Thursday, December 22, 2022

Sicut Parvulus | Like this Child

"Who makes himself as little as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven" — Mat 18:4 (NJB). 

Photo of Pexels from Pixabay

Christmas is about Child Jesus who was born in Bethlehem. Mathew the Evangelist explains more about this little Child. First of all, he shows us that Jesus humbled himself and was born as a small baby in the manger (Mat 1:18). In this way, we learn a very important lesson on how to forget about ourselves. Although Jesus was an almighty God, he became a child and lived among us. Even blessed Mary and Joseph wondered why he chose such a humble status. But he did and showed us who was the greatest in the kingdom of God.

Then Mathew writes us more about the dignity of all children. "The little ones have their own angels in heaven who always look upon the face of heavenly Father" (v. 10). The face of Child Jesus was turned towards the heavens because there was his heavenly throne. When a baby is born, they also look up into the sky. We adults stop doing so because we focus on material things more than the spiritual realm. Thus, we become more and more involved in this world and sadder and sadder.

During Christmas time we are to change our perspective. We cannot forget about our reality and duties, but we can reflect more about our heavenly home. Our Father does not want us to lose any of our dreams from our childhood. But God the Father makes our dreams come true. He is a faithful Father who never abandons his beloved ones. The Son of God also teaches us about his Father who handles all humanity.

We cannot forget about the fact that we were born as little ones as well. So the Child Jesus lives in our souls even if we get older and older. Let us discover our dignity as beloved children who see their heavenly Father. Let us keep our dreams in our hearts. Let us live with holy angels who always support us on the path to the heavenly kingdom.

Reflection on Mathew 18:1-18 by Fr. Józef Trzebuniak SVD.

(Listen to the Podcast here)


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