetic gifts, the preachers of Christ, and with Christ as the capstone.

It is a proof that God united all mankind through his Son who came into the world to bear witness that only in him we found peace and joy. It is the peace that the world cannot offer.

Being a follower of Christ is not easy. It means that we must be bold to testify when spreading the peace. We must be able to bring peace instead of division. Sometimes, we are insulted, ridiculed, ostracized. However, we must never retaliate - not because we're scared, but all we want is tolerance and peace with everyone.

Let us be witnesses of peace by praying for one another, strengthening and sustaining one another. The sign of people who can bring peace is those who are able to make peace with themselves and with their past. A person who is always at peace will always rejoice, be generous, be patient, be forgiving, accept others for who they are and even give his life for others.



Reflection on Ephesians 2:11-22 by Sr. M. Venidora, SND.

(Listen to the Podcast here)

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