Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Pro temet ipso | For himself

"Then Agrippa said to Paul, 'You have permission to speak for yourself.'" — Acts 26:1 (NIV)

Dear brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, 

In todays passage we listen to the defense of St. Paul in front of King Agrippa. St. Paul claims that he is a born Jew and a strict follower of religion and a Pharisee. He also tells that he was part of the persecutions against Christians. The king Agrippa and audience is listening patiently to the defense of St. Paul. When I was reflecting on this passage I got few reflections.

You may not be accepted by your own people even if you are doing good sometimes. In the case of St. Paul it is the Jewish people who wanted to get him killed. Another reflection is from the side of St. Paul that once you know the truth and your mission in life or your calling in life then nothing can stop you. For this mission you are willing to go to any extreme even to the extent of sacrificing your life like St. Paul.  Sometimes when you do your mission which is according to the will of God you may be left alone or may feel lonely. There won't be others to defend you. You will have to make your own defense. 

Even if you feel lonely or left alone make sure that you always lean on to the most sacred heart of Mother Mary and she will for sure lead you to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This is my experience in life. The Sacred Heart of Jesus is the place of solace at the same time you can draw all your energy from there. The Heart of Jesus is filled with love and mercy. St. Paul had placed himself in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. St. Paul was able to say even if I die it is a gain for me so that he can meet Jesus soon in Heaven. Nothing can separate us from the love of God. Amen. 

Reflection on Acts 26:1-11 by Fr. George Joseph SVD
(Listen to the Podcast here)

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