Sunday, February 2, 2020

Semen Abrahae (Heb 2:16)

You are born as a child of God. What a great dignity and honor. As a result, you belong to the Christian family. Christ lives in you as well as in your brothers and sisters. Thus you are interconnected with them in the holy communion. 
You can be weak and sinful. But Jesus Christ who lives in you makes you holy and strong. He takes away all the power of the evil spirit and sanctifies you. You do not need to fear because of your past. You do not have to worry about your future. For you are a child of God. Jesus Christ who has the power even over the death sets you free. 
Obviously, you are not an angel. You make mistakes and commit sins. Actually, it is common for all human beings. Nevertheless, your heavenly Father loves you more and more. You should be proud as a part of the family of believers.   
Your faith can be strong like the faith of Abraham. In addition, you are able to follow the example of the Son of God - Jesus Christ. Like him you also must be a compassionate and trustworthy person. 
Stay in communion with all your brothers and sisters. If temptations and troubles appear, come closer to Jesus. If you feel lonely and abandoned, embrace Jesus with all your strength. If other people hurt you, respond with love and patience. 
As a beloved child of God, you can overcome all kinds of difficulties. Furthermore, you ought to become a messanger of divine love towards the world. Since Jesus Christ abides in you and makes you capable of preaching the Good News. He purifies you from your weaknesses and sins for the holy offering to God the Father. So allow him make miracle in your life.  

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